Topic: who should serve?
no photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:47 AM
I was drafted in 1971 and really didnt have a life after high school, I firmly believe it should only be implemented in times of declared war becuase the rich will ALWAYS find a way to stay out of combat if they dont want to fight, Look at Georgey Bush!!!

tanyaann's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:48 AM

In Israel everyone serves a minimum of 2 years in the military.

no, they don't a good part of them refuse to serve. So there are 18 years olds running around with guns and have no clue what they are doing. those that serve are of lower class there also.

most of the individuals that are serving in the irseali army are not even citizens, they are Jews from other countries that are being offer money, housing etc to serve!

It was fun when I went over there because there's nothing more sexy then I women carrying an M-16, Except for one with hair curlers.flowerforyou

I would normal take that as a compliment, however when individuals have to take up arms for an unjust cause or for a horrible government, I don't think that its right! Isreal is doing some horrible things over there. They are building walls through towns with check points. Women in labor are not being allow to go through check points to the other side to go to the hospital. Women are giving birth at the check points! What Isreal is doing is not right! I am not condoning what palestine is doing either, but just think for a minute how you would feel.

You wake up one morning and they are building a wall in the middle of your town. Then comes the check points and soldiers. Part of your family lives on the other side of town, or your school or work or doctor. You are being told whether or not you can cross the check point to go grocery shopping.

And what you see in the media and on the holy land tours is what they want you to see!

lilith401's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:51 AM

hey lil,
It should be a requirement. College should not get you out of your duty if your number is called, period

I agree, I mean those who enlist to get monetary assistance for college.

Those already in school should be able to complete the current term, and then get a deferment to return after service is up, if drafted.

Of course, exceptions would need to be made for students in law, dentistry, medical school, psychology, bioengineering, mathematics, etc.. or other post graduate programs, in order for those people to be of better use in the service. There is no reason the armed forces should not benefit from those people in the service after they are qualified in the field of study they chose. JMO.

IamMewhoRU's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:55 AM

Our son just got back from 16 months in Iraq. A neighbor's son, 4th generation military, died there. Draft, voluntary enlistment, war is not pretty for any reason. With the morality of youth today, I believe students before the age of 16 that can then drop out of school, should be required a year of ROTC. They would learn disipline, what our country should stand for and they would be better able to decide if the military was for them. I believe the draft will come again and to many of our young will die in some senseless wars.

amen to this

Single_Rob's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:57 AM

In Israel everyone serves a minimum of 2 years in the military.

no, they don't a good part of them refuse to serve. So there are 18 years olds running around with guns and have no clue what they are doing. those that serve are of lower class there also.

most of the individuals that are serving in the irseali army are not even citizens, they are Jews from other countries that are being offer money, housing etc to serve!

It was fun when I went over there because there's nothing more sexy then I women carrying an M-16, Except for one with hair curlers.flowerforyou

I would normal take that as a compliment, however when individuals have to take up arms for an unjust cause or for a horrible government, I don't think that its right! Isreal is doing some horrible things over there. They are building walls through towns with check points. Women in labor are not being allow to go through check points to the other side to go to the hospital. Women are giving birth at the check points! What Isreal is doing is not right! I am not condoning what palestine is doing either, but just think for a minute how you would feel.

You wake up one morning and they are building a wall in the middle of your town. Then comes the check points and soldiers. Part of your family lives on the other side of town, or your school or work or doctor. You are being told whether or not you can cross the check point to go grocery shopping.

And what you see in the media and on the holy land tours is what they want you to see!
Israel should not exist. If people would do more reading on the plight of the palestinian people they would understand why they do the things they do.It is so funny how people just forget the way we formed israel after the second world war

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:16 AM
A Veterans’ Point of View
(written for submission to the NPR show, “I Believe”)
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair general. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried?
Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers.
I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl?
I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornadoes that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft.

Author, aka Fanta

Does that work Rob?

warmachine's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:21 AM

A Veterans’ Point of View
(written for submission to the NPR show, “I Believe”)
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair general. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried?
Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers.
I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl?
I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornadoes that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft.

Author, aka Fanta

Does that work Rob?

Thats good stuff Fanta!


Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:21 AM

I think that insituting a draft would not stop those that avoid serving. Those of upper class would still find ways to not be drafted. I do think that it is a shame that the bulk of american society, lower and middle class is being devestated by human loss in this conflict.

I just got done watching a movie on the nuclear bomb. I am horrified for Oppenheimer. He was such a brilliant man who created a monster, for which that guilt had to have killed him inside.

War and Conflict should be avoided at all costs. However, now that we are already there we need to support our troops, pray for them, and pray that one day those that have been put in power realize that peace should not be maintain by who has the bigger gun/bomb/military/etc.


