Topic: The Book Your Church Doesn't want you to read. | |
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Tue 05/06/08 01:21 AM
Seriously Wouldee, I think you are loosing your freaking mind. As you have told Abra to stay out of others threads and go start his own, I could tell you the same. Well I did start this one. This thread is not for you. You don't intimidate me in the least ~~ so get over yourself. I am recommending this book to any poor soul who wants to learn some of the history about the lie that calls itself religion, particularly Christianity. I believe a large portion of it is pure evil. And I am not asking anyone to believe me. I am asking them to read this book and decide for them self. It is history. This book is NOT about evolution. Geeeeze. JB You have now admitted your intent.rthe highlights are mine of your affirmations and intentd=s. You are a false teacher. You are not a Christian and you do not have the authority to teach Christianity. Born again Christians are the authority. Clergy or laymen, but not you. You are a lie. You do not represent Christians, and you have no knowledge of what constitutes Christianity. You have renuounced it and abandoned it. You are an insult to suppose such a quality upon yourself. Get over your self righteous arrogance. What kind of hate are you really spewing? You are uinsulting, and abusive, and an annoying nuisance to suppose that you have any right to sit in judgement of the needs of Christians. You are an unmitigated ass to suppose that such callous insensitivites are at all respectable. Get over it. This thread is a mockery and an insult. It is only designed and posted to create hate speech. It is clearly intended to bash Christians and the basher is the ignortant pontif and author of this thread, no less. get real. |
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Tue 05/06/08 01:19 AM
Wouldee you are the one who is full of hate.
You are full of hate and poison words. I have read the book, you have not. It is NOT about evolution. Read it for yourself, then you will be more informed to speak of its contents. It is simply the history of the Church and other religions. The facts will shock you awake. Educate yourself. JB |
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Tue 05/06/08 01:26 AM
You have now admitted your intent.
You are a false teacher. You are not a Christian and you do not have the authority to teach Christianity. Right. I am NOT a Christian of your sort. I have no intention of teaching Christianity. I would like people to WAKE UP and think for themselves. That is sometimes hard for them to do when they are being brainwashed and intimidated by people like you. Therefore I recommend they read this book and decide for themselves. THINK for themselves. Consider all information. Then decide. You should try it. JB |
You are an unmitigated ass to suppose that such callous insensitivites are at all respectable.
This is a personal attack on me. You are getting way out of line. I suggest you calm down. |
Wouldee you are the one who is full of hate. You are full of hate and poison words. I have read the book, you have not. It is NOT about evolution. Read it for yourself, then you will be more informed to speak of its contents. It is simply the history of the Church and other religions. The facts will shock you awake. Educate yourself. JB Why is it that you are supposing to teach a Christian anything? One must be born again and receive the Holy Spirit to be a Christian. The Holy Spirit is the teacher and the guide and counsellor, not men. Not one of you that renounce Christianity has ever entered in at all. None of those that profess that they were and have renounced the faith were ever Christians. The Holy Spirit does not create such rebellion. There is no greater love. You are bankrupt of any authority and credibility to dare to suppose such self righteous indignation at being admonished for your insulting arrogance and deceitful mokery of truth that has completely and utterly escaped you in you personal estimations of your worthiness to teach anything to a Chirstian. You are enamored with the falsehood, churchianity. You are completely incompetent and ignorant. Not to mention, insensitive, hateful, cruel and offensive. You imagine far too much upon yourself. educate yourself. And silence your hate speech and insults. That includes your slurs directed at me, whom you despise. You despise me because I do not bow to your foolishness and folly and your insults. That is an unrespectable place for you to be, Jeannie. Totally uncalled for and impolite. The rudeness is yours in your ignorance This thread traps you to face it. Get a life. Let the thread die in the catacombs, but remember, that though it may fall from view, the stain of your insensitive folly and mockery will always testify to your heart. For that, you should be ashamed, but you aren't. I pity you. It is not my goal to hurt for your feelings either. You brought this on yourself with your callous unthoughtfulness. Nevertheless, I pity you, the more. |
It seemed 2 me that the one book that every church i ever went 2
Didnt want anyone 2 read was the bible. |
