Topic: Conservatives Happier Than Liberals
Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:03 AM

And, your post is proof, Conservatives ARE a happy group of people. Your post is not that one of a 'happy puppy.'

:smile: :heart:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Why Lindy, do you continue to defend Bush with the bible (evangelist interpretation) and religious doctrine, when his actions have been and continue to exhibit the polar opposite?

Simple question, and one I'm sure you will be HAPPY to answer.
Please do not quote scripture........

Fanta dear:

Have not the foggiest WHAT you are talking about. This is about conservatives being more happy. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHlaugh laugh

Fanta, sweetie, please do not go off topic. This topic is not about President Bush, and Fanta sweetheart, read my profile "laugh laugh
"I am a conservative, right-wing Republican. Love my country and support our troops and PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH WITH UNWAIVERING DEDICATION."

Fanta my love, I defend whomever or whatever I want. THAT is my RIGHT, is it not? Or are we in a foreign country now?laugh laugh


Isaiah 26:3
,,God will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him. Because He trusts in you.

ISAIAH 54:17
"No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and EVERY TONGUE that acuses you in judgment you will condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me." DECLARES the LORD.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; NOT as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Perhaps this last scripture is why conservatives are so happy and why President Bush is able to continue on despite all of his evil attackers here on earth.


Luke 6:37
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

And Fanta, this scripture is how I face all the attacks I get from people on here:

Romans 12:19
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the LORD.

With that, If I were one of the ones who condemn Christians, Bash President Bush, Republicana and Conservatives - I would run like helllllllllllllllllllllllllll

You see, Fanta, God takes care of everything for me, I do not even have to ask of him to do it.

:heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:05 AM

Conservatives, as exhibited continuously on here, are bitter.
Bitter they are a minority, and bitter that others dislike their false God Bush!

Don't you just WISH?

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:06 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 05/08/08 10:06 AM
"I am a conservative, right-wing Republican. Love my country and support our troops and PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH WITH UNWAIVERING DEDICATION."
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Enough said!
At least you admit to being a Sheeple People!!glasses

Chazster's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:06 AM

All the conservatives did on this thread is prove my point. They are full of hatred for liberals, non religious, other races, other nations, etc..... With the exception of war who claims to be conservative, we have nothing but *****ing and complaining about the liberals, etc...

I do not claim any political stance so I cannot be catagorized as a liberal or conservative. But I do notice the differences in the two and conservatives or repubs are the most hateful( to those unlike them of course) people I have ever met in my life.

Really? where did I show hatred for anyone? As far as complaining goes, lets look at the amount of threads complaining about the government and see who started more, conservatives or liberals.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:07 AM

Conservatives, as exhibited continuously on here, are bitter.
Bitter they are a minority, and bitter that others dislike their false God Bush!


Nice try at 'reverse psychology.'

laugh laugh laugh

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:08 AM

All the conservatives did on this thread is prove my point. They are full of hatred for liberals, non religious, other races, other nations, etc..... With the exception of war who claims to be conservative, we have nothing but *****ing and complaining about the liberals, etc...

I do not claim any political stance so I cannot be catagorized as a liberal or conservative. But I do notice the differences in the two and conservatives or repubs are the most hateful( to those unlike them of course) people I have ever met in my life.

Really? where did I show hatred for anyone? As far as complaining goes, lets look at the amount of threads complaining about the government and see who started more, conservatives or liberals.

I bet it is conservative. Because mine are not either.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:09 AM

I agree in the balance. We need balance in this country and the two sides will serve that purpose if they would work together to acheive it.

YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT.

adj4u's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:09 AM

I don't know why there would be any indication we are bitter, because I'm certainly not. While there are definitely different strains of conservatism present in this forum (i.e. Lindy and myself), I think some of you may be confusing objectivity with anger and hatred.

I'll give you an example.

I don't give a sh!t about Africa. Really, I don't. Tomorrow, the entire continent could blast off from its continental shelf into space, and nothing in my life would change. You know why? Because it doesn't concern me. America, however, does.

Now do I hate Africans? Absolutely not. I just have my own (American) problems to worry about.

well that would eliviate some of the global warming problem
there would be room for the meltin ice to go to

Chazster's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:12 AM

All the conservatives did on this thread is prove my point. They are full of hatred for liberals, non religious, other races, other nations, etc..... With the exception of war who claims to be conservative, we have nothing but *****ing and complaining about the liberals, etc...

