Topic: Journey Across The Desert
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Fri 02/02/07 11:36 PM
Across the desert sands the wind blows
Gritty and angry pieces of sand clinging to my skin
Driving its way into my eyes
I look across this vast emptiness
Only one goal in mind
I walk on
Plodding past bleached out skulls
Skulls of the ones who came before me
And failed
I must go on
I must not fail
Wind whipping my braids
Tugging at them playfully
Squinting to see
I look towards the horizon
Not much further now
Bowing my head to keep the sand at bay
I walk on for another day
My feet slipping in the sand as it sucks me down
And still I walk on
Spear clutched in my hand
Pack on my back
In the distance I hear coyote
The trickster howling his lament
I push it from my mind
Knowing he only wishes to deceive me
I turn my ears inward
Listening closely
As the sacred bundle speaks
It sings gently to me
Guiding me on my way
Walking through the days sun
Wishing I were done
Night falls and still I walk
Lightening flashes across the sky
Filling the dead air with the scent of ozone
And yet no rains come
I look up and watch as the Lightening Twins fight
Grateful for the light
With a great sigh I keep walking
Feeling rocks beneath my feet
The night air cooler now
The scent on pine fills my nose
I start to climb upward
Slowly up the mountain I go
Knowing that when I reach the top
I will sleep beneath the eagles nest
I look to the east waiting to see the sun rise
Brother wolf raises his head eying me
He whispers in the wind
"Go on my friend
Your journey is almost at its end
When the moon splits the sky
And blood pours from your eye
You will see a brother from the north
He will teach you the art of war
Then you must prepare for the twins"
My legs tremble with fatigue
But still I walk on...

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:27 AM
Damn girl felt as if I was wallking with you
on that journey very good one.

karmafury's photo
Sat 02/03/07 06:03 AM
Very nice trek Poet. Now to get sand out of my moccasins.

venusrose's photo
Sat 02/03/07 05:22 PM
Ah, Walk's With Wind journey continues...I'm loving this series of
poems. Looking forward to the next adventure.

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 05:25 PM
you are such a good poet this one was as if i were there

LAMom's photo
Thu 02/08/07 03:26 AM
Ms Poet, incredible walk indeed !!

herewego's photo
Thu 02/08/07 03:43 PM
so beautiful..

no photo
Fri 02/09/07 07:25 AM
just beautiful sis flowerforyou

Gryphyn's photo
Fri 02/09/07 07:45 AM
It seems this journey never ends, it does one day have an ending of the
path we seek. One day soon you will travel it with another it has
written in the analogues of life.



FariesDoFly's photo
Fri 02/09/07 09:43 AM
He whispers in the wind
"Go on my friend
Your journey is almost at its end
When the moon splits the sky
And blood pours from your eye
You will see a brother from the north
He will teach you the art of war

Majorly loved that part, you write with good imagination and you place
it for the readers too, so it draws you in and helps you better
understand it and also you can place yourself there, very nicely done :)

michael1313's photo
Fri 02/09/07 09:54 AM
felt every step on this path...

Good work Poetsmokin

Morena350's photo
Sat 02/10/07 11:14 AM
girly, please don't stop writing!!!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 02/10/07 11:27 AM
another great poem from a great sister.bigsmile

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 02/12/07 08:54 PM
Safe Journey

you Rawk sis

karenbear's photo
Mon 02/12/07 09:18 PM
love your pome

no photo
Mon 02/12/07 09:20 PM
Thank you all, ther eis more to com, Walks With Wind's journey is not
done, not by far

DANE1973's photo
Mon 02/12/07 09:25 PM
I loved it the second I read it.