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Tue 05/06/08 02:15 AM
Tempted as I am to return your insults, I don't intend to stoop to that unflattering level. Your endless ranting and numerous insults have become tiresome and dull. I am only recommending a book here. It is not as if I wrote it. This recommendation is not for you. JB |
"In a winner-take-all world, where the stakes are high, I am afraid those addicted by controlled religion will never read this book. the pope could write a book called god was my lesbian lover and people wouldn't leave the church or think differently of it ..the religon is more than about the belief in god church or the bible's what some people need in that point in time in their life to keep them semi-stable ...only real problem with religion is that it provides a ready made "sleeper cell" army that can be manipulated to bring true it's own prophecy of armageddon |
I consider all information. If what you believe is a lie, wouldn't you want to know it? I would, because I seek truth. If you truly seek truth, you are not afraid to consider all information. JB No, I think you are seeking to justify what you see as the truth but that nagging question "what if I am wrong" keeps nagging at you. For that same reason you find atheists in a religion forum. On the cover it would appear that they are debating with hatred and malicious intent when in reality the simple fact is that they are not sure if they are right in their beliefs. After all what is truth concerning the unknown without faith? Doubt. ![]() |
If you pride yourself in knowing your doctor, broker, insurance agent and attorney, add: know your religion and church. "The Book your church Doesn't want you to Read" Tim C Leedom, Editor If a person tells you that he or she knows the truth and has not read this book, then they only know half the truth. In other words, they have been a victim of controlled data, incomplete teachings, self perpetuated mythology or, God bless them, brainwashing." "In a winner-take-all world, where the stakes are high, I am afraid those addicted by controlled religion will never read this book. Because of fear, laziness or the attitude of "don't bother me with the facts" they will avoid getting a documented menu of substantial archaeological evidence, biblical critique and historical fact. Hopefully, enough of these people will break away just long enough to read this book." Dr. Bob Beck, Physicist. Before you devote your life to the Church, get to know it. So what you are claiming is this information can be found no where but this book? Thats highly unlikely unless the book is fiction. Maybe people just don't pay attention to History. In school and on the History channel they have discussed things the church hid, kept out of the bible, etc. Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Judas, and so on. The Church also got Charlemagne to be their emperor and spread their empire. (Yes he was not born into it, the church convinced him they God chose him to do this) That being said, I believe in the message of the church. Love God and Love your Neighbor as Yourself. If you don't believe in God you can still do the second one. The world would be a better place if everyone did and I am doing what I can. |
If you pride yourself in knowing your doctor, broker, insurance agent and attorney, add: know your religion and church. "The Book your church Doesn't want you to Read" Tim C Leedom, Editor If a person tells you that he or she knows the truth and has not read this book, then they only know half the truth. In other words, they have been a victim of controlled data, incomplete teachings, self perpetuated mythology or, God bless them, brainwashing." "In a winner-take-all world, where the stakes are high, I am afraid those addicted by controlled religion will never read this book. Because of fear, laziness or the attitude of "don't bother me with the facts" they will avoid getting a documented menu of substantial archaeological evidence, biblical critique and historical fact. Hopefully, enough of these people will break away just long enough to read this book." Dr. Bob Beck, Physicist. Before you devote your life to the Church, get to know it. So what you are claiming is this information can be found no where but this book? Thats highly unlikely unless the book is fiction. Maybe people just don't pay attention to History. In school and on the History channel they have discussed things the church hid, kept out of the bible, etc. Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Judas, and so on. The Church also got Charlemagne to be their emperor and spread their empire. (Yes he was not born into it, the church convinced him they God chose him to do this) That being said, I believe in the message of the church. Love God and Love your Neighbor as Yourself. If you don't believe in God you can still do the second one. The world would be a better place if everyone did and I am doing what I can. Short, sweet, to the point. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 05/06/08 07:15 AM
You are uinsulting, and abusive, and an annoying nuisance to suppose that you have any right to sit in judgement of the needs of Christians.
