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Topic: Gays in Pro Sports
TheCaptain's photo
Sun 03/11/07 05:46 PM
Someone explain the difference between the Dixie Chicks saying that they
hate the President and Tim Hardaway saying that he hates gays. If you
claim free speech on one side, don't you have to accept it on the other?

feistyspirit's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:35 PM
If you're in the locker room or where ever a gay person is changing
clothes you're not going to get hit on geez. The bible doesn't say a
woman shall not lie with a woman geez but I'm not gonna play cat and
mouse with a holier than thou but you're entitled to your oppion and
vice versa sayeth feisty

slimshady2007's photo
Sat 03/17/07 02:09 PM
Most real men, don,t care to socialize in any way with gays.
But in some case we have to tolarate them, inwhich we do, but we try and
not make it a habit.

AutonomousW's photo
Tue 05/15/07 04:31 PM
I think if a gay man is taking you to a championship, all mouths will be

AutonomousW's photo
Tue 05/15/07 04:37 PM
Oh and shady, most real men dont have to worrie that being around gay
men is going to affect thier sexuality or ways of thinking.

good luck in that closet buddy.

lulu24's photo
Tue 05/15/07 04:43 PM
beautiful reply. a real man has absolutely nothing to prove...and isn't
being downed by someone else's choices.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:43 AM
why should it matter if ur teammates r gay or not! if micheal jordan ,
ali,or babe ruth were gay wouldnt they still be great players!

To the "Real man" How would bein around gays effect u? huh huh
huh huh huh huh

LadyOfMagic's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:40 AM
What would be the point in a person revealing they are gay..they are
just working together..they dont wanna be bed buddies

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 09:27 AM

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Thu 05/17/07 09:47 AM
Gays want u to know they are gay because they have somthing on the mind
24/7 that a straight (man for ex) will never have on the mind or in
their thoughts. Less than 1% of pop.

AutonomousW's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:15 AM
please dont pretend you know what a gay man is thinking, if you arent
gay of course if you are go nuts.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:54 AM
who cares? As long as they know how to play the game and can do so, it
does not matter

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:44 PM
Should gays tell their teammates that they're gay? Only if they want to.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:44 PM
tribal actually its a man shall not lie iwth another man in a woman's

i didn't really bother to read the rest of what you wrote but how about
you go back to leviticus and the other chapters and tell me.. when
someone takes the lord's name in vain should they like it says be put to
death??? do you cast demons out of poeople with your hands? should you
be shunned and be though of as yucky for eating or touching pork, would
you sell your daughter into slavery, etc etc etc..

my point being: don't choose which parts you want to use.. if you're
going to follow one part DO IT ALL not just what suits you the best

and really i agree with what has been said over all it matters that
they can play the sport, not if they are homosexual or not.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:45 PM
and blue once again it is not 1 percent it is 10 percent.. get your
stats straight.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:47 PM
and don't make me giggle do you really think people choose to be
homosexual because its fashionable.. oh yes you're right they all want
to be judged, called names, denied certain rights, just because.. it is
fashionable.. give me a break.. really...

AutonomousW's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:20 PM
lol some one told me they were pissed off that gay was being taught in
school, he was like 40 and hadnt been in school for a very long time
obviously. Ignorance is not bliss where do people come up with that

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:24 PM
i don't know but i really don't think sexuality should be a topic that
you judge someone on.. especially on biblical standards... when society
certainly doesn't follow the other rules..

nor should you judge them on anything else my opinino is you can't
help who you love... but then again i also don't think people decide to
be homosexual, perhaps, this being because i had a bestfriend who was
gay and struggled with it for a really long time before he came out...
so yeah.

AutonomousW's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:35 PM
I think the bigest reason that a lot of straight guys are un-easy about
gays is because we all think were the most atractive man on earth, and
so of course that gay man is gona try and get with us. HOw Could he not!
I mean look at them!

Manwich's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:34 PM
Gays in one man sports like tennis, golf, swimming etc is fine
but but elsewhere, I don,t think so.

I manage a restaurant, and I have a few waiters that are gay, and you
should hear some of the stuff they say after a workout at the 24 hour

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