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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 3
Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:55 AM

with Caliope's help , they drag his comatose body back into the bar.
RéAnna attempts to check him over to see if he has done anything else to himself, like cut his throat.
Seeing that nothing else is wrong with him, she undoes the hand to assess the damage he has done.
Caliope, get me some clean rags and some clean water.

*When you unwrap the bandage it looks like there are very tiny cuts under a few of the other fingers. It looks like he put the dagger over the finger with the ring on it and used his other fingers for added leverage as he pushed down. For all intents and purposes it was a very clean cut right at the knuckle of his hand. The finger and the ring are not in the bloodied rag.*

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:57 AM
Returning with the items requested she sits in the floor next to Jericho's still form.
RéAnna takes a clean rag and places the severed finger in it. She takes another and dips it into the water to wash the ragged remains of his hand.
Muttering to herself... can't believe he did this to himself. Would have been better the have had Rathil and orc brain do it for him last night.
She places a bandage around his hand as tightly as she dares to try to stop the bleeding.
Now, someone needs to find a healer.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:01 AM

Returning with the items requested she sits in the floor next to Jericho's still form.
RéAnna takes a clean rag and places the severed finger in it. She takes another and dips it into the water to wash the ragged remains of his hand.
Muttering to herself... can't believe he did this to himself. Would have been better the have had Rathil and orc brain do it for him last night.
She places a bandage around his hand as tightly as she dares to try to stop the bleeding.
Now, someone needs to find a healer.

The ring around the finger still seems to be growing red as it tries to drain the energy of it's host. It doesn't seem to realize it has been removed from the body. As it continues to try to drain the energy the finger it is still attached too begins to wither. Eventually it drains what is left of the finger and the ring turns black. Not ordinary and useless again. It falls off the dead finger.

cuppy59's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:01 AM
Edited by cuppy59 on Tue 05/13/08 11:03 AM
Calliope recalls that the finger lie on the ground next to the ring..She runs with great speed to retrieve it, because if it were found some other traveler might suffer...She grabs the finger leaving the pool of blood left from Jericho....She has a blank look on her face as she walks back into the tavern, now confused as to what to do with the ring.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:05 AM
Well, now that he will be fingerless....
Let me have that wretched piece of metal Caliope, I know who to give it to that can destroy it.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:16 AM
Edited by joshyfox on Tue 05/13/08 11:33 AM
*He decides on something different this time and runs into the tavern, leaving his scroll in his cart as the short thin man Jumped onto a table and bowed. Why he decided to do this is perplexing as jumping on a table isn't even an amazing feat.*

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:19 AM
Seeing that the bleeding has not stopped and the bandage has become red.
RéAnna walks over to the fireplace and places a knife in the embers.
When it gets hot enough, she takes it out and goes back over to Jericho's still passed out body.
Taking the bandage off and seeing that it truly is still bleeding badly( probably because of the copious amounts of alcohol that he drinks) she takes the red hot knife and places it on the wound to cauterize it.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:20 AM
Edited by silverwaya on Tue 05/13/08 11:22 AM
The smell of burnt flesh fills the room.

She takes a clean bandage and rewraps his hand after the bleeding has finally stopped.
At least he will live.
Now to get some fluids in him, other than alcohol.

sees Raquill jump on the table... That was cute

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:34 AM

The smell of burnt flesh fills the room.

She takes a clean bandage and rewraps his hand after the bleeding has finally stopped.
At least he will live.
Now to get some fluids in him, other than alcohol.

sees Raquill jump on the table... That was cute

*He stands upright and picks up on the smell of burnt flesh.*

...say, what's going on here?

cuppy59's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:55 AM
Edited by cuppy59 on Tue 05/13/08 11:56 AM
Calliope says, "Hello Rathil.."

She notices that he does not have his fine scroll with him..passes the window and sees it sitting on his cart..She thinks,,,I shall teach him a lesson...She sneaks outside, grabs the scroll, comes in through the alleyway entrance and puts the scroll in the cupboard...She laughs at the thought of him running around frantic.

While in the kitchen, she pours a bowl of turtle soup and returns to Re'Anna and hands her the bowl...She realizes that she did not bring a spoon and pulls her pouch open to reveal the fine silver spoon she had found near her cave...She places the spoon on the table for Re'Anna to use, but it disappears.

cuppy59's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:03 PM
Calliope has a disturbed look on her face...the spoon was there..she looks in her pouch and sees the spoon is back whence it came...that is strange...a magical spoon perhaps..

She wanders to the kitchen and grabs a bowl of soup..The veggies are quite colorful and very appetizing in appearance.

She comes back to the table in the Inn, places her bowl on the table and looks for her chair..She spots it in the far corner laying on its side...Relieved that it was not destroyed during the fighting that had occurred in the Inn the previous day...She picks up her chair, checks the sturdiness and climbs up the step, pulls the special spoon out of her pouch and begins to savor he flavors of the meal...Much to her surprise, the spoon fits her hand like the hide fits an animal...shrugs her head thinking did anyone see what she saw..oh well...

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:04 PM

The smell of burnt flesh fills the room.

She takes a clean bandage and rewraps his hand after the bleeding has finally stopped.
At least he will live.
Now to get some fluids in him, other than alcohol.

sees Raquill jump on the table... That was cute

*He stands upright and picks up on the smell of burnt flesh.*

...say, what's going on here?