You are an unmitigated ass to suppose that such callous insensitivites are at all respectable. Wouldee, you seem to be having a serious nervous breakdown lately. I sincerely hope that it’s not the real thing. For several days now you have really lost it. The last thing that can be said about Jeanniebean is that she is insulting or abusive. You are name-calling. You just called Jeannie and ass! That’s an absolute violation of humanity not to mention the forum rules, and acceptable etiquette for any respectable person. Yet you are attempting to imply that she is being disrespectful? I think you better get a grip on yourself. You say to Jeanniebean, “You are uinsulting, and abusive, and an annoying nuisance to suppose that you have any right to sit in judgement of the needs of Christians.” Well excuse me Mr. Pious High and Mighty,… What do you think the proselytizing of Christianity is???? I tell Christians that I’m a pantheist and I’m happy with my relationship with God. They laugh and say, “So you think we’re related to monkeys and God is in rocks? You’re nuts!” Then they start telling me that I need to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior to be forgiven for all the terrible sin that I’ve committed. These people don’t even know me and they are accusing me of having committed terrible sins??? From my point of view they are doing precisely what you are accusing Jeanniebean of doing. They are being insulting and abusive and an annoying nuisance!!! What gives them the right to sit in judgment of the needs of non-Christians???? You see Wouldee all Jeanniebean is doing is holding up a mirror, and when you look in it you become outraged with what you see and you have a nervous breakdown screaming obscenities. But in truth she isn’t doing anything any differnet from what Christian Proselytizers are doing. They laugh at pantheists because pantheists believe they are related to monkeys and God is truly omniscient in all of nature. But the pantheists are laughing at the Christians because they believe that a foolish self-proclaimed jealous God designed a universe in which he ended up having to have himself slaughtered on a pole because he can only be appeased by blood sacrifices??? That’s less stupid then believing that we’re related to monkeys and God is truly omniscient in all of nature. I don’t think so. When Christians proselytize Christianity there aren’t doing anything any differnet from what Jeanniebean has proposed in this thread. What a minute! Yes they are doing something differnet!!! Jeanniebean is merely offer information to be read. She doesn’t even say that you must believe it. It’s just information written and complied by humans that she feels people will find enlightening. Christians on the other hand, aren’t merely promoting a book to be causally read,… they are demanding that people believe it is the word of God!!! So your accusations that Jeannie is being abusive or insulting is utterly unfounded and laughable. You’re the one who’s doing all the name calling and making all the slanderous remarks. Get over yourself Wouldee. Maybe take a break from the forums for a while if they are upsetting you that much. ![]() |
That being said, I believe in the message of the church. Love God and Love your Neighbor as Yourself. If you don't believe in God you can still do the second one. The world would be a better place if everyone did and I am doing what I can. This is not the message of the church at all. The message of the Church is that Jesus died to pay for your sins and to offer you the give of eternal life. And that only those who believe in him shall be forgiven and receive this eternal gift of life. That’s the message from the church. Christianity hold no special claim to “Love your Neighbor as Yourself”. That’s the foundation of many religious and philosophies. Even many atheists hold that principle as their highest moral standard. To claim that this is what Christianity is all about it to imply that other people aren’t thinking like that, which is total nonsense. The message of the Church is one of division. Yes it is. The Church would have you divide the world up onto two groups. Those who are willing to believe that Jesus died to pay for their sins, and those who reject this notion. And this causes the serious divide that we see on these forums, and in the world, everyday... That is the divide... Not the idea that Christians love their neighbors as themselves and other people don’t. That’s total nonsense. The divide comes because Christians won’t accept anyone as being ‘of God’ unless they confess that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that the entire Bible is the word of God... After all, if you don’t believe the entire Bible then the story of Jesus holds no water. Actually I personally feel that it doesn’t even hold water as a compete story, but let’s not go there for now. So the message of the Church is to divide the world into two camps. The “believers” and the “non-believers” That’s the message of the Church. And it is causing such great division and angst in the world. Christianity divides people, it doesn’t bring them together. Ever notice that all