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Topic: my take on my beliefs
yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:05 PM
ok....I know that I will get arguments from christians and non-christians alike....but this is how I explain how I view my belief and God. Many have asked...why this and why that so instead of constantly explaining why I THINK ...I'll do this

ok....I view God as my Father and everyone here as my brothers and sisters. with that said...I am a mom of a 17 yr old son. Now, trying to bring him up to be an independant man and a good man...i have to let him make his own choices and deal with the results. doesn't mean I will ever love him any less but somethings he has to learn on his own and I hope he comes to the right choices. Just like God wants us to do these things and it may seem He isn't answering us. He wants us to learn and be better for it. If I gave my son everything and did everything for him....what kind of man would he be???? I have been through hell and back in my life....but I take it as a learning experience and it has made me stronger. If God "fixed" things....would I be who I am today???? sometimes you have to use tough love to help someone. not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me though. He has respect for me as a parent.

as far as siblings....I have a very sick sister and we are as different as day and night. there are times I think she was left on the doorsteps as a baby by hippies lol....then I think I wish I was the one left on the doorstep lol. but my point in this is....even though Dawn and I don't agree on things...we have respect for each other and we have the bond that can't be broken even if we are mad. she is my best friend even though we didn' get along as kids. Just like everyone else out there...I may not agree with you and may even fight with you....don't mean I can't respect you or care.

hope this shreds SOME light on where I come from as far as my beliefs....if I confused you more...sorry.

darkowl1's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:09 PM
Edited by darkowl1 on Mon 04/21/08 08:09 PM
god is a woman.....but she's busy.....may i help you?devil
hi rose flowerforyou flowerforyou laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:11 PM
lol hey owl. my granfather (who is very religious btw) teases me and says I'm proof the devil is a woman lol

Wolfshado's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:14 PM
they are both women dearest

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:18 PM
so you are proving what I have always thought....women rule!!!! lol. we just let men THINK they do lol

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:18 PM
I’ve always known that you are a kindhearted nonjudgmental women who loves everyone and treats everyone with respect and reverence unless they’re a hummingbird. Then all hell breaks loose and they end up getting fried on your trident. laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 08:24 PM
ty give me more than a hummingbird...not much meat there lol

I try to be. I can be a best friend or throw down on someone. I'm not perfect or all knowing (except in my special world lol)

but did what I say make sense???? sometimes I don't type right and what my mind is saying doesn't come across at times lol

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:27 PM
but did what I say make sense????

As long as it makes sense to you isn't that all that really matters?


I don't see anything nonsensical in anything you said.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:30 PM
lol like I brain and in this case, my fingers don't always say the same lol

I really don't care if anyone agrees or not because it's how I feel... oh well lol

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 04/21/08 09:37 PM

lol like I brain and in this case, my fingers don't always say the same lol

I really don't care if anyone agrees or not because it's how I feel... oh well lol

Your feelings are no one really has any domain over that. Stick to what you feel and believe and you will be fine.

As a parent; I am the same way. My kids were spoiled somewhat, but also shown "tuff love". It isn't easy, is it? Teaching our kids is the number one priority on my list. I am still teaching, and they are grown.


yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:09 PM
ty kay....very sweet of you to say.

I'm pretty stubborn and believe what I believe lol. I did this for the purpose of explaining how I view the whys, hows, etc.

I agree about parenting and (even if no one else agrees) I believe it's the same as my religious beliefs. in fact, my beliefs helped me to be a better parent and being a parent helped me to understand my beliefs better.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:30 PM
since I'm free to babble...might as well keep going huh?? lol maybe i'll get another song and poem about it lol issue of what I believe...I know the Bible isn't complete and there are scriptures that the church chose not to include...and i know that there are words from ancient languages that can't be properly translated...AND I know the Bible was put together by man. I'm not stupid....I know these things which is why there are things about it that are open to interpretation....hence so many different christian beliefs. But I know from my beliefs that there are some things that ARE very the golden rule etc.

next....about communion and how it's "human sacrifice" and "canibalism"'s symbolic. yes in the Bible there are actual sacrifices...but most religions out there had sacrifices as well. even science....think of all the lab animals that were tortured or killed for science. communion doesn't mean I actually eat flesh or drink blood. HELLO MCFLY

if you can't 2 weeks away made me rethink the internet world lol. I'm blunt, but try not to be mean and I speak my mind. My beliefs are very dear to me and i will stand up and defend them if I feel attacked. but I would expect anyone to do the matter what they believe. I can respect someone that can take a stand and speak out about how they believe and that feel so strongly that (if need be) will defend it. May not seem christian to some...but my beliefs and morals are very dear to me. soap box...for now lol

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:46 PM
glasses What do you people think about Scientology?glasses

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:49 PM be honest (and i'm not a liar) I don't know much about it. I believe it's a religion based on science correct???

are you trying to argue with me???? wanna throw down...come on bring it lol KIDDING

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:51 PM be honest (and i'm not a liar) I don't know much about it. I believe it's a religion based on science correct???

are you trying to argue with me???? wanna throw down...come on bring it lol KIDDING
devil ggggggrrrrrrrdevil

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:52 PM
lol don't growl at me mister...was i correct about scientology?

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:55 PM

lol don't growl at me mister...was i correct about scientology?
glasses I dont know how to describe it exactlyglasses I dont want to disrespect any Scientologist that might be on hereglasses Its a popular and growing religionglasses

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:57 PM
lol don't know either???? topic mirror lol

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:02 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 04/22/08 12:03 AM

lol don't know either???? topic mirror lol
flowerforyou I do know sweetheart, but Scientologists get upset about public discussion of their beliefs.flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:04 AM
why???? is it a secret or something????

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