Topic: my take on my beliefs
MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:10 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 04/22/08 12:11 AM

why???? is it a secret or something????
flowerforyou Scientologists prefer it to beflowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:13 AM
then how can it be growing???? isn't that what Tom Cruise is???? Sorry...can't stand the man's attitude (nothing to do with his religion though)

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/22/08 06:39 AM

then how can it be growing???? isn't that what Tom Cruise is???? Sorry...can't stand the man's attitude (nothing to do with his religion though)
flowerforyou Yet its growing, and your right, its Toms religion.flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:30 AM
since I don't know how to discuss a beilief that is secretive and they don't want to talk about (mirror lol) next point is...drum roll lol

I'm not all knowing or perfect so please don't assume I have all of life's answers to prove my belief. my belief is mine that I hold may have a different one. but I feel STRONGLY that beliefs, feelings and opinions aren't like facts (even if it is true in your heart or mind) and i won't be arrogant enough to say someone is wrong for it. I think anything is possible but for me it's possible because of God

with that i think there could be other life forms out there...sure anything is I think things like the Di Vinci code could be true...sure anything is possible. I don't believe the Bible is a complete collection of the Word but I view it as a way to live my life while knowing there are things I don't know.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:41 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Tue 04/22/08 12:45 PM
since I'm free to babble...might as well keep going huh?? lol maybe i'll get another song and poem about it lol

You never know. bigsmile

Ok, if you’re so hungry for comments on your belief, I’d like to address something you said in the OP,…

If God "fixed" things....would I be who I am today????

I certainly won’t disagree with that, but doesn’t that seem to fly in the face of the biblical picture of a God who promises to answer prayers and ‘help’ people???

I mean, what’s the point in having an intervening God if you’re going to defend the idea that there’s no need for him to intervene, or that his intervention would somehow interfere with your growth?

It seems to me that Pantheism would be a better picture of God for you if you’re going to suggest that an intervening God would be ‘fixing’ things for you and thus preventing you from becoming who you are.

Pantheism – it’s not just for breakfast anymore. :wink:

(p.s. I'm not trying to convert you, but I'm just pointing out that if a nonintervening God would be cool in your view then what's wrong with pantheism?)

Or maybe to put that another way,... why bother believing in an intervening God if you don't see the need for intervention?

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:47 PM

ok....I know that I will get arguments from christians and non-christians alike....but this is how I explain how I view my belief and God. Many have asked...why this and why that so instead of constantly explaining why I THINK ...I'll do this

ok....I view God as my Father and everyone here as my brothers and sisters. with that said...I am a mom of a 17 yr old son. Now, trying to bring him up to be an independant man and a good man...i have to let him make his own choices and deal with the results. doesn't mean I will ever love him any less but somethings he has to learn on his own and I hope he comes to the right choices. Just like God wants us to do these things and it may seem He isn't answering us. He wants us to learn and be better for it. If I gave my son everything and did everything for him....what kind of man would he be???? I have been through hell and back in my life....but I take it as a learning experience and it has made me stronger. If God "fixed" things....would I be who I am today???? sometimes you have to use tough love to help someone. not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me though. He has respect for me as a parent.

as far as siblings....I have a very sick sister and we are as different as day and night. there are times I think she was left on the doorsteps as a baby by hippies lol....then I think I wish I was the one left on the doorstep lol. but my point in this is....even though Dawn and I don't agree on things...we have respect for each other and we have the bond that can't be broken even if we are mad. she is my best friend even though we didn' get along as kids. Just like everyone else out there...I may not agree with you and may even fight with you....don't mean I can't respect you or care.

hope this shreds SOME light on where I come from as far as my beliefs....if I confused you more...sorry.

I like what you said......and the way you said it...
this is how I raised my kids....and inspite of my short
commings and my sometimes bad example.....they have grown into
awesome and respectful people.......
only by Grace.....

