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Topic: International Worker's Day
Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:03 PM

Yes we have a one party system in Umerika capitalist and thats it . but I suspet if things get much worse the socialists and communits will make a comeback. the new deal is what stopped socialism in america it evened the field for the working people
unions are dead. They have killed the automotive industry, and forced the american auto makers to play second fiddle to imports. Your job will be gone within the next ten years. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it

It was actually sh!tty cars that killed the American automobile industry.laugh
Why would someone want to drive junk?
Yes, and the junk was created by union workers. Hell some of them care, but the majority of them lax on their jobs because they hide behind the protection of their union contract. I have a friend who is a supervisor at chrysler that can tell you hair straightening stories about how some of those people act on the job

The problems started long before the assembly line. They're poor products right off the drawing board. That has little to do with union labour.

Hi Jaxflowerforyou
I will agree with you that some of the problems lies with that, but the poor dependability, and shoddy workmanship is what really did them in. you could buy a japanese import car for a fraction of the price of an american car, and it would actually run when you turned the key.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:03 PM

Yes we have a one party system in Umerika capitalist and thats it . but I suspet if things get much worse the socialists and communits will make a comeback. the new deal is what stopped socialism in america it evened the field for the working people
unions are dead. They have killed the automotive industry, and forced the american auto makers to play second fiddle to imports. Your job will be gone within the next ten years. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it

It was actually sh!tty cars that killed the American automobile industry.laugh
Why would someone want to drive junk?
Yes, and the junk was created by union workers. Hell some of them care, but the majority of them lax on their jobs because they hide behind the protection of their union contract. I have a friend who is a supervisor at chrysler that can tell you hair straightening stories about how some of those people act on the job

I will talk junk about our country all day with fellow Americans, but I will not join in when foreigners do so. If anything I will turn upon them with everything I have.

What does Canada produce with their 36 million people.
Nothing I'll buy....grumble grumble

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:04 PM

Yes we have a one party system in Umerika capitalist and thats it . but I suspet if things get much worse the socialists and communits will make a comeback. the new deal is what stopped socialism in america it evened the field for the working people
unions are dead. They have killed the automotive industry, and forced the american auto makers to play second fiddle to imports. Your job will be gone within the next ten years. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it

It was actually sh!tty cars that killed the American automobile industry.laugh
Why would someone want to drive junk?
Yes, and the junk was created by union workers. Hell some of them care, but the majority of them lax on their jobs because they hide behind the protection of their union contract. I have a friend who is a supervisor at chrysler that can tell you hair straightening stories about how some of those people act on the job

I will talk junk about our country all day with fellow Americans, but I will not join in when foreigners do so. If anything I will turn upon them with everything I have.

What does Canada produce with their 36 million people.
Nothing I'll buy....grumble grumble
I am not canadian lol

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:08 PM
GM, Ford and Chrysler have plants in Canada as well. They build the same junk.laugh

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:09 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 05/01/08 07:10 PM
I know you aren't, but their are many trashing America who aren't American and you are joining them.

There was nothing wrong with American steel before the protective tariffs were lifted. Jap cars were crap, and American Auto makers were forced to lower their quality to compete with the cheap prices. It all started with the gas shortages in the early 70's. Before that you didn't see anyone driving jap cars.

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 08:02 PM

I know you aren't, but their are many trashing America who aren't American and you are joining them.

There was nothing wrong with American steel before the protective tariffs were lifted. Jap cars were crap, and American Auto makers were forced to lower their quality to compete with the cheap prices. It all started with the gas shortages in the early 70's. Before that you didn't see anyone driving jap cars.
hth do I know where they are from? I don't look at other guys profiles, well, not usually lol

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/01/08 08:05 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 05/01/08 08:05 PM

I know you aren't, but their are many trashing America who aren't American and you are joining them.

There was nothing wrong with American steel before the protective tariffs were lifted. Jap cars were crap, and American Auto makers were forced to lower their quality to compete with the cheap prices. It all started with the gas shortages in the early 70's. Before that you didn't see anyone driving jap cars.
hth do I know where they are from? I don't look at other guys profiles, well, not usually lol

Its cool. I'll protect my country as long as I breathe.drinker drinker

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/01/08 08:46 PM
I am Canadian, but I never bashed America, just crappy cars.laugh

European cars have been being imported to North America since the beginning of the last century. Nothing wrong with their products or that of the current Asian cars either.
A few Japanese manufacturers actually built plants in the US and one could argue that they're as American as the big three now.
Still a far superior product and built by union labour!:wink:

Single_Rob's photo
Thu 05/01/08 08:50 PM

I am Canadian, but I never bashed America, just crappy cars.laugh

European cars have been being imported to North America since the beginning of the last century. Nothing wrong with their products or that of the current Asian cars either.
A few Japanese manufacturers actually built plants in the US and one could argue that they're as American as the big three now.
Still a far superior product and built by union labour!:wink:
they are not built by labor in the us. They are assembled in right to work states tyvm.

