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Topic: A friendly challenge to all
BluesPreacher's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:40 AM
Wed 05/21/08 07:37 AM

Beautiful picture you have painted!

Overnight I thought about these words. I have come to think(I may be wrong) that many of the writers here only write about lost love or how wonderful love is or something to do with love. I agree LOVE is a great subject, but after reading many poems one one particular subject, the audience must be getting a rather limited interest in the writer.
So my idea is to challange all the writers in this forum to write one poem on any subject other than love pertaining to an adult relationship.Also, this challenge is to write on, a subject that you think nobody else will possibly think of.
You are all wonderful writers, I am interested in the many facets of you. Please try this. I believe you will produce some amazing pieces.

No1sLove's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:47 AM
I can't write about love, I can only write about that which I know. frown flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:50 AM
I've been gone a while, and I like your challenge! However, I also challenge you to delve into the archives - I think you'd be pleasantly surprised...

Jill298's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:50 AM
I'll put some thought into this and come back, I'm always up for a good challengeflowerforyou

Daddiesgirl52's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:12 AM
I awoke this day the deer outside my window Reminding me of the awesome wonders that make me glow My creator put his all into the beauty that surrouds me I shall never take for granted the things gifted by thee (Off the top of my head not a poet) might this be an example?

mteagle31's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:36 AM
Edited by mteagle31 on Wed 05/21/08 08:40 AM
For the most part I write about love but if you take some time and go back in time!!laugh laugh I also do COWBOY POETRY and God!!
Archives!!laugh laugh happy drinker

ZPicante's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:40 AM
Edited by ZPicante on Wed 05/21/08 08:41 AM
BluesPreacher: So my idea is to challange [SIC] all the writers in this forum to write one poem on any subject other than love pertaining to an adult relationship.

Just for emphasis, for those who seemed not to catch it. :smile:

I might add a poem later.

mteagle31's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:41 AM
50 Gallon Bull

The boys stood in silence,
Staring at the creature they had built.
Each in his own thoughts,
Yet feeling The spirit of adventure
Danger had truly wet their thirst,
But none was really sure
That he wanted to be the first,
Their eyes challenged each other,
Who would step up and accept?
None among them wanted to be
Branded ‘COWARD' for a rep,
They gathered up their nerve,
Each feeling his courage pull,
Which one would be the first
To take on the “50 Gallon Bull.”
All wanted to be champions
And living life their own way,
And goin’ down the road
Just hooking bulls for his pay.
But, before you can climb down
On a ton of snortin’ hair,
You start by riding a 50 gallon bull
And learning to stay right in the middle.
The bull hung from the rafters
By four lengths of rope,
The idea was to pull it wild
Until the rider got thrown.
The bull hung there mute,
But its challenge was clear,
Who’s got the guts to mount up,
And take the first spin.
The arena was the old barn
With baled hay scattered under
That 50 gallon bull
To make the landin’ kinda soft.
A young boy called Eagle spoke up,
“The first ride’s all mine.”
So, they helped him up
A battered cowbell underneath
To give it some real sound,
He sucked in tight and nodded his head
As his heart started to pound.
The boys pulled and swung the
Ropes with reckless tugs,
Using every bit of strength
They fought to throw
The boy named Eagle free.
Despite their best efforts
he hung in there for all he was worth.
With gritted teeth he defied them
And swore he’d never touch the earth.
The desire to ride comes from the heart,
But, he must master that 50 gallon bull
Before the big buckles can be won.
Eagle looked over the chute gate
He was about to ride his first real bull
As he got down on old Red,
And thought about how far he’d come
From that Ole 50 gallon bull.

AngelLight's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:52 AM
Archives will show other subjects have been posted by most writers drinker

Sharris's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:55 AM

Teach me to ride a horse,
Instead of locking on.
Feeling my joints grab the nag,
Like I could just fall off.
I would not like to be,
Removed sliding on my side..
Again, as I did once,
It injured my young pride.
Teach me how to yell for help,
And not feel that no one hears,
Just because I'm not expert,
Although I've held some years.
I'm sure there's someone here
Patient for this task
Perhaps he is here waiting
Just for me to ask.

