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Topic: I need to vent
daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:25 PM
My freakin ex, just crossed the line completely, today. She is going to be lucky if she does not end up in jail with ehr boyfriend.

The day started out (as far as her involvement) with ehr calling to ask if she could visit the kids today, knowing I was planning on leaving for new york tomorrow (I have sole custody). I figured what the hell, le tthe kids see her, no problem.
I get home from picking them up from my parents (I am in process of demolizing my mobile home so didnt wnat them around), and find out she brought her boyfriend to my house, a clear violation of the court orders. I told her she had to leave, and if she didnt I would call the police and have her escorted.
Half an hour later she came back into the park, with her b/f driving at over 40 miles per hour. They damn near ran into a three or four year old, he couldnt control the car in that area at that speed (missed the child by less than a foot). My neighbor confronts him, and threatens to call the police herself if they dont leave. he takes off at even higher speeds (park speed btw is 10 miles an hour), almost hitting the Couty Supervisor who happened to be there. If he had not jumped out of the way, he would have been road kill. The Supervisor called the police, police came out took all our statements, and are now looking for both my ex and her boyfriend.
Oh and as they left, they were going fast enough that the car actually came up off the pavement completely airborne as it hit the speed bumps. All four tires left the ground three times.

This happened approximately 3 hours ago. She had the audacity to call me not even ten minutes ago and try to explain it easnt her fault, and that she had ntohing to do with it, etc.

Needless to say I am postponing my move to new york by a day, and going into court tomorrow, requesting an emergency hearing for the safety of the kids, in order to stop all contact from their mother. This is not the first tiem she has brought her b/f to my house agaisnt court orders, and it isnt the first time someone has been endangered by her actions and his.

Am I wrong for having had enough to the point that I dont want anything at all to do with her or to let her have anything at all to do with the kids?
She is also four months behind on her child support again, because she pawned all her stuff in order to bail her b/f out of jail 6 weeks ago cause he was in fro grand theft auto.
I have just had enough, and can not deal with her or her bull**** anymore. My bloodpressure is skyrocketing, my nerves are shot. I requested that the police patrol the park a few times tonight, in case he comes back.

What would you do? Legally of course, lol. I dont want to kill him or her, no matter what is going on. I dont even want to hurt them (I am pretty much a fairly pacsifist type of guy).

willy_cents's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:28 PM
get some highly radiactive material, invite them over for dinner........devil

Derekkye's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:28 PM
make your move - get the court order - don't threaten to call the police just do it

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:28 PM
you gotta do what you have to for your childrens safety.

you have my utmost respect for being a single dad. flowerforyou

and i wish you the best of luck daniel

i think you also have the right thought about what to do, go to court they will see it your way i am sure.

hikerchick's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:30 PM
Your kids are clearly better off without her craziness in their lives. If you can get her gone from them, do it. good luck.

wraithme66's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:31 PM
Sounds like a story straight out of Jerry Springer's trailor park hell.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:34 PM

make your move - get the court order - don't threaten to call the police just do it

i wasnt even involved when they came crashing through, other than to coem running aorund my trailer ( I had been up a ten foot ladder, ripping the roof apart lol). The County Supervisor is the one who called the police. I neded up being the one who reported it, as she is my ex wife and it was an obvious retaliation for my telling her to leave after she violated court orders in bringing himto my house. Statements were made from all present (about 7 adults), nad myname was one of three put on the report, as I tod the officer I was intending to go to court tomorrow to file for the emergency hearing (just to get it on record what my TRUE intentions were, so she could not come back and say I intended to do_______, and ________, no to mention __________. I was also the only one who was able to physically identify both of them, and give an approximate address for them ( they moved two weeks ago)

I took down the report number so I can turn that in to the judge tomorrow, and I am going to be asking fro an order of no contact.

MomLookingAround's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:38 PM

you gotta do what you have to for your childrens safety.

you have my utmost respect for being a single dad. flowerforyou

and i wish you the best of luck daniel

i think you also have the right thought about what to do, go to court they will see it your way i am sure.

Ditto Daniel,
Just try to ALWAYS do what is right for the kids.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:39 PM

you gotta do what you have to for your childrens safety.

you have my utmost respect for being a single dad. flowerforyou

and i wish you the best of luck daniel

i think you also have the right thought about what to do, go to court they will see it your way i am sure.

