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Topic: Suicide Poem
naughtyguy0914's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:50 PM
this little rhyme is written to whoever it may concern

im contimplating suicide inside my heart it burns

please dont try to stop me if i decide to seal my fate

even though i know if i do i'll be rejected at the gates

with all of this in mind this note to you is given

because im wondering if my lifes even worth living

i've tried to overcome my problems and tragic losses

but my faith has been weakened no more visions of crosses

so i've been left here in the dark with a finger on the trigger

the things that made me happy bring me sadness who would have figured

and with all this pileing up the barrol pointing at my head

three pounds of pressure seperating living from dead

just a little squeeze and the deed would be done

i cant beleive i found release in the hands of a gun

so im about to do it i pray to god he'll understand

and all of my destiny is put inside of my hands

i put the barrol in my mouth it's cold as death

i yell forgive me and i take one deep breath

pulled the trigger but nothing i can feel my lips

i'm alive and i realized i didnt load the clip.......

Marie55's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:59 PM
Have you tried talking to someone, a friend, a family doctor. You are
obviously in a lot of pain. There is help out there but you need to
reach out to it.

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 12:20 AM
yeah, thanks for your concerns and I am fine but this is actually
somthing that I did up in my spare time and at the time was a thought
and now is a thing of the past but I am great right now and I am not as
depressed as this poem ounce was to me ;)

I am a happy person and I love me self too much to waste my life on
thoughts that ruin my life.

I apresheate your concerns and thanks for the kindness and the support
and the love here is verry helpful and every one that responded to this
shows that people do care about each other and the internet helps as
this here shows that there are people to help you spare your life and
that they care about you so much :)

Regards, Rocxy Lemmon

Hotchikita's photo
Thu 02/22/07 12:24 AM
Mabe it was god or the higher power that was trying to send you a
message you are still neded on earth.Dont forget each life is conected.
one dies all will feel the pain.If you are serious (not that I dont
think you are)Remember that all are loved buy at least one indevidual on
earth. Please get help.

Marie55's photo
Thu 02/22/07 12:26 AM
Glad to hear you are not that depressed now. Welcome to the site by the
way. There are lots of good people on here and you can make lots of
friends. Have a good night.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 02/22/07 12:40 AM
I'm glad you can share that with us & still be.
(((((((((hugs))))))))))) I'm even happier that are ok!!

But that was totally messed up to post like that &
not say your really ok!!

of course people here care!!!

& if you have read around any little bit you would know that!!
I read somebody say it & came right here to report it to get you help if
we could.

Suicide is sooo F*cking selfish!!!
they never concider who has to find them, how it effects their family &
No they just punk out on life!!
well to bad they cant just turn their azzs in to donate body parts
atleast do some good with their sorry azzs.

My sister went thru that last year. first she has to go to the hosp.
because he tried. cut himself all up.
they release him to her so her stay with him for a day.
cleaned up his bloody house.
a month later she talked to him for 2 days thru the mail slot. the
next day he doesnt answer she goes in & he's hung himself.

he thanked her for being his friend .


welcome to the site,
I hope you find what you are looking for here

Kevology's photo
Thu 02/22/07 01:52 AM
Congratulations for gettin' through the pain! You worried the hell out
of me, though. I'm glad you're doing well now, bro! drinker

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:07 AM
Hey catchme_ifucan I thank you again for the comment but this was not a
recent thing and like I said I made this like 3 yrs ago but I am good
and have been for a long time but I wanted to post this cause I wanted
to let people know people who was like me can find help through the
internet because thats where I found it and I was able to get it fast
but I want people to share this and read it and hopfully I can help that
one other person who thinks of suicde to stop and remember life is
important and like catchme_ifucan said it's wrong and selfish and I hope
by this being posted that others can help by finding help to the ones
that need it and I thank the people that did help me a long time ago for
all the information on where to get the help and that people on the
internet and not just here are willing to help thoughs that take the
time to get it.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:35 AM
flowerforyouNo Worries!!
welcome! I wouldnt of chewed your azz if I hadn't read the second
part.. :wink:

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:40 AM
Hey there I wanted to let you all know that this poem was intended for
the people out there that need help and are coming for it by via
internet or through family and friends but like I said I have been clean
for 3 or more years and Love my life as I keep progressing through it
and I am only wanting to make a diffrence ither by telling the
information and where to get it or just by telling people where I have
experienced my life tragedy with friends and to only be able to help
them with it if I can and I wanted to let you know.

I was posting this and sense there is no edit feature I was unable to go
to the top and add the rest of the letterings to state that I was clean
but I posted it too soon as I was typing and tabing through the poem.

I thank you for the concerns and the support and I am glad to help some
one out there that needs my help if they will only ask for it cause I
have had friends that went through this and would love to help.

Hotchikita's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 AM
very good a bit scarry but good now that I know ure fine.

