Community > Posts By > naughtyguy0914

naughtyguy0914's photo
Fri 02/23/07 03:37 AM
dale I apresheate your help on both my problems and I have taken your
thoughts and wander about the one that is to be faithfull? now I can
only be so faithful but being that there around other guys and knowing
and being with some one liker that are 2 diffrent situations we are in
so I can't be as faithful as I want and she should had just told me that
she was with a guy at that restaraunt and I would had not cared really I
would had not and yes I took her job in to consideration and I did not
care but I know she would not like it if I was a male striper for house

thnx again....

Regards, Rocxy Lemmon

naughtyguy0914's photo
Fri 02/23/07 03:34 AM
mikey3457 Thanks for the reply and I don't think I can top that one

thanx for letting me know there is atleast one other person that has had
my experience....

Regards, Rocxy lemmon

naughtyguy0914's photo
Fri 02/23/07 03:28 AM
hey guys thanks for the help and all your ideas will be used and I will
let you know what happens :) and yeah my eyes are

keep them comping

I know I was talking to this one girl one time and when I wanted to
introduce myself I handded her my hand and when she went to shake it I
took her hand and kissed it as I looked at her face and she blushed and
then I said im rocxy lol... and then I asked her to a movie or somthing
and it was I have some one already but again thanx for all the help

Regards, Rocxy Lemmon

naughtyguy0914's photo
Fri 02/23/07 01:59 AM
Hey it's me I was told by some one what I was doing was
retarded but I wanted to get a seconed opinion on

I was at the gas station a while back ago and oh I am over coming my
fears of being she to all the hot chicks after dating one lol.... yeah
it took that to break me.... but yeah you shy guys don't be afraid of
getting hurt with that big NO answer and just move on...

any ways at this gas station there was a clerck that was about 20 - 22
and blond short hair and was very pretty and she was like the emo type
girls I call them but she was diffrent a bit like she wore the red
glasses and a white shirt and black pants that were like tights and
showed there figure really well any ways after I paid for my items I
chickened out and later got the nerve to come back and asked her if she
was single and she said no sorry and I was like ah! I just wanted to
know and kind of laughed it off and she looked at me and said well have
a nice day and I said you too and I left in my truck..

So ladies what would you think she was thinking after I left... I hope
she was flattered and all and I thought she was interested in me cause
she looked me dead in the face every time I went in there and I noticed
she did not do that to all the customers so I took it she found me
atractive but mabie that was all?

Okay here is another one I went to the mall and I seen this girl blond
hair and very sexy type body and face and ah! she was about 19 20 and I
was very amazed at her that there was no guy with her so I took it in my
best intrest to aproach her and I yes asked her if she was and again she told me that she was not and that she has
been with this guy for like a year and a half and then she said I don't
remember and then I said ah thats okay I was asking and she laughed and
she said bye and wlked off and my friend told me I was doing the whole
thing wrong.

Is there another way I can get to talk to a girl and let her get to know
me before just asking a girl if she single? I mean it seems like all the
good ones are taken and I won't settle for anything less if you know
what I mean, my standards could be too high? I duno.... but I know my
friend was like man you have ballz to just go up there and ask that kind
of querstion to any girl that you don't really know.... I was like well
I am out of school and have a job that lacks women that are single so
how am I sapose to meet people?

thanx for reading and hope you al lcan advice me on some of this

Regards, Rocxy Lemmon

naughtyguy0914's photo
Fri 02/23/07 01:47 AM
Hey you all, I had a question and was curious who here has dated a
exotic dancer here and is still with them? I really find it hard to stay
with some one like this cause there always around guys and alchole so I
was just curious if it works or not? I dated one and later was cheated
on by another guy that she met at a bar that she worked at but I don't
care about her now cause she was not worth my time after what she did to
me and then she wanted to play it as if she was not cheating on me.

I mean she was going behind my back and seeing this guy with her 9 yr
old son and the son is who told me about it and he did not want me to
tell his mom that I knew so I played it cool and did not want him to
loose his trust to me and so I told her that I found out that she was
seeing him through my sister who saposley told me that she seen you the
girl at a restaurant with this guy and then she told me everything after
I brought it up and then she did not want to tell me cause she thought I
would get jelious but then she calls this guy on the hours that I am not
around her cause later when she dated him again and I found out about it
I was mad and searched through her phone and found the numbers that she
diles and they were all to this guy and at the hours I was not around
her and was always around her at the time....

