Topic: Christianity and atheism
feralcatlady's photo
Sun 04/13/08 06:57 PM

Funches..whe you lay your head down tonight...and go to sleep....

who keeps your heart beating?
And your lungs breathing?

So you can awaken tomorrow
to another day ?

A few million years of evolutionary development does that.

I think not

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 04/13/08 07:20 PM

Funches..whe you lay your head down tonight...and go to sleep....

who keeps your heart beating?
And your lungs breathing?

So you can awaken tomorrow
to another day ?

A few million years of evolutionary development does that.

I think not

You never made a more true statement regarding yourself

JKlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh love love

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 04/14/08 07:35 AM
you such a silly wabbit.....real life is for people not silly wabbits........gigglesnort:heart:

jrbogie's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:12 AM
Atheists are not non-believers. They believe there is no God. They could be wrong, but that is what they believe.

Which means as psycology difines the word, both atheists and the religious faithful are delusional. Only agnostics such as Albert Einstein who think that the human mind can never know whether or not god exists, are not under a delusion regarding the subject.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 04/25/08 12:59 PM

Atheists are not non-believers. They believe there is no God. They could be wrong, but that is what they believe.

Which means as psycology difines the word, both atheists and the religious faithful are delusional. Only agnostics such as Albert Einstein who think that the human mind can never know whether or not god exists, are not under a delusion regarding the subject.

the human mind can know.......and listens and lives it

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:11 PM
"Christ rode on an ass, but now asses ride on Christ."--Heine

SilentWater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:20 PM

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being. Which created everything.

Atheism: In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded.

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being who created everything, except itself which was apparently created by nothing, which is impossible. He hated his creations and spent thousands of years telling them to just shut up and do what they're told or else he'd torture them. But everybody thinks he's a really nice guy.

Atheism: Who cares what happened in the beginning? I just want to live my life and have a great time, now get off my front porch and stop trying to tell me I'm going to hell because I have a higher-paying job than you!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:33 PM
I still believe creation and evolution can co-exist

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:41 PM

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being. Which created everything.

Atheism: In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded.

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being who created everything, except itself which was apparently created by nothing, which is impossible. He hated his creations and spent thousands of years telling them to just shut up and do what they're told or else he'd torture them. But everybody thinks he's a really nice guy.

Atheism: Who cares what happened in the beginning? I just want to live my life and have a great time, now get off my front porch and stop trying to tell me I'm going to hell because I have a higher-paying job than you!
smokin all wrongsmokin

KerryO's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:09 AM
If the Christian god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy even he can't pick it up?

-Kerry O.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/26/08 01:34 AM

If the Christian god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy even he can't pick it up?

-Kerry O.
laugh laugh

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:21 AM

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being. Which created everything.

Atheism: In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded.

There is always an opposite alternative to EVERYTHING and indifference as well. It gives us something to talk or not about. laugh Forums are grand. Aah cyberspace. What did I do before my PC? Hmm! I had a hard body then... laugh now I'm a softie.laugh

I guess it's really time for me to say again I was engulfed by The Creator of Light upon my short lived death. He is very much real, all around us, his spirit, his light, his life breathed into us. We are part of our creator... believe it or not. yawn

God has human traits like us and we have spiritual traits like him and are made in his image. You know he's good, great and gourgeous. He'd have to be. He's made some gourgeous people and a lot of good ones.

He is just waiting around with all of our spiritually alive ancestors for the right time to hook us all up again. We are family don't ya' know? The spirit lives forever and is a very cool dimension.

The message I get the strongest one should fear death of the flesh only death of the spirit. If you don't feel God right now it is ok. If you want to feel God just tell him earnestly that you want him to make himself known to you. He will reveal himself. If you don't then don't. blushing

The Creator of Light is real. The aura of the beautiful, comforting light that he emits to collect your soul has inspired many books around the world. Describing it is like trying to describe the beauty of a rainbow to someone. Many similar stories from people worldwide regardless of their labels of faith. Interesting recollections from most.

Sometimes people can't see the truth even when it's right in front of them for who knows whatever reason. huh It took me a while to figure out my ex husband was having an affair too, but he was. brokenheart :cry: laugh Sometimes I actually think I miss him too. laugh Now that is delusional. laugh laugh laugh

noway Being free to do as I please pretty much has been good too. :wink: laugh and he is tied down with the one he cheated with ohwell laugh laugh Two cheaters deserve one another I suppose. If anyone is interested in an affair or a fling with a cheater I'll give you his number or hers. laugh laugh

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:24 AM

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being. Which created everything.

Atheism: In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded

I am going to apologize in advance because this is going to sound rude even though it's not supposed to but I don't know how else to ask.

Although what is this post trying to accomplish? Are you just stating that that is what you believe or are you trying to open up a debate between Christianity and Atheism, or are you trying to say that Atheism doesn't make sense so it must be wrong? I am just not sure how I am supposed to respond to that original post.

I wasn't trying to accomplish anything.

point taken

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/26/08 11:54 AM
flowerforyou If you dont believe in "The Devil" are you an atheist ?flowerforyou

Sharris's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:06 PM
In the beginning and in the end, it is yours alone to know. What can you do with the energy in thought and argument over something you alone will hold?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:52 PM

In the beginning and in the end, it is yours alone to know. What can you do with the energy in thought and argument over something you alone will hold?

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 04/27/08 09:34 AM

If the Christian god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy even he can't pick it up?

-Kerry O.

There is nothing the Christian God cannot do.....Faith can move mountains remember that......mountains are pretty heavy hug...:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

KerryO's photo
Sun 04/27/08 09:46 AM

If the Christian god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy even he can't pick it up?

-Kerry O.

There is nothing the Christian God cannot do.....Faith can move mountains remember that......mountains are pretty heavy hug...:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

IMO, that's one of those 'stop thinking here' type platitudes thrown about when someone wants to give that in which they believe credit for all the good things that happen in the world while at the same time shirking any of the blame.

My ancestors had a rather different, grittier saying:

"Wish in one hand and **** in the other and see which fills up first."

Example: World Peace.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:35 AM
If the Christian god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy even he can't pick it up?

-Kerry O.

That is such a bogus question.

It assumes that God lives within the world of gravity. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:41 AM

If the Christian god can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy even he can't pick it up?

-Kerry O.

There is nothing the Christian God cannot do.....Faith can move mountains remember that......mountains are pretty heavy hug...:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

IMO, that's one of those 'stop thinking here' type platitudes thrown about when someone wants to give that in which they believe credit for all the good things that happen in the world while at the same time shirking any of the blame.

My ancestors had a rather different, grittier saying:

"Wish in one hand and **** in the other and see which fills up first."

Example: World Peace.

-Kerry O.

Kerry--we don't agree one bit on politics or the nature of that animal but we agree on this issue. Your assessment of what sometimes come off as glib responses to serious questions is dead on accurate.

I asked a Christian friend not long ago about birth/life/death similarities of Osiris-Dionysus and how it almost matched perfectly with the story of Jesus's birth/life/death and the response I got was just sad: "Well, Satan is crafty in that way and even though they were born before Christ, Satan created the similarities in advance in order to confuse the soon to come followers of Christ." 2400 years before Christ (in Osiris's case) and the Devil went back in time to create a future scam? That might be the worst bit of logic I've ever heard.