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 06:26 AM
I am very happy you are okay but you should have let us know that this
was a past thing and that you were fine suicide is no answer my brother
killed himself and we found him and now we all bare the scars from it
happy memories of him always turn to visions of him on the floor. Hope
you all the best hereflowerforyou

Meeshep's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:00 PM
naughtyguy0914, glad to hear you are in a better place than you were
3yrs ago. It will be 4yrs ago May 18th that I did acutally go through
with trying the S word. I woke up on the 5th floor and spent 2wks. Long
story behind it but just wanted to let you know your not alone...I am on
meds now but they only help, they are not a cure. I still fight thoughts
some days. I even wrote a poem down a few days ago. This is Me, on this
site. Was the way I was feeling at the time. They say to journal but I
have a hard time doing that. Ok, i'm mumbling, just wanted to say your
poem hit home.


krowraven7's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:06 PM
depression..very serious..people love you.

KosmoJoe's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:22 PM
Cheer Up! Don't let the door close because your nuts.
Let it be that we all screw up. Its awesome to be that close to
your higher being and yet you deny his gift. Life. No one in the
other world is happy that I can tell. Your mother wants to grow
old and be in pain to remind of sacrifices we do for others.
and if your not there to help who will? I talk to the dead its very
common for me. They believed you when you did this, yet you
joke about it . Be wise for once and say no more. Look around you. You
won. Be a survivor and protest your fate for once in your life. Grow
the **** up! Talk to your mom and have her get back to me. Your friendly
local psychic.

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:36 PM

That a very deep subject, I read a poem alot like that once, and
thought nothing of it until the next day when I recieved a phone call
that my brother had killed himself. Sad for everyone, I do hope it's
just a poem.

dontbeajo's photo
Sat 02/24/07 06:17 AM
The weary words of selfishness scream out to interstellar space. The the
curse of individualism that mysteriously disappeared from your life. Can
be found if one only takes the time to approach the pain one feels and
learns to deal with it. Don't get me wrong nothing is easy but hey life
is better living then dying.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 02/24/07 07:34 AM
Well I seen this poem and passed it up till today why guess it hit way
to close to home and what I almost lost. My son about 4 1/2 years ago
over a girl that he was so in-love with had made the choice one night
that he no longer wanted to live and yes he had the guns to do it with
one was a deer rifle which I had even bought him. Thank God he had made
that choice at home and I was there. My son is about 6'1 I'm only 5'3
but stubborn as hell when it comes to losing something I love. Needless
to say the fight was on even had to have his girlfriend get his phone
from him to call one of his best friends for I knew I could not take him
down on my own his friend is 6'4 and the respect was there between them.
I had to fight with him to take the guns away from him good thing he
loved me enough not to hit me or hurt me or I would have never been able
to wrestle them from him one by one I was able to take them away and
hide them before his friend showed up at one point he told me to leave
the room and let him do what he had to do. I got right in his face and
told him if he thought I would turn my back on him and walk out he
better wake up for it would not happen. He looked at me with tears in
his eyes and said if you don't leave I will shoot you first then me of
course the tears were streaming down my face as I told him that I loved
him with all my heart and that is what he would have to do in order to
get me to back down for I would never turn my back on him no matter what
I got the last gun away from him and at that time his friend showed up
and finally had to take him down in the house and I went to get another
one of his friends that lived within blocks of me they sat with him for
a couple of hours till he finally got it all out and went to sleep pills
and liquor and love all together can mess a mind up soo bad. I am proud
to say I still have my son a beautiful grandbaby that got to know her
dad. And yes he has said many times he would never do that again. I did
bare many bruises all up and down my arms for many days after wards
from our struggle but it was well worth it and I do have places in the
house that I have not fixed to this day were he hit the paneling with
his fist it is a reminder of what happen and what I still have that is
very dear to me. I have wrote this hoping that maybe some will
understand the pain that those actions do bring to the ones you plan on
leaving behind it has not been easy for I have sat here with tears in my
eyes the whole time. So please if you have ever had those thoughts of
suicide please try to think of what you will do to the ones you leave
behind. We hurt just as much as you do you might no longer feel the pain
but instead what you will do is put the pain on to those that you left
behind to deal with for the rest of there lives.

I'm very happy that you did not go that route and finally realized it
was not the right path to take. It takes a stronger person to face there
battle and fight it on there own then to leave the pieces behind for
others to pick up and carry on with there lives with out you!

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Sat 02/24/07 07:45 AM
TXS....Much love to you and what you went through...I cannot imagine!
the thought that your son, or sister, or someone you confront
them in their dire want to end their life...You are an
awesome lady!

For anyone who has suffered depression, my heart goes out to you...For
those that are survivors of suicide, my heart bleeds for you asa well,
because you will never really know "why"

My love and prayers with you all... brokenheart :cry: :heart:

LAMom's photo
Sat 02/24/07 03:13 PM
I didn't want to read this poem,,, rings to close to home,
I am glad i did,,, ((naughtyguy))) Its good to see you smiling,,,
again,,,, Life is Incredible,,, Live it to the fullest,,,,

(((Ms Txs))) I have always known you for your Strength and your
friendship,, My Dear Lady,, you are so Incredible and so Amazing,,, Your
Children are so Blessed your an Incredible Mother and Friend,,,,,To
them,,, The Love between a Mother and Child,,, is Untouchable and so
Pure. :heart:

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