Raine Les 5/21/2008

ZPicante's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:08 AM
Edited by ZPicante on Wed 05/21/08 09:18 AM
Time Table


The dining room table at my house back in Maine, set
with streaks of morning sun and fat plates with wheat
pancakes, their bitterness offset by cloying maple syrup;
My brother and I sat on stacked cushions to reach its top.


Cards over the worn faux wood surface: Poker, Solitaire,
and spoons on the floor. I don't remember who won each game.
His ring once ticked the wood, slapping down, with bad aim,
an ace; we laughed and I pushed back my brown hair.


I smooth my fingers across the choppy tabletop as we
laugh about a joke dad used to make and about the day
my brother broke the dining room window. The memory
of you came across my mind, somewhat dented by time.

I know it sucks; I wrote it rather quickly.

d4tc's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:53 AM
Edited by d4tc on Wed 05/21/08 09:55 AM

I met a Blue Preacher today
Saddened by other pastors
We talked over lunch
Breaking bread
Sipping off an old tin flask
Uncritiqueingly offduty
Eat chicken alfredo
Courtesy of Macaroni Grill

The pastor
Feeling blue
Asks me for a drink
Not to be a Saint
I stingily harbor the last sips
To help preserve his purity
My sanity
Like the cross around his neck
I say
This is my savior

I drink wine he says
I say
More then a few shots at work?
He grins

He looks around mischeviously
As if his face was surrounded by darkness
Then he raises his left sleeve
I see a cross on his forearm
He says
This was what I beleived in
He then raises his other sleeve
He says
This is what I used to believe in
A little red man with a pesky tail and sharp horns
Laughing with black bottle in hand
Three red X's on white label

I say
We all have our own vices
So you like to drink?
I do he says
with his chin up

I say
I don't understand
You are a pastor

I'm a blue pastor
He says

I give him a drink

The swig loosens his morales

Then he speaks to me in rhyme

I am a blue pastor
I have seen it all
I learned to walk
Before I could crawl
I'm not here to judge
For I have done my wrongs
But I'm a better man today
Much more strong
I have been to hell and back again
And what a trip that was
I have had it all before the fall and
tried almost every drug

He pauses

I pass him the bottle

When I was a kid
I had no fear
Beer was my first joy
When everthing felt wrong
And God felt gone
A bottle is what I enjoyed

So I tell the pastor don't live in your past
And now check me out I'm preachin
I take the time to put it in rhyme to exercise my demon

Ok Blue Pastor
I see your point

He cuts me off and asks
Do you have a joint?

I laugh and say no
Let's talk about this
Jesus helped his disciples
Netting the fish

This bottle a net
Kidneys The fish
Are you sure
You really
Want to do

He puts the flask to his lips
And starts to think
Hmm, put his down?
Or have a drink?

I say no pressure
Drink away your sorrow
But wake up hung over
And you will hate tomorrow

He throws the bottle at me
And says forget it

I say, this isn't for everyone
I knew YOU would regret it.

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:54 AM


I met a Blue Preacher today
Saddened by other pastors
We talked over lunch
Breaking bread
Sipping off an old tin flask
Uncritiqueingly offduty
Eat chicken alfredo
Courtesy of Macaroni Grill

The pastor
Feeling blue
Asks me for a drink
Not to be a Saint
I stingily harbor the last sips
To help preserve his purity
My sanity
Like the cross around his neck
I say
This is my savior

I drink wine he says
I say
More then a few shots at work?
He grins

He looks around mischeviously
As if his face was surrounded by darkness
Then he raises his left sleeve
I see a cross on his forearm
He says
This was what I beleived in
He then raises his other sleeve
He says
This is what I used to believe in
A little red man with a pesky tail and sharp horns
Laughing with black bottle in hand
Three red X's on white label

