watched "lincoln lawyer" last night, and really enjoyed it. very plot-driven and gritty, without much in the way of special effects. different side of ol' matthew. definitely worth the money. although now i have a book to add to my list. |
watched "lincoln lawyer" last night, and really enjoyed it. very plot-driven and gritty, without much in the way of special effects.
different side of ol' matthew. definitely worth the money. |
i absolutely abhor them. the only time i'd even consider them is at the pool. ever.
and probably not even then. |
Battle Los Angeles - It was great! I enjoyed this movie as well. Sat in a theater with military guys there, and they were so into this movie. I think it made the movie experience that much funner. God bless our troops. |
last week i saw "true grit" and i didn't enjoy it a bit. cogburn was just over-the-top alcoholic, and it bugged me. "red riding hood" was a disappointment. absolutely beautiful, but the story fell flat. my eyes enjoyed it, but that's about it. i felt that they could have done so much more with it; potential there, results not there. "adjustment bureau" was pretty decent...but they dressed up a chick-flick with a sci-fi feel. i wish the ending weren't so predictable. "limitless" was the best movie i've seen in a couple of months. i really enjoyed the originality. i like when i can slip into a movie and not know exactly where it's going. |
Anybody Kindle?
I just can't grasp wanting to give up reading actual books. But, I do know many people who have a kindle/nook and love them. love love LOVE my kindle. i have literally not read a print-book in over a year and a half...everything for me is kindle. no wrist-strain from holding the book open or from the weight, no eye-strain because it's so clear. i read for many hours and i LOVE it. the key for kindle is that there's is no backlighting. this really saves your eyes. while the nook color appears pretty, after a while the eyes hurt. for the same reason, i wouldn't use an ipad for extended reading. amazon chose to not use color for battery-life and for less eye-strain. good choice. my kindle weighs about half of the nook color. as my wrists are screwy, i highly appreciate that. i also appreciate the 3G that i don't have to subscribe to. my battery lasts me over three weeks...MUCH better than eight hours. for me, this is important. i can take my kindle camping with me and know that i'll have plenty of charge for the trip...and that i can get my books over 3G should i need them. something that should be mentioned is that the kindle also has an integrated dictionary. you bring the cursor to the word and get an automatic definition. this has been wonderful for my children, and i purchased an additional two units so that my college kiddo could take one with her and my other kiddies could share one as well. reading scores have improved. YES, you can surf other pages. i even use yahoo messenger on my kindle occasionally. |
Mutual Match
Yes, Harmony, that's how it works.
This link: will show those that have either said "Yes" or "Maybe" to you while you have said the same to them. When finding NEW matches, it'll either show those that match your search criteria OR those that have said "yes" to you, even if they have nothing in common with what you're looking for. Hope this helps. |
I would suggest having a serious conversation with BOTH teens...stress the important of dual responsibility..the difference between having sex and making love, etc....since they are a couple it would not be inapropriate to speak to them together what she said..especially since it was years ago that you gave the relationship sex talk... i'd be furious if someone were to have such a talk with MY children, especially if they gave misinformation. |
perents would you let
i certainly would...thongs are ten times more comfortable than other forms of underwear...
i buy a selection of underwear types. they wear what makes them comfortable, should they choose to wear any at all. i'm more concerned with the clothing others can actually see... |
i have to agree with msharmony...
i'm not opposed to sex, only sex before a person is truly emotionally and physically ready for it. in my personal experience, that's probably not fifteen. i wouldn't choose a hormonal method of birth control unless absolutely necessary, because their bodies and brains aren't completely developed yet. toss in that the pill MUST be taken at the same time to be truly effective, and you're setting yourself up for failure. most teens can't manage that daily. condoms and spermicide. heavy stress on waiting until it's right for YOU, and not just right for him. i also put a program on my daughter's phone that tracks her cycle. she can clearly see when she's fertile, as well as knowing when to carry monthly protection. |
watched "unknown" a couple of days ago.