Ditto Daniel,
Just try to ALWAYS do what is right for the kids.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Would giving their address to an unknown friend of mine who lives in the wilderness count as being the best for the kids?devil

Alterego1961's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:39 PM
I would go for the stongest legal remedy available to you against the two of them. Even if she claims it was not her fault, the past history proves she is indifferent to the stupidity of her boyfriend. If she wants him so badly she should give up all claim to visitation, etc. He is a menace to society and she is an accessory after the fact to whatever crimes he may commit. The safety of your children is what you have to think about first and foremost. happy

no photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:42 PM
good luck

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:43 PM

Would giving their address to an unknown friend of mine who lives in the wilderness count as being the best for the kids?devil

wouldnt that be nice can he fix my sperm donor as well, get a three for one deal?? hahadevil

daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:50 PM

I would go for the stongest legal remedy available to you against the two of them. Even if she claims it was not her fault, the past history proves she is indifferent to the stupidity of her boyfriend. If she wants him so badly she should give up all claim to visitation, etc. He is a menace to society and she is an accessory after the fact to whatever crimes he may commit. The safety of your children is what you have to think about first and foremost. happy

That's what I am doing, and have been doing form the very beginning. but witt his new incident it is just unbelievable how stupid she can be.

Gams's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:52 PM

If many people could only for tell the future so as not procreate with people who will eventually become humane waste it would spare a lot of heartache for sure.

I would suggest making your move do not give her the new address. Instead, rent a P.O. Box where she can forward the child support payments. Inform her when she grows up and gets her act together and becomes an appropriate roll model and parent you'll let her see her kids.

Good luck to you!!! flowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 06:56 PM


If many people could only for tell the future so as not procreate with people who will eventually become humane waste it would spare a lot of heartache for sure.

I would suggest making your move do not give her the new address. Instead, rent a P.O. Box where she can forward the child support payments. Inform her when she grows up and gets her act together and becomes an appropriate roll model and parent you'll let her see her kids.

Good luck to you!!! flowerforyou

As of right now, I am legally obligated to give her my street address (Michigan law), and I can not outright deny her the visitation, even with it being supervised. By moving to New York I was doing the most I could to make it incovenenient for her, and yet still follwe the law, even if by the letter only. After today, I believe I have enough to get the visitation canceled copletely, and am pushing for it tomorrow.

nyquil73's photo
Wed 06/18/08 08:15 PM
Stick with what you are doing as a single dad with a semi unstable ex at times, getting the courts behind you with orders help alot, but you have to follow through with it dont ever let them think you bluffing that you mean it in a case like yours

daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:34 PM

Stick with what you are doing as a single dad with a semi unstable ex at times, getting the courts behind you with orders help alot, but you have to follow through with it dont ever let them think you bluffing that you mean it in a case like yours

Oh theres no question as to whether or not I mean it. I am going to the court house immediately after picking up a lady that my ex'es boyfriend told to, saying he was gonna kick my ass and put me in the hospital leaving the boys without their father, etc.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:35 PM
If she can't leave his ass then she would have to have supervised visits from now til she gets clear of him. I can see where he could have made her go with him to act like the idiot he is.

The children need to see their mom. She must understand what this relationship is doing to her and her kids.

Good luck.


daniel48706's photo
Wed 06/18/08 10:41 PM

If she can't leave his ass then she would have to have supervised visits from now til she gets clear of him. I can see where he could have made her go with him to act like the idiot he is.

The children need to see their mom. She must understand what this relationship is doing to her and her kids.

Good luck.


I agreed initially with supervised visits. In fact I insisted on them as the judge was not going to grant visitation at all for her. But I am sorry, there is no reason for her to be bringing him around my house and the kids, etc. If like you say he is "forcing " her to take him with, then what is he going to "force" her to do while visiting? No she needs to stand up, and start being the adult she is, and acting responsibly. If she can not act reaponsibly then she has nobusiness being aorund the children in the first place.

Greyhound's photo
Thu 06/19/08 02:43 AM
Sounds as if your ex has a lot of growing up to do.You're right to get a court order to keep her and the boyfriend away before someone gets killed.
That boyfriend of hers sounds like a real maniac.
Good luck to you daniel.flowerforyou

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