I say
We all have our own vices
So you like to drink?
I do he says
with his chin up

I say
I don't understand
You are a pastor

I'm a blue pastor
He says

I give him a drink

The swig loosens his morales

He then he speaks to me in rhyme

I am a blue pastor
I have seen it all
I learned to walk
Before I could crawl
I'm not here to judge
For I have done my wrongs
But I'm a better man today
Much more strong
I have been to hell and back again
And what a trip that was
I have had it all before the fall and
tried almost every drug

He pauses

I pass him the bottle

When I was a kid
I had no fear
Beer was my first joy
When everthing felt wrong
And God felt gone
A bottle is what I enjoyed

So I tell the pastor don't live in your past
And now check me out I'm preachin
I take the time to put it in rhyme to exercise my demon

Ok Blue Pastor
I see your point

He cuts me off and asks
Do you have a joint?

I laugh and say no
Let's talk about this
Jesus helped his disciples
Netting the fish

This bottle a net
Kidneys The fish
Are you sure
You really
Want to do

He puts the flask to his lips
And starts to think
Hmm, put his down?
Or have a drink?

I say no pressure
Drink away your sorrow
But wake up hung over
And you will hate tomorrow

He throws the bottle at me
And says forget it

I say, this isn't for everyone
I knew YOU would regret it.

This is great! I love situational poetry...

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:09 PM
Edited by BonnyMiss on Wed 05/21/08 01:14 PM

Wed 05/21/08 07:37 AM

Beautiful picture you have painted!

Overnight I thought about these words. I have come to think(I may be wrong) that many of the writers here only write about lost love or how wonderful love is or something to do with love. I agree LOVE is a great subject, but after reading many poems one one particular subject, the audience must be getting a rather limited interest in the writer.
So my idea is to challange all the writers in this forum to write one poem on any subject other than love pertaining to an adult relationship.Also, this challenge is to write on, a subject that you think nobody else will possibly think of.
You are all wonderful writers, I am interested in the many facets of you. Please try this. I believe you will produce some amazing pieces.

I have looked at your posts (45, which suggests you're fairly new to the forum) I am sure you will find poems spanning various subjects gathering dust in the archives.

Here are a few of old ones from my archives............

As summer closes

September comes all too soon
'twas not so long ago we welcomed June
The memories of summer's glorious days of fun
As children frolicked in the mid-day sun
Long walks taken in the tranquil eves
with moonlight illuminating the grass and leaves
Oh, those days now seem so far away
When we thought the sun was here to stay
Care-free we roamed in meadows of buttercups
And threw our cares to the refreshing wind the summer brought
Meals were eaten out of doors.with wine and mead lavishly supped
Whilst watching the swans taking care of their young
A merry lass nearby picked up her guitar and gaily sung
A lilting,haunting rendition of Scarborough Fair
And the smell of strawberries fragranced the air
A balloon floated by high in the sky
The occupants looking down, waving " good-bye"
So many pictures I've painted in my mind
Layin upon the freshly mown grass
Wishing I knew of a way to make the summer last
But now, September's here
bringing rich autumn colours galore
We've roaring fires to look forward to and so much more
Red, gold, green,purple,cerise and brown
So much beauty to be seen all around.
The sun may have put it's hat on for a while
In our memories the summer has been documented and placed on file.