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:55 PM
well ty ghost

and abra...I will answer you if you give me a bird with more meat next time lol. like I have said...I don't think the Bible is a complete collection of everything and I know some things are hard to translate. because of that it is open for interpretation more. which is why I said how I view it. my example is...there are times I step in and help my son etc but there are things he has to learn for himself without me always doing it for him. I believe that sometimes there are unanswered I told you once about the Garth Brooks song. there are things I prayed for that I look back now and think...where would I be if it came true???? or would that have helped me be the strong person I am now? I think i quoted fixed due to lack of a better word you dork lol. but if God answered everything the way we want...wouldn't he be fixing it for us instead of letting us learn?

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:20 PM

well ty ghost

and abra...I will answer you if you give me a bird with more meat next time lol. like I have said...I don't think the Bible is a complete collection of everything and I know some things are hard to translate. because of that it is open for interpretation more. which is why I said how I view it. my example is...there are times I step in and help my son etc but there are things he has to learn for himself without me always doing it for him. I believe that sometimes there are unanswered I told you once about the Garth Brooks song. there are things I prayed for that I look back now and think...where would I be if it came true???? or would that have helped me be the strong person I am now? I think i quoted fixed due to lack of a better word you dork lol. but if God answered everything the way we want...wouldn't he be fixing it for us instead of letting us learn?

I totally understand what you are saying. I don't believe in an intervening God who "fixes" things but I do believe in the Law of Cause and effect and in our ability to manifest solutions to our problems via our attention, intentions, thoughts and actions. I believe these things speak to the universe and the universe responds automatically.


Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:20 PM
and abra...I will answer you if you give me a bird with more meat next time lol.

Hmmmm? "A Bird with More Meat".

It already sounds like a good song title. laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:24 PM
JB...i totally respect your beliefs...but I am confused on what you say are laws and not. I get the law of gravity (even though some scientists say they can prove through math that it doesn't exist) but I don't understant the laws of attraction. not trying to argue or agree...just don't understand. I had asked in there what and who and how makes these laws

lol abra....throw a chicken past my nose next wait...let's work up to it...let's start with quail next lol

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:31 PM

JB...i totally respect your beliefs...but I am confused on what you say are laws and not. I get the law of gravity (even though some scientists say they can prove through math that it doesn't exist) but I don't understand the laws of attraction. not trying to argue or agree...just don't understand. I had asked in there what and who and how makes these laws

Of course God (the prime source and creator) makes the laws.

The law of cause and effect states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Add quantum physics an it gets intricately complicated and unknowable.

No one knows the scope of the pattern that is drawn.

To simply explain it. "God works in mysterious ways." flowerforyou

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:36 PM
I do believe in the Law of Cause and effect and in our ability to manifest solutions to our problems via our attention, intentions, thoughts and actions. I believe these things speak to the universe and the universe responds automatically.

Well said.


yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:36 PM
lol JB...I swear I'm not trying to argue with you. I enjoy your posts. I get the laws of cause and effect and such...but unclear on what makes karma or attraction a law

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:48 PM

Hi and how are ya?

I see many who correlate their own personal parenting to the notion of 'God', either by comparison or suggestion.

Common in the eyes of those who believe in the 'Father' as a parent, is also the notion to emulate the 'Father'. The personification begins here, and should one wish to pursue being the best parent that they possibly can, then they often look to that which they believe is the best example. 'God'.

I hope that mental picture is the best one possible, for the good of all involved.

Fried hummingbird huh? laugh Ats justa snack!

