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Topic: ex
yaya28's photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:05 AM
Ok my ex just won't go away. I don't return calls, texts or emails. I've gotten a new phone number. Now he resorts to saying mean things in emails. It's ridiculous. Why are some people that way? Why can't he accept that it's over? It's almost tiring to watch. Just venting :)

no photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:11 AM
want me to talk to him.......i will make him an offer he cant refuse!:wink:

boneyjoe's photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:26 AM
maby he don't want to let th good stuff go

livelife68's photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:41 AM
maybe get a restraining order?

yaya28's photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:53 AM

want me to talk to him.......i will make him an offer he cant refuse!:wink:


yaya28's photo
Thu 06/19/08 03:54 AM
I'm leaning towards the restraining order. I just don't understand the way some people think. If someone didn't want me around anymore I wouldn't embarass myself like that. *sigh* I don't get it

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 06/19/08 05:48 AM

Ok my ex just won't go away. I don't return calls, texts or emails. I've gotten a new phone number. Now he resorts to saying mean things in emails. It's ridiculous. Why are some people that way? Why can't he accept that it's over? It's almost tiring to watch. Just venting :)

NO idea excepting just plain stalkerish .. I had a guy on here do that. And you can't be nice or it encourages more of the same just nicer 'same' ...

I got real freaked out over it personally .. eeeeeeek

Good luck with that flowerforyou

Goofball73's photo
Thu 06/19/08 06:23 AM
Some people just can't admit when things are over, or (in there own minds) they just can't accept it. He says the hurtful things cause it is just a basic response, and for some reason her feels that if he does, then you will call him or go and meet him face to face. As to the "reason" why he can't accept or why he can't move on? Could be one (or more) of a slew of reasons.

-He believes you are HIS girl no matter what happens (needs therapy)
-He just doesn't want to admit that you are gone and he lost you (his own stupidity)
-He has the "stalkerish" tendencies (needs therapy and meds)
-Thinks that by breaking you down you will return to him (never understood this, but I guess the goal is sympathy from you).

There are more reasons. If he persists, then a restraining order should be looked into.

yaya28's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:08 AM
Thanks guys. I'm glad i'm not the only one who's gone thru this. After reading your list goofball, I am checking him off on all of them. He definately needs help and meds, that I've known all along, just didn't know the severity of it. I think I'm going to look into the restraining order, I had that in the back of my mind but I think it's a must.

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 04:02 AM

Ok my ex just won't go away. I don't return calls, texts or emails. I've gotten a new phone number. Now he resorts to saying mean things in emails. It's ridiculous. Why are some people that way? Why can't he accept that it's over? It's almost tiring to watch. Just venting :)

Can you say "restraining order"?:tongue:

May777's photo
Fri 06/20/08 05:16 AM

Thanks guys. I'm glad i'm not the only one who's gone thru this. After reading your list goofball, I am checking him off on all of them. He definately needs help and meds, that I've known all along, just didn't know the severity of it. I think I'm going to look into the restraining order, I had that in the back of my mind but I think it's a must.

You say you ve known that all along, what way has his behaviour lead you to believe this ?

Moondark's photo
Fri 06/20/08 05:19 AM
It possible that he just doesn't believe you realize how much you hurt him and he won't leave it alone until you do. He probably doesn't realize that it's possible you don't care. Or even if ihe does, he may want to make you suffer as much as he feels you have made him suffer.

Just being Devil's Advocate, you know.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 06/20/08 06:30 AM

It possible that he just doesn't believe you realize how much you hurt him and he won't leave it alone until you do. He probably doesn't realize that it's possible you don't care. Or even if ihe does, he may want to make you suffer as much as he feels you have made him suffer.

Just being Devil's Advocate, you know.

This is actually a good point of view.

SometingDifrent's photo
Fri 06/20/08 06:40 AM

It possible that he just doesn't believe you realize how much you hurt him and he won't leave it alone until you do. He probably doesn't realize that it's possible you don't care. Or even if ihe does, he may want to make you suffer as much as he feels you have made him suffer.

Just being Devil's Advocate, you know.

I was going to say something similar. I am curious though, is this an x husband or an x short term boyfriend? Why I ask is that I would take different approaches to an x wife or some freak that I was with for a brief period of time, can you say "fatal attraction". When a long term relationship is severed it is hard for some men to deal with the emotional pain that could bring and the only emotion they feel is manly enough to express is anger. In this case I would try and be understanding and say something like: "I know this hurts you, it hurts me too, but this is something I must do. We have grow apart to the point that I cannot see us continuing any longer. I really need you to stop with all the angry e-mails and such, because all you are doing is scaring me and I will eventually have to file a restraining order against you."

However, with Glen Close I would just file and have the sheriff serve him. Having the sheriff show up with the papers gives credence to them, rather than a private process server. Most sheriffs offer this kind of service free to the local community.

Good luck


beachbum069's photo
Fri 06/20/08 06:58 AM
I say date me and forget about him.flowerforyou

yaya28's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:19 AM
He cheated on me for two years and decided to come clean about ALL of them when I found out about some other lies. So if he feels anger at all, he needs to feel it towards himself. We talked about it when I first broke it off, he had some lame excuse reasons for what he did. Bottom line, he lied so much, trust is lost.

I appreciate the whole devils advocate approach, it really makes me look at all directions. In any relationship it takes 2, so my concluding theory is takes 2 to be in love...he didn't love me but I loved him.....also it takes 2 to cheat...I wasn't included on that either.

Sometimes I guess we have to go thru these things to learn new lessons. I'm very relieved I didn't commit my life to a man who didn't respect or love me. I do hope he finds happiness though, but it won't be with me.

yaya28's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:21 AM

I say date me and forget about him.flowerforyou

laugh sounds like a plan

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:26 AM

Ok my ex just won't go away. I don't return calls, texts or emails. I've gotten a new phone number. Now he resorts to saying mean things in emails. It's ridiculous. Why are some people that way? Why can't he accept that it's over? It's almost tiring to watch. Just venting :)
devil I told you that I will NEVER let you leave me devil


OrangeCat's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:29 AM
aint sure my ex got me fire from my old job,because she wouldnt stop calling.

yaya28's photo
Sat 06/21/08 01:31 AM
That's terrible orange! I had to get a new number because he kept badgering me beyond belief. Maybe we should set um up? laugh

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