Topic: Obama refuses to go to visit US Troops in Iraq
MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:53 PM
flowerforyou We need to be defending our country.flowerforyou

flowerforyou And let Israel fight their own battlesflowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:57 PM

When the drums were beating loudly with what we now know were lies about Iraq-9/11 links and WMD, Barack Obama had the courage to say no.

"Lies" that you nor anyone have proven. Again, a lie is knowingly saying something you know is false. If that and falsifying intelligence could be proven there'd be impeachment proceedings would go through and I'd be a staunch supporter of it.

How long do you give them to prove Iraq-9/11 ties or to find WMD's before you consider them illegitimate reasons for war?

Okay, we NOW know the WMD intelligence was bad as was the 9/11 link by defectors. However, before then it was a "slam dunk", all foreign intelligence services backing up the intelligence that Saddam had WMD.

Plus, Saddam was getting restricted items into his country from countries like France, who has government officials that got money under the table via the Oil for Food program. Kofi Annan's own son got Oil for Food money under the table, and has admitted to it.

I wont waste a lot of trouble for you to just ignore the facts or excuse them away, but I do have a bit of patience.

In late January 2003, as Secretary of State Colin Powell prepared to argue the Bush administration's case against Iraq at the United Nations, veteran CIA officer Tyler Drumheller sat down with a classified draft of Powell's speech to look for errors. He found a whopper: a claim about mobile biological labs built by Iraq for germ warfare.

Drumheller instantly recognized the source, an Iraqi defector suspected of being mentally unstable and a liar. The CIA officer took his pen, he recounted in an interview, and crossed out the whole paragraph.

A few days later, the lines were back in the speech. Powell stood before the U.N. Security Council on Feb. 5 and said: "We have first-hand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails."

The sentence took Drumheller completely by surprise.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:59 PM
Statement of John E. McLaughlin, Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence

Delivered April 1, 2005 in Response to Final Report of the Silberman-Robb Commission:

I did not know prior to Secretary Powell's UN speech that some of the information used in the biological weapons (BW) section was the product of a likely fabricator, as suggested by some of the testimony discussed in the Silberman-Robb Commission Report. I would never have permitted the use of such material by the Secretary had I known this. In fact, much of our time in the run-up to the speech was spent taking out material, including much that had been added by the policy community after the draft left the Agency, that we and the Secretary's staff judged to have been unreliable.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:30 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 05/29/08 06:31 PM
Go read this starsailor,

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:34 PM

And watch the video!!

mnhiker's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:45 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Thu 05/29/08 06:46 PM

This war, the crowing achievement of this dreadful administration enriches the likes of **** Cheney’s Halliburton Corporation with no-bid contracts at the expense of over 4,000 American lives, thousands more Iraqis, lower standing in the world, and billions of wasted dollars. This inexcusable weakening of our nation is the legacy of George W. Bush.

When the drums were beating loudly with what we now know were lies about Iraq-9/11 links and WMD, Barack Obama had the courage to say no.
drinker Him and the Dixie Chickslaugh

Mirror, please, the dixie chicks? They cremated Stevie Nick's "Landslide."

I will give you a chance to pick someone else. Fair enough?


I liked their version of "Landslide". ohwell

They wouldn't have been able to sing it without Stevie Nick's permission!

Oh, look! Stevie and the the Chicks singing "Landslide" together! drinker drinker drinker

mnhiker's photo
Thu 05/29/08 06:55 PM

And watch the video!!


Click on the link under 'Nate Says:'


'Troops love the smell of fresh Bull**** in the morning…'

It's very entertaining!

I especially liked the comment:

'The more this President and his unholy cabal of evil overlords
continue to ignore the growing chorus demanding REAL change in
ALL areas of how we conduct ourselves as a Nation, the faster
the acceleration towards inevitable destruction the
"conservative" war-hawk movement races'

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/29/08 07:12 PM
I missed that the first time!!drinker

Lindyy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 07:55 AM

And with this great military, it hasn't stopped the Illegals from invading.

How cute and intelligent, now you are bashing our military.

What a very sad soul you are.


Lindyy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 07:59 AM

It has been 871 days since Obama has been to Iraq, yet he still refuses to go back and talk to our troops, give them encouragement and do some fact finding himself. Even after Senator John McCain offered obama to go with him to visit the troops so obama could see first hand what is taking place - obama feels it is not necessary for him to go there.

