Topic: frustrated | |
i have to agree with the last one who is speaking out too more need to i just think they are afraid to because they to will be called american haters that is not the case at all we have the right to not like what our president has done an to not like him . i didnt see any one having any problems throwing stones at bill clinton when he was in there no that was ok to the republicans but say something about bush an you are a non american how sad is that (communism)that is what i call it you say freedom to speech as long as we dont say anything you dont like about our president . its our god given right in case you forgot its our country to an dont forget that so if you have something to say about the president or congress be it good or bad fine but dont call me an american hater or a childish person because of what i beleive in .we all come from different walks of life some went to colledge some of us will never be able to that is the way it is we all have our place that is the melting pot of america. thanks to our vets all the way back through history that fought for our freedom yes i said freedom not (shut up i dont like that) our four fathers didnt hush up an they faced death an treason charges before we won our freedom in america . that is what makes us great we may disagree but we do love america .
by the way for the vets a big thanks to ya all
by the way for the vets a big thanks to ya all
yea like cheney who is in haliburton hey need i say more its all connected bush was a texas oil man daddy payed his way through everything .see what happens when you put a brat in office. Ok you are just an idiot. ![]() |
maybe when you get out of colledge an have to support yourselves you will find out more of what im saying good luck to you i think youll need it. you are welcome to have your opinion but let me have mine i will never agree with the bush lovers . I am a middle class worker who has become a lower class worker because of the bills an economy that bush put into effect as much as everyone hated clinton i dont know why the economy was great there was no defecit problem an you could leave one job an find another if it needed to be done. now you just hang on to any job you have for fear of being homeless an more factories that have been in my area for 20 yrs are going out of business an even some of the gas stations an you want to tell me what a wonderfull job our president has done .only if you are a well to do or very rich person . im neither one of these so i am still a bush hater its my right as an american citizen you have the right to your veiw an me to mine . its called freedom thats why we are all here so good luck like it or not thats my veiw.doesnt mean i hate anyone for their veiws but i firmly disagree with you. an i have a right to say what i want to even if it is in your opinion disrespecting your president. note i havent used any profanity just stating my opinion an veiws. take care an good luck. COLLEGE Use spell check before you set out to destroy. |
it's personal from new orleans, yaya, and i'll tell you what really happened, and what one phone call could have done in an e-mail some time if you want to hear. i'll warn you though, it's really bad, and they all knew what was happening, and they let it happen on purpose...three of my friends died because of's unreal, i'll just tell you that for now. p.s. it will open your eyes forever, and make you look at everything decide. I think what happened with Katrina was terrible. I was so mad about the delay. I know alot could've been done to help save a lot of people. I'm not saying bad things don't happen, because they do. There are people in our country who are corrupt and selfish no doubt. On a positive note, which the media hardly shows, I saw Americans helping other Americans. That's what makes this country great. I guess I am to patriotic ![]() your money went to the suits my friend, not to the people, and i can tell you things that would astonish you. i understand about loving your country, and i look for pow's voluntarily, for my dad was one in a long forgotten war, but after all these years, i care about them, not the govt. that's just big business, with landscape painters to cover the real dealings....including, why i have to look in my spare time with no funding but my own....shameful. Everyone knows that New Orleans is the most corrupt city in the US, Louisiana is the most corrupt state in the US. Busses sat and the governor would not let them move. The state and city are DEMOCRAT people. Put blame where blame lies. Why is it other ravaged torn cities recovered from horrendous hurricanes? Because the government of those cities were not CORRUPT. Lindyy |
amen mnhiker no matter what your opinion is stand for it an join other americans in the fight for our constitutional rights like our four fathers did that is the american way . what if they had stood idaly by an respected the queen an did nothing then we wouldnt be here an wouldnt have any freedom or rights. america the brave an the free. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke |
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke truer than most would want to admit |
i beleive we can just because you dont like the president dosent mean you dont like america remember we got our start by people who disagreed with the system an fought for our rights not the presidents rights but ours. that is america the people not just for one person .with liberty an justice for all. so if dis ing the president because you dont like him makes us not american then that is about as communism as you can get . its our freedom an right to beleive as we want an say what we want so i say stand an speak your mind just use clean words so that it wont be deleted by the communist who say we cant hate or dislike who is in the office . since the next election has been bought just like the last 2 i think we are screwed for 8 more years so once again the communist will be happy . I agree your personal opinion against the president has nothing to do with wetehr you are an american or not. The biggest misconception however, is that "freedom of speach" entitles a person to be able to legally able to insult another person or to defamize his character, which it doe snot. That is not completely true Daniel. According to the rulings set out by the Supreme Courts # Fair comment on a matter of public interest, statements made with an honest belief in their truth on a matter of public interest (official acts) are defenses to a defamation claim, even if such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could honestly entertain such an opinion, the statement is protected. That is all true and well. However, it does not give the right to namecall, defame, or anything else along those lines. it gives the right for you and me to step forward and question, reasonably, politely and without aggression, anything to do with public interest, etc. The minute you call someone else a name, you have lost the entire debate, because yuo are no longer presenting facts or reasonable doubt; you are attacking. |
I do have a question about this entire post....
Can't we just all get along?? LOL! |