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Topic: Gays in Pro Sports
SlickandShameless's photo
Sat 02/17/07 04:22 PM
Recently a former NBA player stated that for all the years he played for
the Miami Heat he was gay and no one knew.
During an interview Tim Hardaway was asked his thoughts on the matter
and he completely went nuts....saying that he hates gays and there,s no
place for them in america. He was quickly removed
from all NBA events.

Should Gays tell their Team mates that they are Gay?

karmafury's photo
Sat 02/17/07 04:34 PM
Why? If they can play the sport of their choice and they're good at it
what's the difference? Nobody knows how many professional athletes are
gay yet there's never been any complaints.

SlickandShameless's photo
Sat 02/17/07 04:39 PM
Unity among teammates is vital to success, although one player can,t
kick another off the team, keeping something like that a secret could be
a trust issue.

karmafury's photo
Sat 02/17/07 04:42 PM
There have no doubt been gays in sports for years. The trust is in the
other guy being able to play the game, do his best for the team.

pbjgourmet's photo
Sat 02/17/07 05:10 PM
Why would this be a trust issue? Do teammates normally discuss their
orientation? What does that have to do with the sport? I think an
athlete should disclose his orientation if he feels comfortable doing so
and wants to.

SlickandShameless's photo
Sat 02/17/07 05:18 PM
Men want to know this considering the close quarters and getting dressed
around gays, most straight men would be uncomfortable.

karmafury's photo
Sat 02/17/07 05:24 PM
When I was in the service our medic was gay. I could care less as long
as he could patch me up.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 02/17/07 05:32 PM
I don't follow any sports, but if the law of averages is correct, the
percentage of gays in sports should roughly correspond to the percentage
of gays in the general population. Of course in basketball it may give
"slam dunk" a whole new meaning.


mistyblue2012's photo
Sat 02/17/07 07:38 PM
Who cares if they are gay as long as they are talented in their sport?
Why do men think that if a guy is guy then suddenly they are the
ultimate catch to that gay athlete.........trusting the man next to you
has nothing to do with who that person is having intimate relations

MrKatOwner's photo
Sun 02/18/07 02:21 AM
i was listening to a sports program on my drive home from work last
night and they talked about this. One of the guy's teammates talked
about feeling uncomfortable because he had this thought that his gay
teammate was attracted to him and all the athletes walk around naked in
the lockerroom. I find this somewhat narcissistic. Who does this guy
think he is, god's gift, thinking that just becaue the guy two stalls
down is gay, he must want to get the old reach around going.

Think of it this way: Women get naked in front of their straight male
doctors, and I bet at least 80% of them dont end up doing the nasty....

If I was on a team that was comprised mainly of girls who got naked and
changed in the lockerrom after the game, I'd be a little tired out from
playing the game to ogle smelly, ssweaty women.... Until AFTER the

oldsage's photo
Sun 02/18/07 07:24 AM
Member of my family is gay. This made me take a hard look at this life
style yrs ago. Occupation law-enforcement, forces the hiding of this
matter. The anti gay attitude by people is the same as an anti-race
attitude (my opinion). This gay person has recieved many awards from
the law-enforcement community. A select few know the truth & have told
me, they would pick my family member as their partner any/every day.
Life style choice is a personal thing, does not involve team work or
work quality at all. I think it is NO ONE ELSE'S business. Most gays
dislike FLAMING gays, just like hetrosexuals.



mistyblue2012's photo
Sun 02/18/07 10:58 AM
A memeber of my family is gay too and not only that, a member of my
family has had a sex change. Both of them are incredible people and have
had a very tough time dealing with the way they were born. Yes I
completely believe one is born that way!!!!
I think people should spend more time thinking of ways to improve the
type of person they are in human society and LESS TIME.....RATHER NOT
TIME.....judging others. The world would be a much happier place!

redmange420's photo
Sun 02/18/07 12:33 PM
I think if they're gay, and tryin to chase girls just to fake folks out
about it, that just makes the issue even worse. I agree they should tell
their teammates, just to be honest. I know if I was on a team, and my
teammate did that stuff, I wouldn't be able to trust them after that.
They should tell their teammates the truth, cuz if they can't handle the
truth about somebody's sexual preference, they're not worth havin as
teammates. I've had hella friends that were gay, and as long as they
new I was in the "friends ONLY" catagory, I wasn't trippin on the gay

