Topic: who should serve?
Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:43 PM

I do agree with everyone having to do manditory service. But there is one problem with that. When you go this route you not only get the people that will make good soldiers but you get the people that make bad soldiers. Basicly sacrificing quality for quantity. It is a good plan but when you add a weak element into our military you make it weaker as a whole. I firmly belive that is one of the many aspects that has made our military so strong.

The Swiss still maintain one of the best trained military forces in the world.

Those who can't cut regular force are placed in other branches of the Swiss defense system.

Also as stated by Quikstepper Israel uses the same system and ask the surrounding Arab nations about the quality of Israeli Defense Force personnel.

I understand that it works for them but the problem is you have people in this country that are not simply cut out for military service. If we did like they do and put those in other parts of the service then it would work fine. I guess it would come down to how it was handled.

Nobody is cut out for military service. That's what Drill sergeants and discipline are for!!

karmafury's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:44 PM

I do agree with everyone having to do manditory service. But there is one problem with that. When you go this route you not only get the people that will make good soldiers but you get the people that make bad soldiers. Basicly sacrificing quality for quantity. It is a good plan but when you add a weak element into our military you make it weaker as a whole. I firmly belive that is one of the many aspects that has made our military so strong.

The Swiss still maintain one of the best trained military forces in the world.

Those who can't cut regular force are placed in other branches of the Swiss defense system.

Also as stated by Quikstepper Israel uses the same system and ask the surrounding Arab nations about the quality of Israeli Defense Force personnel.

I understand that it works for them but the problem is you have people in this country that are not simply cut out for military service. If we did like they do and put those in other parts of the service then it would work fine. I guess it would come down to how it was handled.

Nobody is cut out for military service. That's what Drill sergeants and discipline are for!!

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:45 PM
Male : Age: 23

Ah ha,,,
I see where your coming from now!!!grumble devil explode

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:45 PM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Wed 05/21/08 10:49 PM


I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I think the question should be what kind of war.
If the country was under attack I would have no esitation defending it...but if you ask me to go to Iraq or any other place for the sole purpose of making Halliburton, Lookeed marti and Raytheon richer well you can go to hell :).
another is invading it for your president's friends profit.

i agree.i have a son and to have him die for those reasons would piss me off.the draft takes poor peoples kids.the rich get out of it.the draft is crap.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:53 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 05/21/08 11:02 PM


I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I think the question should be what kind of war.
If the country was under attack I would have no esitation defending it...but if you ask me to go to Iraq or any other place for the sole purpose of making Halliburton, Lookeed marti and Raytheon richer well you can go to hell :).
another is invading it for your president's friends profit.

i agree.i have a son and to have him die for those reasons would piss me off.the draft takes poor peoples kids.the rich get out of it.the draft is crap.

And there you have it cute. Less people playing arm-chair general and more concern for the boys dying in illegal wars for the selfish motives of a wealthy few.

Look at the protests of Vietnam!!
Where is the outrage today?
No one cares because they and their children are not the ones sacrificing.

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:57 PM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:57 PM
Those that are sacrificing are too few, and ridiculed by the gov and the arm chair generals if they do speak out.
Look at Cindy Sheehan and the winter soldiers!

Single_Rob's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:59 PM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............
it should be required to have "real" military experience to ever be able to hold the deat of president, or vote on a bill to send troops into comabt

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:04 PM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............

Heres what I think kitty!!

A Veterans’ Point of View
(written for submission to the NPR show, “I Believe”)
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair general. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried?
Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers.
I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl?
I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornadoes that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft.

Author, aka Fanta

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:05 PM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............
it should be required to have "real" military experience to ever be able to hold the deat of president, or vote on a bill to send troops into comabt

Ditto I totally can relate to that.............its ridiculous that a president can implement policies and on top of that start wars then you should have to have served somewhere isnt that what most empires did they sent their king and he fought side by side with his people.......its ludicrous that Bush sits by the sidelines but lets young men and women get into harms way for the sake of his mighty dollar and his oil did we let this happen for the past 8 years what is wrong with our country that we let the village idiot govern and then let our men and women die on idiosyncrasies..............grumble

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:06 PM
Sorry to bump that up, but it was way back and often people to read back that far.drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:07 PM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............
it should be required to have "real" military experience to ever be able to hold the deat of president, or vote on a bill to send troops into comabt

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:49 AM

Male : Age: 23

Ah ha,,,
I see where your coming from now!!!grumble devil explode

If it is me you are talking about, Do not assume you know where I am coming from and dont assume you know me either. Your assumptions will lead you to the wrong conclusions.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:07 AM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............