drinker drinker drinker

Single_Rob's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:21 AM

A Veterans’ Point of View
(written for submission to the NPR show, “I Believe”)
As a veteran of the Armed Forces, I watched the reaction to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and I saw a reaction similar to what I might expect at a sporting event. Instead of being shocked at the loss of life, soldiers, civilians, and property, people were watching it on the television at home, at work, and at the local pub laughing, cheering, and even playing armchair general. Did they not understand that these were real people in real places, with families, hopes, and dreams just like them, and that those American soldiers had mothers who were worried?
Many of my family members have served in the Armed Forces throughout the history of America, including myself both in war and in peacetime. There has always been a great deal of patriotism and pride in our participation and service to the country. Lately however, I have taken notice of the younger generation in my family, and I believe that they are a good representation of the younger generation in our country. Their attitude and the attitude of the majority of their friends seem to be that they are naturally entitled to the benefits and luxuries of our society without ever doing anything to contribute. It is not just in the youth that I see this attitude, but it surrounds me everywhere I go, when I listen to broadcasts on the radio, or television news, and even when I watch my favorite television series. Once, while listening to the news, I heard President Bush comment that he was well aware that our soldiers were making a great sacrifice, but that they were all volunteers.
I understand that the men and women who are risking their lives in service to our country are doing so voluntarily, but I worry that our government and some of the citizens are abusing them just because they do. These men and women are the most patriotic of Americans. I fear they are being sacrificed willingly and readily because they volunteer. OK, we were attacked first, and maybe the war is a just cause, then is it not the duty of every American to sacrifice equally, is it not everyone’s cause? If the President’s or the congressional representatives’ and Senators’ sons were among the ranks marching off to war, would they be so eager to send them into harm’s way? If the people at the local pub knew that their children might be the next to go, would they still cheer it on as if it were the World Series or the Superbowl?
I believe, if the young men and women of this country, either with the military or in a civil capacity, had to perform at least two years of national service. They would be more appreciative of the benefits of being an American. They might have more patriotism, and maturity, and vote more readily if this were required of them. I believe there would be a rise in the morale of our service members and they would feel more appreciated, when they did not have to perform repeated tours away from their homes and loved ones. We would also have more resources available for natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, and the many wildfires mudslides, and tornadoes that we have each year. We would be better able to patrol our borders and inspect shipments at our ports, and we would create more pride in the sacrifices that our brave men and women make in defense of our freedom, because we would all be making similar sacrifices. As a veteran, I often ask myself these questions and many more, and ponder these possibilities, and this is why I believe we should reinstate the draft.

Author, aka Fanta

Does that work Rob?

perfectly. Thanks Fanta

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:25 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 05/21/08 09:26 AM
Thanks Robdrinker
Thanks Wardrinker
I wrote that in 2006!
I never sent it in though!

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:26 AM
The rich know how to dodge the draft, so it would not be effective in being equal though. Sad to say but true.

beachbum069's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:27 AM

In Israel everyone serves a minimum of 2 years in the military.

no, they don't a good part of them refuse to serve. So there are 18 years olds running around with guns and have no clue what they are doing. those that serve are of lower class there also.

most of the individuals that are serving in the irseali army are not even citizens, they are Jews from other countries that are being offer money, housing etc to serve!

It was fun when I went over there because there's nothing more sexy then I women carrying an M-16, Except for one with hair curlers.flowerforyou

I would normal take that as a compliment, however when individuals have to take up arms for an unjust cause or for a horrible government, I don't think that its right! Isreal is doing some horrible things over there. They are building walls through towns with check points. Women in labor are not being allow to go through check points to the other side to go to the hospital. Women are giving birth at the check points! What Isreal is doing is not right! I am not condoning what palestine is doing either, but just think for a minute how you would feel.

You wake up one morning and they are building a wall in the middle of your town. Then comes the check points and soldiers. Part of your family lives on the other side of town, or your school or work or doctor. You are being told whether or not you can cross the check point to go grocery shopping.

And what you see in the media and on the holy land tours is what they want you to see!

During my time in the Navy I visited a lot of places and Israel was one of the best places. Yes there are check points, random searches, random shooting, but they have all the basic supplies of life. When I visited some places in Africa there were PILES of dead people in the streets, mass killings, NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO MEDICINE. Whole villages would get wiped out because they looked at a different village person funny.
People get hooked on Israel because they are an ally of ours so they are on the news, but you forget about the other places.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:27 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 05/21/08 09:28 AM

The rich know how to dodge the draft, so it would not be effective in being equal though. Sad to say but true.

They would if Fanta were President!!laugh
No one would be exempt...

tanyaann's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:58 AM
beach.... i have not forgot about the other places where civil war and poverty exist! I plan to travel through Africa and Asia, donating my time and services once I have the resources to do so.

Isreal is a country that does not need to do what they are doing to the palestinian people. What they are doing is wrong! They are depriving a nation of people there basic rights to resources. Just b/c the country uses that Judaic beliefs that war is necessary to gain the land. This is not right! Palenstinian and muslims have co-existed for hundreds of years among other cultures and religions! Not to mention that the citizens of isreal most of them a secular! Using religion as a means for war is very WRONG! Yes, it has always occurred since the beginning of time, but that doesn't make it right. Yes, that area is a beautiful country and has resources. But to tried to remove people from an area b/c you feel you have divine right to it is horrible! Shame on them. I am horrified to be part of a human race that has people like that in it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:01 AM
flowerforyou War is when the rich people get us poor people to murder each otherflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:02 AM
flowerforyou And yes, War is murder in "Gods" eyesflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:03 AM
flowerforyou And if you love "God" you will not commit murderflowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:04 AM

flowerforyou War is when the rich people get us poor people to murder each otherflowerforyou

Ohhh, I thought that was called crack and crystal meth, Mirror! :wink:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:06 AM

flowerforyou War is when the rich people get us poor people to murder each otherflowerforyou

Ohhh, I thought that was called crack and crystal meth, Mirror! :wink:
flowerforyou The only difference is that when you murder a foriegner in his own land for your rich masters, you dont go to jail.flowerforyou But its still murder to "God".flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:07 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 05/21/08 10:08 AM

flowerforyou And if you love "God" you will not commit murderflowerforyou

No one mirror, we will put you on an assignment that doesn't conflict with your religious beliefs.

How are you at fighting wildfires?