♥ Bonny ♥


But Mum!
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four.
You kids ! it's time to come indoors.
But mum ! we’re not finished pitching marbles yet
Your dad’s on his way home, you’ll be in trouble I bet

I love coffee, I love tea, I love Roger in with me.
You kids ! I’m not going to call you in again
I’m sure that all you have is play on the brain
But mum ! it’s my turn with the skipping rope
I know I can skip the longest *I hope*

Two, four, six, eight, ten
Your grandmother’s round the bend
You kids! It’s time to come indoors
But mum! It’s my turn on the swings
and besides I've finished all of my chores and things

I am a pretty little Dutch girl
As pretty as pretty can be
You kids ! it’s time to come indoors
But mum! Lynus has my doll
*I swear that boy is turning into a girl*

Rick chick chick chick ……………..congatay
I went to the back………………congatay
You kids! It’s time to come indoors
But mum !
Don’t “but” me, here is how MY story goes

Little children out at play
You’ve had your fill of fun today
Mud pies you have made by the dozen
You’ve even fed it to your baby cousin
You’ve played teachers and pupils and more
Now, I say it’s time to come indoors

I’ve made the dinner and placed it on the table
Eddie, get out of that tree you’re not Clark Gable
You’ve played catch me if you can and pretended to be fairies
Put sunglasses on the dog, Now, that was really scary
I’ve called to you until I’m hoarse
You’re dad is on his way home and he would not
Tell you to come in more that once…………of course !


Red for the blood spilt in defence of your lands.
A war and suffering that was not planned
Valiantly fought by men of courage
Throughout time, an exchange of knowledge

Stories of victory passed from one generation to another
From fathers to sons and mothers to daughters
Repeated tales of battles fought and won
Glorious heroes,you've done us proud
A hard fought war, well done.

Though the battle raged in Flanders field
These men of courage ne'er forgot their yield
Of waters white, gently flowing
Release they felt ever growing

White of the flag symbolizing calm,
and peace and war left behind
As prayers heavenward rising.
Dreams for the future of lands lush and green
Dreams and desires yet unseen.

Take up your arms, come to the fore
Fight like your fathers' did before
Your shoulders are broad to take the strain
To live in freedom, that is your aim.
This is your war though it was not planned

Dark clouds surround you
Take hope for yonder hails skies of blue
To the war you gave your dedication
Freedom secured for a joyful nation

The blue of your flag just like the sky
Would lay down fear as men have died
Defend the green, the green of your land.

You're Different!

You’re different, me different, how so am I different?
I’ll tell you how you silly sow
Look at your face, your hair, your size
You’ve go no friends this is true
I’ll list all the things I know of you
Greasy hair eyes wide apart
Hell I could pick on you cos ugly people have no hearts
They feel no pain, taunts do not stain, oh come on, don’t make
me start.

I could call you names, you’re mine to torture you’re fair game
My insults and name calling will scorch ya
You got such low self esteem don’t wanna be mean
You’re an easy target you see, you should remain
behind, unseen.
Hey one more push and you’re in the stream!
Bandy legged, braces kid, metal Mickey
dummy, loser, slapper, four eyed Vicky

fat lump of lard, sticky legs
I’ve seen more fat on dolly clothes peg
You smell, don’t sit next to me
Oh look, I’ve even made you pee
Fat lips, cross eyed flea
Mosquito jumped on my shoulder
greebo, dork, townie, nerd, geek
My name calling will fold ya

Pizza face, fall from grace
See, my name calling is endless
Spreading poison is my game
My goal is to leave you friendless
Jug ears, always the bridesmaid, never the bride
Gippo, knocked kneed toad, bet your heart is black inside

Coolie, Buck, bloody Black, Chink
Bet the food in your kitchen stinks
Weeping willow, Mavis the moth, Marmite kid
Bet I have more money than you,
bet I have more than you ever did

Poke me now, poke me in the side
Pull on my hair until you make me cry
happy now that over your taunts I have cried
You’ve berated me but haven’t dented my pride
My silent tears have not gone unnoticed
I am loved by a higher force I KNOW this
See, for silence is golden, this I truly believe
Over your harsh words and scorn I will not grieve.

I am no different than anyone of my father’s children
While you spent your time spreading messages of hate
I was praying with my father, a relationship
that strengthened my faith
And as difference is and different does
we were all created in his love.

Yes, the last one speaks of love but not the sort of love between a man and woman...........

