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Topic: Soooooo tired of being used
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Tue 04/22/08 10:45 AM
My mother called two days ago telling me that she was leaving Florida...she couldnt take it anymore...So she drove all day yesterday and arrived in town around 1:30 am...she stayed the night with a friend.....and first thing this morning she calls wanting an appt with me today at my shop....but I couldnt get her in bc Im booked until 7 tonight...she said she was going to stay at my house tonight so she can see my nephew(her only grandchild)...but people my mom makes me think about me when you are sleeping oh so soundly and I have my mother in my bed..pleaseflowerforyou
Is it wrong for me to hope she wont ask if she can live at my house for a while...Im sick of fiinancially supporting my mother...Is that wrong of me? Shes 45 yrs old and Im sick of being the responsible one in the relationship...

I didnt know my mom until I was 16..and she beat the hell out of me and my brother the whole year I lived with her..Having a mother wasnt all I thought it was going to be after not having one for so long...I emancipated myself from her at 17 and I have been taking care of myself well as my brother...he lived with me up until a year ago..(hes 20 now) and she wont do anything to support herself...she has had opportunities for decent jobs..but she doesnt want to work...sooo she ends up either back in Toledo or up my butt....but Im tired of taking care of her..Tired of giving or sending her money....she never financially took care of myself....and hasnt taken care of my brother since he was 12...Im Tired of being used...

Thanks for letting me whine and b**chflowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:47 AM
Nothing wrong with a GOOD VENT every now and then flowerforyou OUT with it I say :wink: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:50 AM
Just my opinion -- you've already gone WAY beyond anything you could reasonably have felt "obligated" to do (the way I see it, your obligations basically end at being respectful and civil to her, the end) -- and the fact that you've gone to the lengths you have already, says a lot about the person you are.

But some people never "get the hint" and will leech off you forever (or until somebody dies) -- and there's a point where you have to draw the proverbial line and say "It stops here." And then stick to it.

I wish you the best of luck. Clearly, you're a caring and decent person, and those are not easy to find anymore. The problem is, others will latch onto that and use it against you.

Do what's best for yourself, first and foremost. You don't need to be taken advantage of.

Duffy's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:53 AM
okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:53 AM

My mother called two days ago telling me that she was leaving Florida...she couldnt take it anymore...So she drove all day yesterday and arrived in town around 1:30 am...she stayed the night with a friend.....and first thing this morning she calls wanting an appt with me today at my shop....but I couldnt get her in bc Im booked until 7 tonight...she said she was going to stay at my house tonight so she can see my nephew(her only grandchild)...but people my mom makes me think about me when you are sleeping oh so soundly and I have my mother in my bed..pleaseflowerforyou
Is it wrong for me to hope she wont ask if she can live at my house for a while...Im sick of fiinancially supporting my mother...Is that wrong of me? Shes 45 yrs old and Im sick of being the responsible one in the relationship...

I didnt know my mom until I was 16..and she beat the hell out of me and my brother the whole year I lived with her..Having a mother wasnt all I thought it was going to be after not having one for so long...I emancipated myself from her at 17 and I have been taking care of myself well as my brother...he lived with me up until a year ago..(hes 20 now) and she wont do anything to support herself...she has had opportunities for decent jobs..but she doesnt want to work...sooo she ends up either back in Toledo or up my butt....but Im tired of taking care of her..Tired of giving or sending her money....she never financially took care of myself....and hasnt taken care of my brother since he was 12...Im Tired of being used...

Thanks for letting me whine and b**chflowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

robert1652's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:54 AM
Edited by robert1652 on Tue 04/22/08 10:55 AM

My mother called two days ago telling me that she was leaving Florida...she couldnt take it anymore...So she drove all day yesterday and arrived in town around 1:30 am...she stayed the night with a friend.....and first thing this morning she calls wanting an appt with me today at my shop....but I couldnt get her in bc Im booked until 7 tonight...she said she was going to stay at my house tonight so she can see my nephew(her only grandchild)...but people my mom makes me think about me when you are sleeping oh so soundly and I have my mother in my bed..pleaseflowerforyou
Is it wrong for me to hope she wont ask if she can live at my house for a while...Im sick of fiinancially supporting my mother...Is that wrong of me? Shes 45 yrs old and Im sick of being the responsible one in the relationship...