the arguments on the forums are based on whether or not people believe that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that the Bible is the only true word of God??? It all stems from the fact that Christianity divides the world into two camps. Believers and Non-believers. Disclaimer: This actually also applies to Judaism and Islam since they are basically the same religion at the core of their foundations. They are all based on the idea of a single jealous personified God who has proclaimed as a commandment, that thou shalt have no other God’s before HIM.” Therein lies the root of all our problems. A jealous monotheistic God won’t accept anyone who doesn’t worship his religion. There are MANY people who simply don’t believe this anymore. They just don’t believe that God would be that way. But the Church DEMANDS that this is what God is like, and everyone MUST believe it. That’s the message from the Church. – not brother love and acceptance, but rather bigotry against those who don’t believe like the Church. ![]() |
I consider all information. If what you believe is a lie, wouldn't you want to know it? I would, because I seek truth. If you truly seek truth, you are not afraid to consider all information. JB No, I think you are seeking to justify what you see as the truth but that nagging question "what if I am wrong" keeps nagging at you. For that same reason you find atheists in a religion forum. On the cover it would appear that they are debating with hatred and malicious intent when in reality the simple fact is that they are not sure if they are right in their beliefs. After all what is truth concerning the unknown without faith? Doubt. ![]() This is such a ridiculous statement. Do you think that only politicians should go in the political threads? Only Poets in the poet thread? Only Cooks in the Cooking thread? These places are for people that want to discuss religion. To those of us that see religion as a real threat to society we REALLY REALLY need to discuss religion. We are through letting the religious people be the only ones to give their point of view. I'm sorry your religion is so threatened by anyone that speaks against it. I would think "God" would be stronger then that. If I really had "God" on my side. I would not be scared to listen to anyone. peace in truth |
I do not need to waste time considering information that from my personal viewpoint is irrelevant. Rabbit, one thing I can say is, if I was not already a Christian your comments sure would cause me to seek out the truth. |
Wouldee you are the one who is full of hate. You are full of hate and poison words. I have read the book, you have not. It is NOT about evolution. Read it for yourself, then you will be more informed to speak of its contents. It is simply the history of the Church and other religions. The facts will shock you awake. Educate yourself. JB Why is it that you are supposing to teach a Christian anything? One must be born again and receive the Holy Spirit to be a Christian. The Holy Spirit is the teacher and the guide and counsellor, not men. Not one of you that renounce Christianity has ever entered in at all. None of those that profess that they were and have renounced the faith were ever Christians. The Holy Spirit does not create such rebellion. There is no greater love. You are bankrupt of any authority and credibility to dare to suppose such self righteous indignation at being admonished for your insulting arrogance and deceitful mokery of truth that has completely and utterly escaped you in you personal estimations of your worthiness to teach anything to a Chirstian. You are enamored with the falsehood, churchianity. You are completely incompetent and ignorant. Not to mention, insensitive, hateful, cruel and offensive. You imagine far too much upon yourself. educate yourself. And silence your hate speech and insults. That includes your slurs directed at me, whom you despise. You despise me because I do not bow to your foolishness and folly and your insults. That is an unrespectable place for you to be, Jeannie. Totally uncalled for and impolite. The rudeness is yours in your ignorance This thread traps you to face it. Get a life. Let the thread die in the catacombs, but remember, that though it may fall from view, the stain of your insensitive folly and mockery will always testify to your heart. For that, you should be ashamed, but you aren't. I pity you. It is not my goal to hurt for your feelings either. You brought this on yourself with your callous unthoughtfulness. Nevertheless, I pity you, the more. Right on again....Wouldee ![]() ![]() ![]() |