Then I called her and she said she went out with some of her friends to
see a movie and I drove by her house and there was a pick up truck there
so I know that holds a toltal of 3 people so it was her and her son and
this guy cause it was too cold for some one else to ride in the back...
hehe... I asked why it took so long to answer the phone and she said she
ran up stairs so she could take her shoes off and get the phone which
she left up there but she never leaves her phone up there I know and
then she never takes her shoes off up stairs eaither so my gut was
telling me she was cheating and she wanted me too so I left her and she
blames it's my fault but she can't dig up anything on me but one thing
and saposley I was flirting with some girl that use to work at my job
and she over heard me on the phone telling some guy that I was saying
some flirty remarks to her...

I don't know but I thought I should vent and ask if any one has been
cheated before with these girls and if thats pretty normal with there

Regards, Rocxy Lemmon

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:59 AM
Welcome To The Loving Place Of All And Enjoy Your Stay :)

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:40 AM
Hey there I wanted to let you all know that this poem was intended for
the people out there that need help and are coming for it by via
internet or through family and friends but like I said I have been clean
for 3 or more years and Love my life as I keep progressing through it
and I am only wanting to make a diffrence ither by telling the
information and where to get it or just by telling people where I have
experienced my life tragedy with friends and to only be able to help
them with it if I can and I wanted to let you know.

I was posting this and sense there is no edit feature I was unable to go
to the top and add the rest of the letterings to state that I was clean
but I posted it too soon as I was typing and tabing through the poem.

I thank you for the concerns and the support and I am glad to help some
one out there that needs my help if they will only ask for it cause I
have had friends that went through this and would love to help.

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:07 AM
Hey catchme_ifucan I thank you again for the comment but this was not a
recent thing and like I said I made this like 3 yrs ago but I am good
and have been for a long time but I wanted to post this cause I wanted
to let people know people who was like me can find help through the
internet because thats where I found it and I was able to get it fast
but I want people to share this and read it and hopfully I can help that
one other person who thinks of suicde to stop and remember life is
important and like catchme_ifucan said it's wrong and selfish and I hope
by this being posted that others can help by finding help to the ones
that need it and I thank the people that did help me a long time ago for
all the information on where to get the help and that people on the
internet and not just here are willing to help thoughs that take the
time to get it.

naughtyguy0914's photo
Thu 02/22/07 12:20 AM
yeah, thanks for your concerns and I am fine but this is actually
somthing that I did up in my spare time and at the time was a thought
and now is a thing of the past but I am great right now and I am not as
depressed as this poem ounce was to me ;)

I am a happy person and I love me self too much to waste my life on
thoughts that ruin my life.

I apresheate your concerns and thanks for the kindness and the support
and the love here is verry helpful and every one that responded to this
shows that people do care about each other and the internet helps as
this here shows that there are people to help you spare your life and
that they care about you so much :)

Regards, Rocxy Lemmon

naughtyguy0914's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:53 PM
life is like the silence in the dead of the night
broken by the sun as we all walk into the light
at birth we were innacent and unscared from this earth
but we can never go back to be pure like we were at birth
and in life we are given a choice to chose
what we decide is right, weither to win or lose
and all of this is decided in such a short time
its hard to believe people change at the drop of a dime
and all things end and we go back to how we started
cold and bloody and solumnly hollow hearted
with all of this in mind we slowly bind our time
savering its sweet taste and decaying our minds

naughtyguy0914's photo
Wed 02/21/07 11:50 PM
this little rhyme is written to whoever it may concern

im contimplating suicide inside my heart it burns

please dont try to stop me if i decide to seal my fate

even though i know if i do i'll be rejected at the gates

with all of this in mind this note to you is given

because im wondering if my lifes even worth living

i've tried to overcome my problems and tragic losses

but my faith has been weakened no more visions of crosses

so i've been left here in the dark with a finger on the trigger

the things that made me happy bring me sadness who would have figured

and with all this pileing up the barrol pointing at my head

three pounds of pressure seperating living from dead

just a little squeeze and the deed would be done

i cant beleive i found release in the hands of a gun

so im about to do it i pray to god he'll understand

and all of my destiny is put inside of my hands

i put the barrol in my mouth it's cold as death

i yell forgive me and i take one deep breath

pulled the trigger but nothing i can feel my lips

i'm alive and i realized i didnt load the clip.......