PS, forgot to ask, "where's your's ?"

BluesPreacher's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:52 PM

Time Table


The dining room table at my house back in Maine, set
with streaks of morning sun and fat plates with wheat
pancakes, their bitterness offset by cloying maple syrup;
My brother and I sat on stacked cushions to reach its top.


Cards over the worn faux wood surface: Poker, Solitaire,
and spoons on the floor. I don't remember who won each game.
His ring once ticked the wood, slapping down, with bad aim,
an ace; we laughed and I pushed back my brown hair.


I smooth my fingers across the choppy tabletop as we
laugh about a joke dad used to make and about the day
my brother broke the dining room window. The memory
of you came across my mind, somewhat dented by time.

I know it sucks; I wrote it rather quickly.

I loved it

BluesPreacher's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:54 PM


I met a Blue Preacher today
Saddened by other pastors
We talked over lunch
Breaking bread
Sipping off an old tin flask
Uncritiqueingly offduty
Eat chicken alfredo
Courtesy of Macaroni Grill

The pastor
Feeling blue
Asks me for a drink
Not to be a Saint
I stingily harbor the last sips
To help preserve his purity
My sanity
Like the cross around his neck
I say
This is my savior

I drink wine he says
I say
More then a few shots at work?
He grins

He looks around mischeviously
As if his face was surrounded by darkness
Then he raises his left sleeve
I see a cross on his forearm
He says
This was what I beleived in
He then raises his other sleeve
He says
This is what I used to believe in
A little red man with a pesky tail and sharp horns
Laughing with black bottle in hand
Three red X's on white label

I say
We all have our own vices
So you like to drink?
I do he says
with his chin up

I say
I don't understand
You are a pastor

I'm a blue pastor
He says

I give him a drink

The swig loosens his morales

Then he speaks to me in rhyme

I am a blue pastor
I have seen it all
I learned to walk
Before I could crawl
I'm not here to judge
For I have done my wrongs
But I'm a better man today
Much more strong
I have been to hell and back again
And what a trip that was
I have had it all before the fall and
tried almost every drug

He pauses

I pass him the bottle

When I was a kid
I had no fear
Beer was my first joy
When everthing felt wrong
And God felt gone
A bottle is what I enjoyed

So I tell the pastor don't live in your past
And now check me out I'm preachin
I take the time to put it in rhyme to exercise my demon

Ok Blue Pastor
I see your point

He cuts me off and asks
Do you have a joint?

I laugh and say no
Let's talk about this
Jesus helped his disciples
Netting the fish

This bottle a net
Kidneys The fish
Are you sure
You really
Want to do

He puts the flask to his lips
And starts to think
Hmm, put his down?
Or have a drink?

I say no pressure
Drink away your sorrow
But wake up hung over
And you will hate tomorrow

He throws the bottle at me
And says forget it

I say, this isn't for everyone
I knew YOU would regret it.

Loved this, have we met? lol

BluesPreacher's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:58 PM

I can't write about love, I can only write about that which I know. frown flowerforyou

Of course you can write about love. Love of a child, love of a car, love of a tree, whatever, just not love of a man or woman.

BluesPreacher's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:59 PM

I awoke this day the deer outside my window Reminding me of the awesome wonders that make me glow My creator put his all into the beauty that surrouds me I shall never take for granted the things gifted by thee (Off the top of my head not a poet) might this be an example?

yes it is and you are a poet

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 06:02 PM
drinker flowerforyou glasses i'll try,but check the back pages their is a few

BluesPreacher's photo
Wed 05/21/08 06:09 PM

For the most part I write about love but if you take some time and go back in time!!laugh laugh I also do COWBOY POETRY and God!!
Archives!!laugh laugh happy drinker

In your case I would challange you to do something other than any of the above. Although you write very well. The intention of my challenge is for you to challenge yourselves to go someplace different. We all tend to surround ourselves with what comforts us.

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