I didnt know my mom until I was 16..and she beat the hell out of me and my brother the whole year I lived with her..Having a mother wasnt all I thought it was going to be after not having one for so long...I emancipated myself from her at 17 and I have been taking care of myself well as my brother...he lived with me up until a year ago..(hes 20 now) and she wont do anything to support herself...she has had opportunities for decent jobs..but she doesnt want to work...sooo she ends up either back in Toledo or up my butt....but Im tired of taking care of her..Tired of giving or sending her money....she never financially took care of myself....and hasnt taken care of my brother since he was 12...Im Tired of being used...

Thanks for letting me whine and b**chflowerforyou flowerforyou

The other side of the coin
I took care of my mother for a quite long time refusing to let her go to nursing home my sister looked after her in the UK and I financially supported her. And her welfare was of concern
She looked after herself until 79 years old and died only a month ago. at the age of 85 it was difficult but we managed
Yes she belted me when I was young but we didn't know better then. 45 is far too young to depend on you financially. Has she any addiction problem?
If not she may need therapy to gain confidence to go to work

Have a good earth day

On the other hand if she is good looking pass her to one of your enemy boyfriends on JSH or even better plant her in his bed. That will teach him a lesson

franshade's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:56 AM
let it all out, the longer you keep these feelings/thoughts inside the more they can hurt you

keep your chin up flowerforyou

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:56 AM

My mother called two days ago telling me that she was leaving Florida...she couldnt take it anymore...So she drove all day yesterday and arrived in town around 1:30 am...she stayed the night with a friend.....and first thing this morning she calls wanting an appt with me today at my shop....but I couldnt get her in bc Im booked until 7 tonight...she said she was going to stay at my house tonight so she can see my nephew(her only grandchild)...but people my mom makes me think about me when you are sleeping oh so soundly and I have my mother in my bed..pleaseflowerforyou
Is it wrong for me to hope she wont ask if she can live at my house for a while...Im sick of fiinancially supporting my mother...Is that wrong of me? Shes 45 yrs old and Im sick of being the responsible one in the relationship...

I didnt know my mom until I was 16..and she beat the hell out of me and my brother the whole year I lived with her..Having a mother wasnt all I thought it was going to be after not having one for so long...I emancipated myself from her at 17 and I have been taking care of myself well as my brother...he lived with me up until a year ago..(hes 20 now) and she wont do anything to support herself...she has had opportunities for decent jobs..but she doesnt want to work...sooo she ends up either back in Toledo or up my butt....but Im tired of taking care of her..Tired of giving or sending her money....she never financially took care of myself....and hasnt taken care of my brother since he was 12...Im Tired of being used...

Thanks for letting me whine and b**chflowerforyou flowerforyou

No good advice for you, just good luck flowerforyou

Lily0923's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:00 AM
flowerforyou You owe her nothing, pay your tab..... I think you already left the tip...drinker

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:00 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

If your mother burned all her bridges and used up everyone that she wouldnt feel the same....If you were that child growing up without a mother because she abandoned you when you were 2......and then you meet her and live with her for a year of total chaos...Im talking beating lady, have you ever been beaten until you cant move off the floor for hours...have you been hospitalized from being beaten..did your mother break your brothers nose 6 times during his childhood? probably not..While I value your opinion....I dont think it applies to this situation...she wants someone else..doesnt matter who, to support her....and shes ungrateful and selfish...and though I have moved on about the past.....the present is still ungratifying...I was just giving a little background..didnt feel the need for detail..but you needed a little more...hope it helps...and though I have some type of love for my mother.....Im trying to take care of myself...she is able to do so for herself and should...thats my poins..Thankyouflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:02 AM
Angel, it sounds like the parental roles are reversed & you need to practice some tough love. Good Luckflowerforyou

franshade's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:03 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

truly think this response is uncalled for - we are all allowed to feel and express ourselves as we see fit, but for this judgemental response, shows lack of compassion noway

I love my mother, but angelface is entitled to vent and release all those worries she has... it has nothing to do with your mother or your relationship for you to actually try and give advice to seen mental health help is useless.

