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Topic: I need to Vent!!!!
soncatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:11 PM
Today I had a talk with my so called "guy", and figured out that he
loves me but is not willing to take on my baggage, not that I have asked
for anything. (We are arguing about me helping my kids, and no I haven't
asked for his help with them)He just doen't understand the Mother and
child relationship. What is so bad, we have been seeing each other for 3
yrs, and I am just now finding out how he really feels. I am not that
well off, and I struggle just like everybody else does, but he is secure
if you know what I mean. He made me realize today he is not in for
better or for worst. I can't tell you how bad that has hurt me, I am
crushed!!! All he want is a piece of A**, a play toy I guess. I really
thought better than that, he helped me get a car, and he takes me on
nice trips, buys me nice jewelry. I guess I was his tramp, or thats the
way I feel now anyway. He has said he loves me and wants to be with me,
but his actions have proved themselves this last week. I was such a
fool. I don't think I have ever been so hurt or put down as I was today.
Made me feel like a piece of trailer trash, I really needed someone to
vent to.

kojack's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:14 PM
I ll lend you my ear if you need it or a sholuder if you need that hun

sushi's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:19 PM
Oh Sun, please don't do this to yourself. In a year you won't even
remember his name and you know it. The weeks I spent crying in my
pillow; I look back and wonder,"What was I thinking!" Anyway, Mr. T
wants me to check into a nursing home too. See you there in about 15
min. HAHA

soncatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:20 PM
Thanks sweetie, Just have been a really bad day. and I am soooo bumbed.
but I will put an end to it tomorrow, I was just so upset today I
couldn't even talk, I hate it when somebody see me like that. I couldn't
control it.

soncatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:22 PM
Sushie, you got it, maybe everybody will leave me alone there!!

mtironroses's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:24 PM
Sorry for your pain ! I wish I had words that could make it all better
for you. At least know you have many friends here.

soncatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:28 PM
mtironroses , Leroy thank you. Its been along time since I have felt
like this, I feel like somebody has punched me in my stomach. I never
want to love like this again, really didn't know just how much I cared
until today.

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:44 PM
son take it from a man who put himself through that same hell.
don't do it,it's not worth it. just chalk it up to a learning experience
and move on. there are plenty of good men still around. don't torture
youself over this.

ShagnaC's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:46 PM
Son, You should be proud of yourself that you are to good to settle for
something like that. A lot of women would stay for some type of security
but you know you are to good to settle.
AWESOME in my book!!

soncatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:46 PM
I know slowtoget, just kinda hard to do that at this moment. I am done
with, but don't make it any better right now

FedMan's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:48 PM
soncatcher don't let him bum you out, I know it's hard to do but you
deserve better and now that he has proved his worth, or lack thereof,
you can move forward instead fo wasting more time on his sorry ass

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:56 PM
son do like i do...........put on some bon jovi-----it's my life or
cher---believe and listen to it till you are in a better mood. music
soothes the soul..............

FedMan's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:58 PM
let your love flow by the bellamy brothers and real good feel good song
by mel mcdaniel usually lifts my spirits

Stephycats's photo
Mon 01/22/07 04:59 PM
Hey SonCatcher, I know this wont help with the pain, but just remember
there are guys out there who will stick with you through better or
worse. If this guy wont or cant to do that, he is not worth it hun. And
please dont give up on love there is someone out there for everyone and
Im sure youll find him. Until then you can always count on your friends
here to be there for you.

Stephycats's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:01 PM
Hey slow I listen to Bon Jovi when Im sad to. It always helps.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:06 PM
Soncatcher as the others are saying its not worth putting yourself
through it all but regardless yeah it hurts like hell just figure your
lucky and you did not marry him or do as I did and spend 12 years with
them and then they act like a snake and change colors on you and I'm
talking about dating one for 12 years not married to them. It hurts no
doubt about that took me awhile to get over it.

But........... let me make one thing very clear to you our kids are not
consider baggage in a relantionship they are a part of us period you
either take the whole package or hit the door.

To me baggage is if you bring your past relantionships into a new one
that is baggage.

Never our kids if a man or woman can not deal with the others kids they
need to move on they are our lives and will be tbere for us when we are
old and no one else is.

What ever you decide to do good luck and just take one day at a time and
get back in the groove faster hell helps to forget them and see they
were not worth it in the first place.

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:14 PM
well stephy it,s one of only about 230 different songs i listen to. i
have my music going day and night.

Stephycats's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:17 PM
Hey Txs thats great advice. And Slow, you remind me of myself, and my
grandfather, We have to listen to music all the time. Its the music that
keeps ups going is how my gramp would put it.

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:29 PM
music can change your mood in a heartbeat. you hear a old song and your
mind just goes back to that time when things were a lot simpler and
happier. listen to the song.........hold on from triumph, i don't think
i've ever heard it described better.

soncatcher's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:03 PM
You guys have been so nice!!! I am going to change my profile name, he
know I come on here. I don't want him checking me out. So I will see you
soon okay

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