I do not claim any political stance so I cannot be catagorized as a liberal or conservative. But I do notice the differences in the two and conservatives or repubs are the most hateful( to those unlike them of course) people I have ever met in my life.

Really? where did I show hatred for anyone? As far as complaining goes, lets look at the amount of threads complaining about the government and see who started more, conservatives or liberals.

I bet it is conservative. Because mine are not either.

For one, you never apologized for accusing me of being intolerant.
Also, it is news to me that you are not a liberal. I was under the impression that both you and madman were liberals, feel free to correct me on that matter though.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:13 AM

"I am a conservative, right-wing Republican. Love my country and support our troops and PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH WITH UNWAIVERING DEDICATION."
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Enough said!
At least you admit to being a Sheeple People!!glasses

It really gets under you skin that you cannot change me, doesn't it?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:14 AM

All the conservatives did on this thread is prove my point. They are full of hatred for liberals, non religious, other races, other nations, etc..... With the exception of war who claims to be conservative, we have nothing but *****ing and complaining about the liberals, etc...

I do not claim any political stance so I cannot be catagorized as a liberal or conservative. But I do notice the differences in the two and conservatives or repubs are the most hateful( to those unlike them of course) people I have ever met in my life.

Really? where did I show hatred for anyone? As far as complaining goes, lets look at the amount of threads complaining about the government and see who started more, conservatives or liberals.

I bet it is conservative. Because mine are not either.

For one, you never apologized for accusing me of being intolerant.
Also, it is news to me that you are not a liberal. I was under the impression that both you and madman were liberals, feel free to correct me on that matter though.

I claim niether side. Others catagorize me but I am not either by my own claim. I do not remember calling you intolerant? If I did and it was unjust I will gladly apologize.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:16 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 05/08/08 10:17 AM

I agree in the balance. We need balance in this country and the two sides will serve that purpose if they would work together to acheive it.

YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT.

All the more reason to vote all Republicans out of office.
Not only do they refuse to compromise with the Democrats, but they ignore and refuse to work with the People.

You and Daniel have managed in one day to do as much damage to your party as Bush has in 8 years.

Congratulations Lindy!!!:heart:

devilwasanangel2's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:24 AM
Oh my god She's back??

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:25 AM

I agree in the balance. We need balance in this country and the two sides will serve that purpose if they would work together to acheive it.

YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT.

All the more reason to vote all Republicans out of office.
Not only do they refuse to compromise with the Democrats, but they ignore and refuse to work with the People.

You and Daniel have managed in one day to do as much damage to your party as Bush has in 8 years.

Congratulations Lindy!!!:heart:

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:26 AM

YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT.

All the more reason to vote all Republicans out of office.
Not only do they refuse to compromise with the Democrats, but they ignore and refuse to work with the People.

You and Daniel have managed in one day to do as much damage to your party as Bush has in 8 years.

Congratulations Lindy!!!:heart:

Fanta: PLEASE put on your reading glasses. "YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT." THAT Fanta dear, was MY reponse to dragon's post. Ding ding ding.laugh

You are sooooooooooooooo terrible at reverse psychology.laugh

:heart: :heart:

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:27 AM

"I am a conservative, right-wing Republican. Love my country and support our troops and PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH WITH UNWAIVERING DEDICATION."
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Enough said!
At least you admit to being a Sheeple People!!glasses

It really gets under you skin that you cannot change me, doesn't it?

I dont think God could change your opinion about Bush Lindy...:heart:

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:27 AM

Oh my god She's back??

Never left my dear

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:30 AM

YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT.

All the more reason to vote all Republicans out of office.
Not only do they refuse to compromise with the Democrats, but they ignore and refuse to work with the People.

You and Daniel have managed in one day to do as much damage to your party as Bush has in 8 years.

Congratulations Lindy!!!:heart:

Fanta: PLEASE put on your reading glasses. "YOU work together with somone who opposes you? I THINK NOT." THAT Fanta dear, was MY reponse to dragon's post. Ding ding ding.laugh

You are sooooooooooooooo terrible at reverse psychology.laugh

:heart: :heart:

Isn't that funny how I spoke at a party level and she had to make it a personal attack of some kind, hmmmmmmmmmmm, still not feeling all the love from these conservatives hereohwell

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:32 AM

I dont think God could change your opinion about Bush Lindy...:heart:

That is because GOD and I are on the side President George W.Bush:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Romans 8:31
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

God is on my side. :smile:

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:32 AM
if you're not totally pi$$ed off, then you're NOT paying attention!!!!