*As Raquill looks around the room and realizes no one really saw his trick and now he smells burnt flesh. He sees Jericho laying on top of a table with some water and a bunch of rags. Some clean and some bloodied. There is also a bit of liquor from behind the bar used for sterilization. He has a bloodied cloth wrapped around his left hand and he seems completely unconscious.*

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:05 PM

*As Raquill looks around the room and realizes no one really saw his trick and now he smells burnt flesh. He sees Jericho laying on top of a table with some water and a bunch of rags. Some clean and some bloodied. There is also a bit of liquor from behind the bar used for sterilization. He has a bloodied cloth wrapped around his left hand and he seems completely unconscious.*

Huh... I must've missed some kinda party.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:11 PM

Calliope says, "Hello Rathil.."

She notices that he does not have his fine scroll with him..passes the window and sees it sitting on his cart..She thinks,,,I shall teach him a lesson...She sneaks outside, grabs the scroll, comes in through the alleyway entrance and puts the scroll in the cupboard...She laughs at the thought of him running around frantic.

While in the kitchen, she pours a bowl of turtle soup and returns to Re'Anna and hands her the bowl...She realizes that she did not bring a spoon and pulls her pouch open to reveal the fine silver spoon she had found near her cave...She places the spoon on the table for Re'Anna to use, but it disappears.

*He isn't aware that someone stole his "useless" scroll, it seems like a silly thing to take, he didn't even leave it in the locked section of his cart.*

cuppy59's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:12 PM

*As Raquill looks around the room and realizes no one really saw his trick and now he smells burnt flesh. He sees Jericho laying on top of a table with some water and a bunch of rags. Some clean and some bloodied. There is also a bit of liquor from behind the bar used for sterilization. He has a bloodied cloth wrapped around his left hand and he seems completely unconscious.*

Huh... I must've missed some kinda party.

Calliope looks at Rathil and in a low voice mumbling to herself, "That silly merchant thinks hes funny..well I think not...Jericho is lying there bleeding to death and all he thinks is party...I hope he likes it when he finds his scroll has been taken...I'll show him not to leave it on top of the cart...hehehehe!"

cuppy59's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:17 PM
Edited by cuppy59 on Tue 05/13/08 12:26 PM

Calliope says, "Hello Rathil.."

She notices that he does not have his fine scroll with him..passes the window and sees it sitting on his cart..She thinks,,,I shall teach him a lesson...She sneaks outside, grabs the scroll, comes in through the alleyway entrance and puts the scroll in the cupboard...She laughs at the thought of him running around frantic.

While in the kitchen, she pours a bowl of turtle soup and returns to Re'Anna and hands her the bowl...She realizes that she did not bring a spoon and pulls her pouch open to reveal the fine silver spoon she had found near her cave...She places the spoon on the table for Re'Anna to use, but it disappears.

*He isn't aware that someone stole his "useless" scroll, it seems like a silly thing to take, he didn't even leave it in the locked section of his cart.*

"Why Rathil, where is your scroll? Do you not need it to check your inventory," She snickers about where it is hidden and thinks to herself,,,"I can be just as sneaky as the next hobbit even if I am a female...hehehehehehe"

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:17 PM

Calliope looks at Rathil and in a low voice mumbling to herself, "That silly merchant thinks hes funny..well I think not...Jericho is lying there bleeding to death and all he thinks is party...I hope he likes it when he finds his scroll has been taken...I'll show him not to leave it on top of the cart...hehehehe!"

*Any occurrence in a tavern that involves an injury but nothing truly fatal is a pretty wild time. Maybe not pleasant, but wild.*

Seriously who stabbed who?

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:23 PM
Edited by joshyfox on Tue 05/13/08 12:29 PM
*He shrugs and decides this isn't a good time to be around being himself because everyone is going to be all sensitive about lost fingers and nearly bleeding to death. He steps out for a moment back to his cart. It is there he notices his scroll is missing. He stares at where he left it annoyed and confused.*

Really? All the things someone could have tried to do and they take my list? Why would someone even take my list? What could someone possibly do with it?

...I swear the idiots in this town...

cuppy59's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:31 PM

*He shrugs and decides this isn't a good time to be around being himself because everyone is going to be all sensitive about lost fingers and nearly bleeding to death. He steps out for a moment back to his cart. It is there he notices his scroll is missing. He stares at where he left it annoyed and confused.*

Really? All the things someone could have tried to do and they take my list? Why would someone even take my list? What could someone possibly do with my it?

...I swear the idiots in this town...

"No stabbing Rathil, Jericho chopped his finger off to remove the ring and Re'Anna is going to dispose of it..." She responds again..."You say idiot as if you think they are stupid...Maybe you misplaced it...dont get your panties in a bind...Ill help you look for it.." She would love to play hide and seek with this little fella,,,but he is so stiff...

joshyfox's photo
Tue 05/13/08 12:36 PM

"No stabbing Rathil, Jericho chopped his finger off to remove the ring and Re'Anna is going to dispose of it..." She responds again..."You say idiot as if you think they are stupid...Maybe you misplaced it...dont get your panties in a bind...Ill help you look for it.." She would love to play hide and seek with this little fella,,,but he is so stiff...

Where would I have lost it, the cart where I left it? No, It's gone and I just have to deal with that.

*He is surprisingly calm about this, which is odd considering how he tackles most of his life. It's a magical scroll this is true, but this makes one wonder how much it really matters to him. He walks back into the Tavern and sits down, not much in the mood to talk to anyone anymore.*

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