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:19 PM

Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχία anarchía, "without ruler") may refer to any of the following:

* "Absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder."[1]
* "A theoretical social state in which there is no governing person or body of persons, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder)."[2]
* "Absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere."[3]

It should be noted that "ruler," if used in the context of the third bullet point, has no explicit connection to the term "rules." In an anarchy, as defined by the last bullet point, it is possible to have rules (laws), however, these must be agreed upon by the participants in the system, and not imposed from above, by a ruler (leader, authority). Some languages, such as Norwegian[4] have two separate words for the two meanings.

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:21 PM
Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production.[1] It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of theorists of the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution[2]. Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems believed to be inherent with capitalist economies and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism. Communism states that the only way to solve these problems would be for the working class, or proletariat, to replace the wealthy bourgeoisie, which is currently the ruling class, in order to establish a peaceful, free society, without classes, or government.[3] The dominant forms of communism, such as Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism and Luxemburgism, are based on Marxism, but non-Marxist versions of communism (such as Christian communism and anarchist communism) also exist and are growing in importance since the fall of the Soviet Union.

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:23 PM

its easy to find any definition to suit your preconcieved ideas.

Communism....freedom from exploitation of the ruling class over the underclass

Lindyy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:24 PM

could someone buy lindy a shirt?laugh


Shhhhhhh. I am going through a mid life crisis.laugh

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:27 PM
Edited by symbelmyne on Thu 05/01/08 09:28 PM

Yes we have a one party system in Umerika capitalist and thats it . but I suspet if things get much worse the socialists and communits will make a comeback. the new deal is what stopped socialism in america it evened the field for the working people
unions are dead. They have killed the automotive industry, and forced the american auto makers to play second fiddle to imports. Your job will be gone within the next ten years. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it

Free trade, cheaply made imports, greedy share-holders, and a government that cares more about big business than its citizens is what ruined the automotive industry. If you knew anything about American Labor laws and the limitations placed on unions, you'd know that they are not that powerful....

you are right though, Unions are dead, there is nothing left to protect the worker or workers rights. So when you 25/hr a job gets shipped overseas to some worker that gets paid $1 a week for the same job its not the union you have to thank....

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:39 PM
Commiesgrumble grumble grumble
Anarchist are against all forms of gov.
Hence the world was put into anarchy..
Lawless, no organization, and no concise path.

Communism is based on the idea of the masses sharing the wealth, and power equally! It usually leads to anarchy because those who actually apply themselves towards a better life do not want to share equally with those who dont. Nor should they be expected to.
Its a moronic idea that has proven time and time again not to work!

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:47 PM
Edited by symbelmyne on Thu 05/01/08 09:48 PM
clearly you are happy with the way things are in society I however am not..
I believe that a capitalist based society leads to too few, having too much, leaving too little, for too many. I think that government should be as minmal as possible and should serve and protect its citizens. I believe that the "free market", leads to poverty and misery for most and that certain things such as housing, education, proper nutrition, medical attention and a decent standard of living for EVERYONE are rights, not priviledges..

Because of that I will continue to proudly call myself a socialist/communist and will work towards achieving a higher and socially just standard of living for everyone, including you.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:51 PM

clearly you are happy with the way things are in society I however am not..
I believe that a capitalist based society leads to too few, having too much, leaving too little, for too many. I think that government should be as minmal as possible and should serve and protect its citizens. I believe that the "free market", leads to poverty and misery for most and that certain things such as housing, education, proper nutrition, medical attention and a decent standard of living for EVERYONE are rights, not priviledges..

Because of that I will continue to proudly call myself a socialist/communist and will work towards achieving a higher and socially just standard of living for everyone, including you.

I'll make my own way thank you very much....flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:52 PM

I'll make my own way thank you very much....flowerforyou

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
.............Helen Keller

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:52 PM

clearly you are happy with the way things are in society I however am not..
I believe that a capitalist based society leads to too few, having too much, leaving too little, for too many. I think that government should be as minmal as possible and should serve and protect its citizens. I believe that the "free market", leads to poverty and misery for most and that certain things such as housing, education, proper nutrition, medical attention and a decent standard of living for EVERYONE are rights, not priviledges..

Because of that I will continue to proudly call myself a socialist/communist and will work towards achieving a higher and socially just standard of living for everyone, including you.


yellowrose10's photo
Fri 05/02/08 02:13 AM
ok...let me see if I have this straight

Americans started this holiday that the rest of the world started to celebrate as well (except 2 other countries)

we stopped celebrating it and celebrate Labor Day instead (and I thank those that do work during this holiday)

and now we are supposed to thank communism, solcialist and anarchists for a holiday America started???

no wonder I'm lost

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