Sluggo's photo
Sun 02/18/07 12:56 PM
I find difficult to compehend "WHY" someone has to know someone else's
sexual prefrences? If that did matter could you imagine all the
questions that arise, besides are you Hetrosexual or Homosextual (Such

* Do you go both ways?
* Would you do a 3-some with two Girls?
* Would you do a 3-some with two Guys?
* Do you like Anal Sex?
* Do you like Oral Sex?
* Are you into BDSM?
* Are you into Bondage?

The list could be endless (litterally)! I could see it now "Hi my name
is SlickShady and I'm your new team mate. I'm Hetrosexual and I really
enjoy receiving Oral Sex, always wanted to try Anal Sex, I don't like
3-somes because when I tried it I was tied up and abused; however I
sorta enjoyed the Bondage aspect of the assualt which is why I didn't
file rape charges....etc" Where the hell does it end? What a person does
in the Bedroom is NONE of ANYONE else's Business!

There are much bigger things in the world to worry about than if the guy
that's shotting the Lay-up "Smokes Pole" after the game: Besides, if
you're secure enough in yourself and what you want and you're not trying
to repress anything then all of the above is NOT important.

redmange420's photo
Sun 02/18/07 12:59 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Damn Sluggo................

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

derfw3's photo
Wed 02/21/07 06:31 PM
There was actually an article on ESPN's website right after Amechi
(sp) came out about a lineman for Washington University (D-3 school in
St. Louis, MO) who's gay. His whole team knows and none seem to care

no photo
Wed 02/21/07 08:52 PM
If I were a gay athlete and I thank christ I'm not (talk about
difficult) I'd never come out while playing especially because this
unfortunately is how a lotta b-ballers think in just about every spor.
But most aren't stupid enough to say how they truly,truly think but Tim
Hardaway's never been known for having a big brain. Shouldn't matter
being gay or not but unforunately it still does and always will
especially for a guy it's always worse.

no photo
Wed 03/07/07 03:12 PM
Please understand that this is not me, but I will relay what is written
in the scriptures:

"A man shalt not lie with another man."

That goes the same as for a woman shalt not lie with another woman.

However... I don't believe "ALL" gay people were born that way... I
think only some of them may have. I also believe that in the 1960s
during the hippy years, then, 1970s, and 1980s, and as time went on,
people CHOSE to be gay- because it a "new thing"... "fashionably gay" or

People really have to watch that episode of The Learning Channel or
National Geographic or A&E or one of those channels. It spoke of when a
child is born and they don't have the reproductive organs of a male (or
a female) and the parents don't know what to do, so the parents have to
make a decision as to what the child should be- so that they grow up to
have a normal life. I forget the term... but, it's out there- and I
forget it.

So, with that said- I know what the scriptures say- and it is true, but-
I also believe that God will forgive us all in no matter what we do, but
we are not the ones that "choose" what we want. There was only 1
perfect one, and it's not mankind.

Gays in sports, military, workplace, etc.- should be left alone. I do
have friends that are gay or bi-sexual. The problem I see is that
people want to have "gay rights" or a "gay parade". F**k that! I, as a
heterosexual, don't go around having a "Heterosexual parade". This is
like the interpretation of what one believes.

If African-Americans have a parade about their hardship and their
struggles and stay away from the "black power" thing, it would be
acceptable. It's like if "whites" have a parade and they are only
promoting "caucasian marriages"... that would be acceptable. However,
when you get these whites that start having "white power" and they are
against others... THAT is when the parade or their cause could go very

I love what Clinton said... a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. Many of
us don't go around saying we're heterosexual, so- whether one has a
sexuality- they shouldn't go around telling who they are either, unless
asked, or they speak about it in conversation.



redmange420's photo
Wed 03/07/07 10:17 PM
I think the Patriots are gay.

:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 03/11/07 09:37 AM
redmange that was toooo funny!!!!

gay or straight who cares!!

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