If you pride yourself in knowing your doctor, broker, insurance agent and attorney, add: know your religion and church. "The Book your church Doesn't want you to Read" Tim C Leedom, Editor If a person tells you that he or she knows the truth and has not read this book, then they only know half the truth. In other words, they have been a victim of controlled data, incomplete teachings, self perpetuated mythology or, God bless them, brainwashing." "In a winner-take-all world, where the stakes are high, I am afraid those addicted by controlled religion will never read this book. Because of fear, laziness or the attitude of "don't bother me with the facts" they will avoid getting a documented menu of substantial archaeological evidence, biblical critique and historical fact. Hopefully, enough of these people will break away just long enough to read this book." Dr. Bob Beck, Physicist. Before you devote your life to the Church, get to know it. So what you are claiming is this information can be found no where but this book? Thats highly unlikely unless the book is fiction. Maybe people just don't pay attention to History. In school and on the History channel they have discussed things the church hid, kept out of the bible, etc. Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Judas, and so on. The Church also got Charlemagne to be their emperor and spread their empire. (Yes he was not born into it, the church convinced him they God chose him to do this) That being said, I believe in the message of the church. Love God and Love your Neighbor as Yourself. If you don't believe in God you can still do the second one. The world would be a better place if everyone did and I am doing what I can. Short, sweet, to the point. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 05/06/08 08:19 AM
I consider all information. If what you believe is a lie, wouldn't you want to know it? I would, because I seek truth. If you truly seek truth, you are not afraid to consider all information. JB No, I think you are seeking to justify what you see as the truth but that nagging question "what if I am wrong" keeps nagging at you. For that same reason you find atheists in a religion forum. On the cover it would appear that they are debating with hatred and malicious intent when in reality the simple fact is that they are not sure if they are right in their beliefs. After all what is truth concerning the unknown without faith? Doubt. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
If you pride yourself in knowing your doctor, broker, insurance agent and attorney, add: know your religion and church. "The Book your church Doesn't want you to Read" Tim C Leedom, Editor If a person tells you that he or she knows the truth and has not read this book, then they only know half the truth. In other words, they have been a victim of controlled data, incomplete teachings, self perpetuated mythology or, God bless them, brainwashing." "In a winner-take-all world, where the stakes are high, I am afraid those addicted by controlled religion will never read this book. Because of fear, laziness or the attitude of "don't bother me with the facts" they will avoid getting a documented menu of substantial archaeological evidence, biblical critique and historical fact. Hopefully, enough of these people will break away just long enough to read this book." Dr. Bob Beck, Physicist. Before you devote your life to the Church, get to know it. I HIGHLIGHTED YOUR VEILED DECEIT FOR YOU. You are antagonizing Christianity with this one Nothing but ill will displays yourt intentions better, JB. Get over your self righteous and arrogant pontifications. Oh, you don't know whatever it is do I mean? Jesus isn't evolved from apes and neither are you. The fossil record displays much life before man but no direct link to man Different species, but bipedal nonetheless. This is nothing but a snipe at Chirstianity and argumentative and inciteful at all. Truly as the witch that you are, there is no sincerity intended in helping a Christian at all. You know Christians are not swayed by this before you ever posted it. Your intent is not to help anyone. Your blatant intent is to enflame and condescendingly mock Christianity. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 05/06/08 08:43 AM
star-tin gover,
I consider all information. If what you believe is a lie, wouldn't you want to know it? I would, because I seek truth. If you truly seek truth, you are not afraid to consider all information. JB No, I think you are seeking to justify what you see as the truth but that nagging question "what if I am wrong" keeps nagging at you. For that same reason you find atheists in a religion forum. On the cover it would appear that they are debating with hatred and malicious intent when in reality the simple fact is that they are not sure if they are right in their beliefs. After all what is truth concerning the unknown without faith? Doubt. ![]() The "what if I am wrong' thought does cross my mind and I continue to look at information on both sides. But at least I look at information on both sides. There may have been a god made flesh who incarnated on the earth. He may have been persecuted or killed, crucified or stoned. I don't know this. I have considered this. But I see flaws in the church. I see flaws in the myths. I see flaws in the methods used to spread Christianity. I see evil in the Church. I also see many good people in the church who are afraid to know the truth, and who are afraid to look into the dark corners, and who are afraid to ask the questions. I am not afraid to ask. I am not afraid to look. I am not afraid to come out of darkness. ((( ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() JB |