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:55 PM
I believed in the Father thing even before I had my son. and since they just enforce it for me. it's just my view on how I view my belief.

hummingbirds aren't much of a snack...even for ballerinas lol

oh JB...cause and effect reminded me of a country song that I think is funny and actually interesting. you migh like it. look up "3rd rock from the sun" by Joe Diffie. it's great lol

Hindzfeet's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:56 PM

ok....I know that I will get arguments from christians and non-christians alike....but this is how I explain how I view my belief and God. Many have asked...why this and why that so instead of constantly explaining why I THINK ...I'll do this

ok....I view God as my Father and everyone here as my brothers and sisters. with that said...I am a mom of a 17 yr old son. Now, trying to bring him up to be an independant man and a good man...i have to let him make his own choices and deal with the results. doesn't mean I will ever love him any less but somethings he has to learn on his own and I hope he comes to the right choices. Just like God wants us to do these things and it may seem He isn't answering us. He wants us to learn and be better for it. If I gave my son everything and did everything for him....what kind of man would he be???? I have been through hell and back in my life....but I take it as a learning experience and it has made me stronger. If God "fixed" things....would I be who I am today???? sometimes you have to use tough love to help someone. not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me though. He has respect for me as a parent.

as far as siblings....I have a very sick sister and we are as different as day and night. there are times I think she was left on the doorsteps as a baby by hippies lol....then I think I wish I was the one left on the doorstep lol. but my point in this is....even though Dawn and I don't agree on things...we have respect for each other and we have the bond that can't be broken even if we are mad. she is my best friend even though we didn' get along as kids. Just like everyone else out there...I may not agree with you and may even fight with you....don't mean I can't respect you or care.

hope this shreds SOME light on where I come from as far as my beliefs....if I confused you more...sorry.
I think your views as a parent and as a friend are very understandable. I didt have problem getting it at all. I see things much the same way. flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:00 PM

lol JB...I swear I'm not trying to argue with you. I enjoy your posts. I get the laws of cause and effect and such...but unclear on what makes karma or attraction a law

I didn't think I was involved in an argument. I was making an attempt to explain the Law of Attraction. It has to do with the Law of Cause and effect but involves things that cannot be seen or known at work.

As for karma, I think that term is used in some sort of cult or religious doctrine and has probably been used in several different ones. But it is basically the same idea.


yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:06 PM
lol JB...peace. I just wanted you to know I wasn't trying to argue...just asking. ty for explaining it

oh the lyrics to that song that you might like is

She walks into Smokey's one hip at a time
Like a broken field runner slippin' through the line
He likes the way she looks so he calls the little wife says
"Don't wait up for me I'll be workin' late tonight"
Wife hangs up the phone, bursts into tears
Calls her sister up and cries "Get over here"

Sister tells her boyfriend be back in awhile
Boyfriend wants a beer, the store is just a mile
He leaves the motor running he'll only be a minute
His car drives away with teenagers in it
The driver tells his buddies, got one life to live
They scream into the night "Let's get it over with"

'Cause and effect, chain of events
All of the chaos makes perfect sense
When you're spinning round, things come undone
Welcome to Earth 3rd rock from the Sun

The kid guns the gas, the car starts to swerve
Heads for a semi truck, truck jumps the curb
Truck hits a Big Boy in the Shoney's parking lot
And flies through the air takes out the bank clock
Clock strikes a light pole, transformer sparks
Lines go down, town goes dark

Waitress calls the cops, says she saw it all
Swears a giant alien has landed at the mall
Cops ring up the mayor says there's panic in the streets
"We hate to wake you up but we can't find the chief"
Mayor says "Use your head if he ain't in his car
He's hiding from his wife, down at Smokey's Bar"

'Cause and effect, chain of events
All of the chaos makes perfect sense
When you're spinning round, things come undone
Welcome to Earth 3rd rock from the Sun

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:21 PM
Wow I loved it!!

Now that's what I'm talking about.

No one knows the scope of the pattern that is drawn.


yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:31 PM
JB...did you listen to it??? I love it lol. and it makes sense right? we may disagree and why this happens me it's God's design. I do think God has a sense of humor at times....look at the playpus and my exs lol

and to further point out..if I didn't believe what I believe then I wouldn't me the person you guys adore to this day lol KIDDING