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Topic: I got a call
DestinysDream's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:21 AM
It sounds like he has a ways to go but well on his way compared to before. You were right about him being a fighter. Take care!flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:36 AM
Awww good to hear he is doing so well. I'm sure he will adjust better then you will even think they do seem to adapt well in such conditions.

flowers Give Chuy a whittle hug:thumbsup:

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:40 AM

Awww good to hear he is doing so well. I'm sure he will adjust better then you will even think they do seem to adapt well in such conditions.

flowers Give Chuy a whittle hug:thumbsup:

He gets more than a little hug...he gets all of me. He is such an awesome little guy. If you only knew. I hold him and comfort him and talk to him. I ask him to please get better.
He has all these little tricks he taught himself. He is a riot and such a love. I want him to be able to run and play with his toys again. He loves to play games.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:17 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sat 07/05/08 01:18 PM
I forgot to post here yesterday. I saw Chuy then and we had a long time together. We walked and sat for awhile. He pooped for me outside...yea!!!happy

Today: Sunday, repost from religion.

Sat 07/05/08 01:12 PM
I saw Chuy today.:heart: I walked him a little and he tried to eat his own food from home. It seems he needs to relearn to eat dry food at this time. But try he did. He even ate some. He tried treats too.
He seemed to tire easily today. I found out later that Doc had already walked him some this morning. He pee pee'd for me this morning.happy Atta boy Chuy.

Doc said he used a light on Chuy's eye this morning...said he saw the pupil enlarge . He says that is promising.love :heart: I say it is a blessing. He was still a little wobbly and having a hard time standing straight by himself. Doc says it will take a while to come back. He says he is getting better by the day as far as he can tell.

He is going to need a lot of rehabilitaion there and at home. He says he will fix me up with a cage type temporay housing to keep him safe until he returns to a much more normal state.

I got there too late to be the one to give him his meds.

I continue to pray to God in the name of Jesus, to keep his healing light and love on Chuy.


michiganman3's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:23 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Sat 07/05/08 01:24 PM
I know this sounds silly..........
But as a nurse,I know that you usually have to be able to poop and take a leak on your own before you can go home from the hospital after being real sick or surgery. So its looking real good for Chuy.
Prayers and Good thoughts for the both of you

DestinysDream's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:26 PM
Sounding very promising now. Good for you both! flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:37 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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