Topic: do you punish your kids if | |
they get a grade of a c on the report card
my parents never did when i was in school but now i hear that parents actually ground there kid if there not getting A's and B's and the worst ive heard is the kid has to get straight A's or there grounded honestly i think thats wrong |
somebody has to do something the "dumb" kids are driving the schools down
my parents did. if i didint have all a or b then i was grounded..
then again the only class where i ever got a c was spanish class... |
As long as the child is trying why would I get mad at them? If they fail I am not going to punish them, I will take it as that subject is not there strong one, and try to work with them on it.
i mean when i was younger i tried i just couldnt make the grades
and my parents expected that when i was in school turns out i got A's and B's but i know some kids were like i cant show my parent the report card i got a C maybe just because my parents were layed back im sure not gonna punish my kid for being average |
i ground my kids
just because |
i ground my kids just because ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ssssshhh my kids never got grounded.
As far as grades I felt as long as they were doing the best they could I was happy. My Daughter made straight A's from pre-k to Senior, Honor Roll Student and was in the Gifted and Talented classes from 5th -12th. My son well he was in Speech classes before he hit pre-k was listed ADHD. Always had a hard time in Comprehension he could read something and it was out the door by the time he finished. Wanted to give up in High School. But............he graduated regardless he did give his all. Regardless no two children are alike my two were like night and day from each other. Did it make me love them any different no. Nor did I try to push more on them then they could handle. Now my daughter is in her last few months of College and my son works for Halliburton Gas Company. It is the love and patience you give them that determines it in the end! ![]() |
As long as I know my child is putting forth the effort to learn, no punishment. I really believe that not all kids get all subjects. On top of that, it's been my experience that a child learns when ready and mature enough. Sometimes what they didn't get one year is a snap the next or so.
yea i agree with that i didnt punish my kids at first but as time progressed i watched them go from c to i dont have to try too hard thats when i grounded their behinds from their favorite things to do
my parents knew i wasnt the smartest, they just wanted me to try my best,
luck i was good at soccer. ha |
My sister was grounded for a bad grade once...but it did not help a bit.
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I was grounded as a kid. My parents expected my best and if I didn't give it, I got grounded. My kids lose things if they don't do well. My son lost is PS2 for a week because all of a sudden he went from As to Cs. The next report card he had As. Good grades are key to getting into college, especially if you need a scholarship. I am not worried about my kids being in honors, I just expect them to work hard. I work hard in order to make sure they have nice things, so why shouldn't they work hard, too?
they get a grade of a c on the report card my parents never did when i was in school but now i hear that parents actually ground there kid if there not getting A's and B's and the worst ive heard is the kid has to get straight A's or there grounded honestly i think thats wrong No but Id get $50 for every report card with straight A's, minus $5 for each minus. For example... all A's and one A- would be $45, all A's and one B would be $40, 2 B's the rest A's would be $30, etc. |
they get a grade of a c on the report card my parents never did when i was in school but now i hear that parents actually ground there kid if there not getting A's and B's and the worst ive heard is the kid has to get straight A's or there grounded honestly i think thats wrong Studies have shown that children will, on average, meet their parents expectations. If you expect your child to make C's, then your child will make C's. Parents that expect straight A's have kids who will usually make straight A's. Expecting more from your children isn't child abuse, it's preparing them for a world where C students usually end up in dead end jobs. |
Yes I beat them with an electrical cord (NOT)
but saw this article in the news re: mud???? |
somebody has to do something the "dumb" kids are driving the schools down maybe it is the dumb teachers |
As long as I tried my best , which I always did, I never got in trouble for a C. I also believe that if the parents of children that made really bad grades were more involved and actually cared they would do better. My son is only 15 months but I plan on getting involved when he is in school.
As long as I tried my best , which I always did, I never got in trouble for a C. I also believe that if the parents of children that made really bad grades were more involved and actually cared they would do better. My son is only 15 months but I plan on getting involved when he is in school. why wait start now i used a tape measure to taech my kids to count and read numbers just a thought |
I teach him and work with him now on ABC's and all kinds of stuff, especially with words. He's a very smart boy though and VERY observant.