Heres what I think kitty!!

A Veterans’ Point of View
(written for submission to the NPR show, “I Believe”)
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair general. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried?
Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers.
I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl?
I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornadoes that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft.

Author, aka Fanta

I believe war is a mess but from my personal experiance I say 30 and above because we have the experiance we need the youngsters to though.

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:09 AM

I read with amusement how everybody loves the rights given to them in our country, but hardly anyone wants to serve, or have their children serve. This just leads me to the question in the title, if not you, your children, or your friends, then who serves? Who should serve? I will answer first;

I believe that if we are to send young women and men of this country into a hostile area the lower economic classes should not unfairly shoulder the majority of the burden. I truly believe that there should be a draft system that is fair across the board, or mandatory service should be in place for all citizens between 18-22, even if it is national guard.

Your thoughts?

I agree there are so many people who talk about loving their country but not willing to die for it.........I think there should be a law not only to implement the draft but there should be a law that the men and women who govern our country should serve or one of their kids should serve so that the elite should have just as much burden as the lower class............

Heres what I think kitty!!

A Veterans’ Point of View
(written for submission to the NPR show, “I Believe”)
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair general. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried?
Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers.
I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl?
I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornadoes that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft.

Author, aka Fanta

I believe war is a mess but from my personal experiance I say 30 and above because we have the experiance we need the youngsters to though.
problem is most 30 and overs have a family to support, and are a at a time where they have accumulated so much stuff going active duty, and being deployed would drive the family into bankruptcy

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:24 AM
Well I think what ever it takes you need to do it........

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:28 AM

Well I think what ever it takes you need to do it........
well sir I wil have to disagree with you. I spent my time scratching around in the tidy cat, and I have no desire to go back. My life at this point would be a complete cluster if I were gone for another 15 months over there. We are always prepared to sacrafice some of us, but we can never sacrafice all of us. I left some of me over there I will never get back, I will not leave anymore. They should have fought it the way it needed to be fought to begin with

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:38 AM

Well I think what ever it takes you need to do it........
well sir I wil have to disagree with you. I spent my time scratching around in the tidy cat, and I have no desire to go back. My life at this point would be a complete cluster if I were gone for another 15 months over there. We are always prepared to sacrafice some of us, but we can never sacrafice all of us. I left some of me over there I will never get back, I will not leave anymore. They should have fought it the way it needed to be fought to begin with

I agree with you totally but if you had to suite up and boote up would you or would it be a "Red Down" for our kids could you imagion?

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:20 AM

Well I think what ever it takes you need to do it........

What purpose would it serve for people who have already served to serve again Alpine?
How would that teach the youth any sense of patriotism for their country?
Although there are many 30 yr old and overs who have benefited from an all volunteer force (never gave back), the cut-off for Infantry training without a physical waiver is 30. There is a reason for that. The training is too strenuous.
Plus most 30 yr old have children, young children that are in the formidable years of life where having a father and mother around is important. Do you think it would be wise to take their parents from them, possibly forever, at that stage in life?
Eighteen yr olds dont usually have children or a sense of appreciation for what their country has provided for them. They hang out on the streets most of the time, and a large portion of those who attend college are just wasting their parents money, using college as an excuse for not moving out. They are in the best physical shape, minus a little military training, they will ever be in their life. They are rambunctious and searching for who they will be and what they will do with the opportunities of youth.
Its a perfect time and opportunity for them to mature and to contribute to the freedoms they have enjoyed their entire life.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:25 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 05/22/08 07:27 AM

Male : Age: 23

Ah ha,,,
I see where your coming from now!!!grumble devil explode

If it is me you are talking about, Do not assume you know where I am coming from and dont assume you know me either. Your assumptions will lead you to the wrong conclusions.

Ok, I'll grant you the openness of mind! That was a cheap shot!

If my assumptions were leading me to the wrong conclusions, in what way would my assumptions be wrong?
What have you given back for the freedoms you enjoy!
If you have already served I apologize!!!drinker