JMO huh

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:04 AM
In the words of Nancy Regan...

just say NO.....

if she gets upset OH WELL...she'll have to deal with it, its not your responsiblity. You are her daughter, you owe her nothing (yeah, yeah, she gave you didnt ask to be born)...she was responsible for you and screwed that up...

as you sow, so shall you reap...

good luck....

LIJOMA's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:05 AM
Understand what you are saying, completely.

My mom kicked me out of the house at 15, because I got pregnant, actually she was never a mother to me at all, she favored, and still does, my 3 brothers. ALL the things she did to me in my life, didnt do anything but make me a stronger mother/ woman, and she cant stand that to this day!!! I have always been independent, at 17 got my first apartment, put myself through college, and made my own way, without any help from anyone, and no help was even offered. I have raised 2 of the best kids in the world, and like I said, all the hell she put me through, made me who I am today. If that were my mother that needed me like you say your mom is doing, I would have a hard time answering the phone, and I dont answer the phone when my mom calls me either... I know that you are suppose to forgive and move-on, and I know that is my mother too, but damn it enough was enough, and I have had all I can take from her, and will not put myself in a position to where she will need me for anything!!!!!! Some might say I will go to hell for the way I feel towards my mother, but all I can say is, I will see her there and I am ok with that.flowerforyou

Lily0923's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:08 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

truly think this response is uncalled for - we are all allowed to feel and express ourselves as we see fit, but for this judgemental response, shows lack of compassion noway

I love my mother, but angelface is entitled to vent and release all those worries she has... it has nothing to do with your mother or your relationship for you to actually try and give advice to seen mental health help is useless.

JMO huh

Fran, if you remember this is the lady who wanted a "friendly" relationship with her local drug dealers while putting their pictures up on JSH so we could all see who they were.....

So uncalled for? She couldn't be any other way I don't think.laugh

franshade's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:09 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

truly think this response is uncalled for - we are all allowed to feel and express ourselves as we see fit, but for this judgemental response, shows lack of compassion noway

I love my mother, but angelface is entitled to vent and release all those worries she has... it has nothing to do with your mother or your relationship for you to actually try and give advice to seen mental health help is useless.

JMO huh

Fran, if you remember this is the lady who wanted a "friendly" relationship with her local drug dealers while putting their pictures up on JSH so we could all see who they were.....

So uncalled for? She couldn't be any other way I don't think.laugh

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, couldnt place her nor understand the left handed remark - we all try humor but nothing in her response was funny.... now I remember... another one of those, the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:10 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

I also failed to mention that 3 years ago I spent 18,000.00 to move my mom here and get her situated in her life....she lived off me and I payed her bills for 8 months....for her to go back to her crackhead husband....then I sent her 13,000.00 for her to put into her house so that when she divorced the ba**ard, she'd get more out of the house..she was supposed to pay me back then.....wel guess what..the bank foreclosed on the house....bc he wasnt paying the pmts for 6 months and she never moved off the couch to get a job...

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:12 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

U have alot of nerve lady.I'm not going 2 waste my time & energy giving U my story but I will say it was quite similar to A~F.The only I had 2 endure it till I was 17 then I jumped into the military.U think because ur relationship was good w/ur mother while she was alive that all should be hailed & served.Give a break.I can tell U can not relate to others plight oh!compassionate one.Have a nice day huffy.grumble

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:14 AM

okay stop whining and *****ing about your mother. be glad you have one.
so she was abusive to you when u were a young pup. **** happens in life.

go to your local mental health facility and get some advice on how to cope with her now that she has reentered your life.

my mother is dead, and i wish she was back. and as i say this i realize that not all of us love our mother's. but some of us do.flowerforyou

U have alot of nerve lady.I'm not going 2 waste my time & energy giving U my story but I will say it was quite similar to A~F.The only I had 2 endure it till I was 17 then I jumped into the military.U think because ur relationship was good w/ur mother while she was alive that all should be hailed & served.Give a break.I can tell U can not relate to others plight oh!compassionate one.Have a nice day huffy.grumble


no photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:14 AM need to find something that puts you back on track to taking care of yourself..
sure you want your mothers love, who doesnt? but this isnt the way its going to happen for you and youre going to end up ruining your life and the life of your child if you dont turn from this destructive path you are on now..

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