Topic: Women tired of our “games” | |
i think men learned i from women. i mean we use to just hit them over the head with clubs and say 'your my girlfriend!' ahhhh the old days! pretty soon the girls started asking if her loin cloth made her look fat. historically women use sex and looks as a weapon men use money and prestige. That being said, im a firm believer that atleast 70% of all the games that are played arn't done intentionally at first. They are done by flakes, or flirty people and misunderstanding. flakes don't stop when they realize they are doing it, because they are either to scared, enjoying getting what they want, or just don't care. Flakes and flirty people can be found with both sex's. Flirty people though will usually be honest when you ask. Flakes always hide behind something. smart young man there ![]() Actually i'm really stupid...i take back everything i said. Women are stupidheads! grrr you wern't suppose to see that side of me! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Unique, you're *uckin hilarious bro! ![]() |
i think men learned i from women. i mean we use to just hit them over the head with clubs and say 'your my girlfriend!' ahhhh the old days! pretty soon the girls started asking if her loin cloth made her look fat. historically women use sex and looks as a weapon men use money and prestige. That being said, im a firm believer that atleast 70% of all the games that are played arn't done intentionally at first. They are done by flakes, or flirty people and misunderstanding. flakes don't stop when they realize they are doing it, because they are either to scared, enjoying getting what they want, or just don't care. Flakes and flirty people can be found with both sex's. Flirty people though will usually be honest when you ask. Flakes always hide behind something. smart young man there ![]() Actually i'm really stupid...i take back everything i said. Women are stupidheads! grrr you wern't suppose to see that side of me! |
pretty much common sense eh unique? where oh where did common sense go to these days?
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pretty much common sense eh unique? where oh where did common sense go to these days? ![]() common sense went out the window when stores catering to 14 year olds dressing like whores started becoming popular. then of course, the parents are always wondering how the hell their barely teenage child is either pregnant, or got someone pregnant i blame television, and hollywood and ummmmmmmmmmm Sri Lanka........? *yeah, i dunno about that last part, i just needed to blame someone, and that was the most obscure country i could think of! ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 06/29/08 04:40 PM
Holy moley!!
I was at the outlets with my friend the other night and these two BARELY teenagers were dressed like they were on their way to their corners! The one had high heels on and short shorts that went right underneath her ass cheeks and a halter. The other one wore short shorts and a spagetti strap shirt that revealed her stomach. If my kids EVER dresses like that at that age, I'm going to lock them in their room until they're thirty. |
Edited by
Sun 06/29/08 04:54 PM
Iam a very honest man infact iam more desent then most i dont drink or take drugs or get in to trouble but still i end up getting women who say there interested in me and after a couple day they no longer talk to me it's like wtf is going on here.
I feel for the op i do i been there i know what it's like to have your hopes up and then have it crushed it's not a good feeling at all. I think some women do it out of fun or because there loney or do it for attention. Or perhaps they want a free meal and a movie and after thats done they dont talk to u any more i mean god what ever happen to the old days where a women was happy to be loved and cared for now most of the time it's either there to busy or it's a money thing i myself had a few like that one night out for a dinner and thats it to the next guy they go to. Iam not putting the whole female race down at and iam sure theres a few out there who are real but come on stop with the games people it's not just the mine your playing with its the amotions as well. I had women in my past who where interested but never had the time for it then i would ask them out strait then how can you get to know some one if u dont have the time common sense stuff or put it in there profile long tearm but dont seem to make a connection. I dont know any more i think this and i tell a lot of women they complain about tring to find a desent man but cant seem to find them but end up with loosers i wonder why because us good men always finish last now days its over money,homes.ect but no one ever seems to see whats in the heart how does she know if she dont give a desent guy a chance. That blows my mind but op i been there i understand where your comming at. |
"a bat of the eyelashes and a flash of a great smile will get pretty much any man you are with to do almost anything for you."
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pretty much common sense eh unique? where oh where did common sense go to these days? ![]() As my Grandpa used to say "The most uncommon sense is common sence" Very true. |
I have to say.... I may have sounded rude on here... as reading back and didnt really mean too... i guess i do that a lot... when i try to make one see what it sounds like to others.... ps... feel free to do that to me too
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wait!!!! and i publically appoligise geesh that is what i was trying to do!
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Edited by
Sun 06/29/08 06:24 PM
someone please smack me upside the head?
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I sign onto myspace today for the 1st time in over a month, and I see no less than 4 different bulletins from female friends of mine saying that “all guys are assholes, all they do is play games, why can’t I find a good guy, ect” The problem here ladies, is that the good guys almost always end up getting screwed over, and are insanely wary of relationships. I sure as hell know I am. We aren’t the only ones that play games, hell, I’m one of the nice ones, and have NEVER played any sort of game when it comes to relationships. I’ve always been with that girl 100% for however long we are together. The problem is: women play the game just as badly as men do. Hell, women have the best game there is. I have seen it tons of times before, and I have had it happen to me plenty (ESPECIALLY with my last relationship). 9 times out of 10, a bat of the eyelashes and a flash of a great smile will get pretty much any man you are with to do almost anything for you. I did, and I ended up blowing thousands during the course of the relationship, only to be kicked to the curb like the opening scene of American History X, after finding out that she had been cheating on me the ENTIRE time we were together. You wonder where all the good men are ladies? They’re right in front of you, just don’t *uck with their heads. ![]() Ok, this rant might have worked for some more than others, but mostly I’m just pissed at the before mentioned situation and needed to vent a bit. I couldn't have put it any better myself. |
wow well believe it or not i agree with you, women have gone on forever always blaming the man...well i will tell you one thing women can be just as bad if not worse at playing head games...i know i am a women and saying this but its women like that that give us good ones a bad name. Its nice that you will agree! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Both groups play games and it's up to us to find out what is real and what is not.
I agree, it's up to us to figure it out, but, it would be much simpler if everyone (male and female) would just be honest. I think we all have a little fear inside, and rightly so. Most have been through a bad relationship or loss of a spouse
just kidding
I am not tired of the "games" just bored with lack of imagination ![]() |