Wow, what a great stand to take on foreign policy, homeland security, war on terrorism.

ALSO, obama, who is the chairmn of an oversight committee on Afghanistan since the beginning of 2007, to date, has NOT HAD ONE oversight hearing on this matter.

What a great relationship to build with our military, and this individual wants to be the Commander in Chief? Commander in Chief of what?????

Tinkerbell thinks she could do a much better job. So do I.


Obama is considering a visit to Iraq this summer.

In light of this fact, don't you think it's rather disingenuous to state that he "refuses to go back and talk to our troops"?

Now Hiker,
Didnt we discuss this last night?
You cant expect the Bushies to read all the facts!!!laugh

Just those contained in the indoctrination misinformation leaflets!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Anything else and they cover their eyes, place their fingers in their ears and sing, La, la, la, la I CANT HEAR YOU!!!

Have you regressed to first grade?

You liked that didnt you Lindy!!laugh laugh laugh


Oh, go dump your devil in the black melting pot and see if you can come up with something better.laugh

PTL:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:00 AM
Bottom line, we need to support our troops and if we are not going to have someone who is willing to go over there and see the conditions they are in themselves, how are they to understand the men and women who were put over there by our government.

Lindyy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 11:38 AM

Bottom line, we need to support our troops and if we are not going to have someone who is willing to go over there and see the conditions they are in themselves, how are they to understand the men and women who were put over there by our government.

Lindyy says:

I am amazed.:smile: You managed to read through all the silly nonsense we have posted and still came out thinking as an intelligent individual.flowerforyou


MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:39 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Fri 05/30/08 01:39 PM

Bottom line, we need to support our troops and if we are not going to have someone who is willing to go over there and see the conditions they are in themselves, how are they to understand the men and women who were put over there by our government.
flowerforyou The only condition I need to know is bringing our men and women homeflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:47 PM

It has been 871 days since Obama has been to Iraq, yet he still refuses to go back and talk to our troops, give them encouragement and do some fact finding himself. Even after Senator John McCain offered obama to go with him to visit the troops so obama could see first hand what is taking place - obama feels it is not necessary for him to go there.

Wow, what a great stand to take on foreign policy, homeland security, war on terrorism.

ALSO, obama, who is the chairmn of an oversight committee on Afghanistan since the beginning of 2007, to date, has NOT HAD ONE oversight hearing on this matter.

What a great relationship to build with our military, and this individual wants to be the Commander in Chief? Commander in Chief of what?????

Tinkerbell thinks she could do a much better job. So do I.

Most people in the world do not support this crazy war created by some crazy politicians and their masters the Hawks and the neo_cons . sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad !.

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:51 PM

flowerforyou Its not his warflowerforyou

if he wants to be president he needs first hand knowledge

it may not be (his war) but with his attitude i hope it never is

if he refuses first hand knowledge when available then he will be relying on others info (we know how reliable that can be)

he does not deserve to command those he refuses to go and get their insight of first hand knowledge

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 03:09 PM
I think Bob expressed it best.

Bob Dylan - Masters Of War

Lindyy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:13 PM

I think Bob expressed it best.

Bob Dylan - Masters Of War

Please, do not take us back to that deadbeat.


adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:19 PM
actually that video tho off a bit was pretty good

and dead beat i think not

beat nik maybe

how you can call him a dead beat is beyond me

he is probably worth more than 70% of the worlds population

Main Entry:
1dead�beat Listen to the pronunciation of 1deadbeat

1 : loafer 2 : one who persistently fails to pay personal debts or expenses


do you know of bills/obligations he has not paid

or are you just making unfounded accusations

plz post links to back up your statement plz

t22learner's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:42 PM
Hey Lindy, isn't there something on FauxNews you could be watching?

mnhiker's photo
Fri 05/30/08 07:20 PM

actually that video tho off a bit was pretty good

and dead beat i think not

beat nik maybe

how you can call him a dead beat is beyond me

he is probably worth more than 70% of the worlds population

Main Entry:
1dead�beat Listen to the pronunciation of 1deadbeat

1 : loafer 2 : one who persistently fails to pay personal debts or expenses


do you know of bills/obligations he has not paid

or are you just making unfounded accusations

plz post links to back up your statement plz

drinker drinker drinker drinker