Topic: Obama Is Lying To You All
no photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:39 PM
Obama claims that he never took money from lobbyists and never will. He claims he will kick them out of Washington, no more same old politics, same old Washington.

However, everything he said is a lie. He has taken money from lobbyings, from PACs, and continues to take money from lobbyist groups such as and other leftist lobbyist sites like it.

He has taken in hundreds of thousands of dollars during his runs in the Illinois Senate and US Senate.

From The Boston Globe

"PACs and lobbyists aided Obama's rise"

1996-2004 in Illinois Senate runs he took in $296,000 from PACs, corporate contributions, or unions, according to Illinois Board of Elections records -

"In his 2004 US Senate run he took $128,000 from lobbyists and $1.3 million from PACs, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit organization that tracks money in politics. In addition, Obama's own federal PAC, Hopefund, took in $115,000 from 56 PACs in the 2005-2006 election cycle" -

And now, this according to ABC News. Brian Ross "Despite Rhetoric, Obama Pushed Lobbyists' Interests":

He assisted in helping out lobbyists. He "has quietly worked with corporate lobbyists to help pass breaks worth $12 million." -

"But last year, at the request of a hired representative for an Australian-owned chemical corporation Nufarm, Obama introduced nine separate bills exempting the company from import fees on a range of chemical ingredients it uses in the manufacture of pesticides and herbicides. Nufarm's U.S. subsidiary is based in Illinois." -

"In early May of 2006, two Washington lobbyists registered to work on behalf of Astellas Pharma, a Japanese-owned drug company which also has offices in Illinois." -

"Together, Obama's obscure measures -- known as tariff suspensions -- steered more than $12 million away from federal coffers, according to government estimates." -

And, he takes HUGE contributions from and other leftist LOBBYING organizations.

What a liar. He is playing all you supporters for fools.

brian325's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:42 PM
no sh!t sherlock

if I had a gun, I'd sh@@t the f@cker myself smokin

bastet126's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:42 PM
a politician that lies?? WTF?? huh

WarElephant's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:43 PM
Obama is a liar, and even worse, his wife's family is all CFR.

Thanks a lot, Chicago!

snowangel2's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:44 PM

a politician that lies?? WTF?? huh
I haven't seen one yet that has told the truth about anythingnoway noway

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:44 PM

a politician that lies?? WTF?? huh

Exactly, I say screw this election let us wait for the next one.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:46 PM
flowerforyou He is gonna win.flowerforyou Its his destiny.flowerforyou Whether we like it or not.flowerforyou

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:50 PM
We are all doomed

kirk443's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:56 PM
obama, there is just something that is off and not right when i think about him.drinker drinker

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:01 PM
So which politician isn't tell ing you, what they think you want to hear?

I love all this passionate sensationalism...

it's like the rats on the Titanic, arguing about who gets the cheese...

and yes, sadly, the US hit an iceberg, called GWB.ohwell

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:03 PM
You need whooped!!laugh :wink:

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:04 PM
This is nothing new! As the great Will Rogers once said; "We've got the best government money can buy."


Mossop's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:05 PM
Ok so they all lie ! Only answer if you don't like them ...don't vote and thats the same the World over.

Army_Strong's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:08 PM
I say we all write in Ralph wiggum from the simpsons.. Scary that a made up "special" kid would be a better candidate than anyone running lol.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:09 PM

So which politician isn't tell ing you, what they think you want to hear?

I love all this passionate sensationalism...

it's like the rats on the Titanic, arguing about who gets the cheese...

and yes, sadly, the US hit an iceberg, called GWB.ohwell

Actually the iceberg was hit in 1913. It's called the Federal Reserve system. Bush/Clinton/Obama/McCain are all subservient to the same people--the people who print the money!

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:12 PM
The thing is, people who said 'wow, like it is a surprise a politician lied', I wonder if you support Obama or not. If so, you are making it okay that he has now lied?

Something like "Everyone does it, so it is okay he does it, especially since he lies soooo well and I wet myself everytime I hear his voice."

The thing I wonder is why the media hasn't called him out on these lies? Yes, I found two articles from two mainstream sources, but how many of you have seen these facts pointed out in radio or on TV? I surely haven't. And, I find that unusual. It makes one really question the media, not like I haven't been doing that for awhile.

It is obvious there is a Obama fanclub in the media, but not even Fox News has pounded the point home that Obama is a LIAR. I will tell you that I know for a FACT that most Obama supporters and many Democrats nor Republicans nor Independents have any clue that he is a BIG LIAR. I believe, because his speeches are so well put together and he is charismatic, they actually believe he has never taken money from lobbyists and never from big oil people.

I think Fox News and others are holding onto it for the general election. Using it then will actually stir it up and Obama will tank in the polls if they bring this stuff out.

Lindyy's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:44 PM
Lindyy says;

Well,did any of you hear his latest speech on teaching teenage girls about contraceptions, etc. He said he does not want any teenager, because she made a mistake, "PUNISHED WITH A BABY."

I about died!

A baby is PUNISHMENT for unprotected sex outside of marriage?

And Obama CLAIMS to be a Christian? PROOF right there that he is NOT. NO Christian would call a baby PUNISHMENT for any reason.

In fact, I have never heard that heinous statement in my life.