man heads off to tech conference in berlin. forgets something at the hotel and heads back in a taxi. ends up in an accident...when he returns a few days later, his wife is on the arm of another man, claiming it is him. there were parts of this movie (mainly the lead) that generally worked. others...not so much. the inter-personal relationships seemed implausible, and occasionally something would pull me completely out of the store to go, "not buying it". case in point: man slides down a fire-escape ladder without gloves. really? does being a bad-guy give you non-shreddable hands? while the pieces near the end did seem to sort of come together without too many loose ends, the movie really fell flat for me. i enjoyed it sheerly for the company i attended it's not one i'd recommend before it hits DVD. |
I Am Number Four (IMDb)John is an extraordinary teen, masking his true identity and passing as a typical high school student to elude a deadly enemy seeking to destroy him. Three like him have already been killed ... he is Number Four. Based on the NY Times best-selling novel by "Pittacus Lore" (an alias for the memoir-fabricating James Frey and Jobie Hughes), I Am Four kicks off the cinematic proceedings with an intense and creepy jungle chase scene and an intriguing - albeit fairly unoriginal - concept. The planet Lorien (COUGH krypton COUGH) was destroyed, and nine of its alien children were sent to earth. Why earth? Who knows. Perhaps earth's atmosphere is the most similar to Lorien's? A race of 7-foot tall humanoids called the Mogadorians are hunting down the children one at a time. Why? Beats me. Because we wouldn't have a story otherwise, I suppose. All we're really told is "they're a race who chooses to decimate rather than colonize." So be it. Anyway, due to some sort of spell the Mogadorians are forced to kill the nine remaining Lorien kids in the proper order. Who established the order and how? No idea. Wouldn't you be pretty ticked off if you were Number One and became aware that you were chosen to be killed first? Perhaps the numbering system is completely random. Otherwise, that's a pretty jacked up system. "Hmm, little Billy seems to be a little slow upstairs, and that lisp sure ain't doin' him any favors. Let's make him Number One." Regardless, numbers one to three are now dead, so the story focuses on Number Four. Dialogue is weak, character development is practically non-existent, and the underdeveloped backstory creates too many questions that lead to frustration rather than intrigue. Granted, this is an origin story that's specifically designed to kick-start a franchise, but a little more self-containment would have been appreciated. One of the film's biggest transgressions is the misuse of Timothy Olyphant as Henri. His role is more of a babysitter for Number Four than a warrior/guardian who dispenses valuable training and wisdom. Haha! Glad you did. It's just one opinion anyway. When I read a review, no matter who gave it, I always try to find out on my own, which is what everyone should do, I believe. :) i'm actually surprised that i enjoyed it, lol...although it might just have been for the eye-candy. mutating puppy-dogs? really? |
I Am Number Four (IMDb)John is an extraordinary teen, masking his true identity and passing as a typical high school student to elude a deadly enemy seeking to destroy him. Three like him have already been killed ... he is Number Four. Based on the NY Times best-selling novel by "Pittacus Lore" (an alias for the memoir-fabricating James Frey and Jobie Hughes), I Am Four kicks off the cinematic proceedings with an intense and creepy jungle chase scene and an intriguing - albeit fairly unoriginal - concept. The planet Lorien (COUGH krypton COUGH) was destroyed, and nine of its alien children were sent to earth. Why earth? Who knows. Perhaps earth's atmosphere is the most similar to Lorien's? A race of 7-foot tall humanoids called the Mogadorians are hunting down the children one at a time. Why? Beats me. Because we wouldn't have a story otherwise, I suppose. All we're really told is "they're a race who chooses to decimate rather than colonize." So be it. Anyway, due to some sort of spell the Mogadorians are forced to kill the nine remaining Lorien kids in the proper order. Who established the order and how? No idea. Wouldn't you be pretty ticked off if you were Number One and became aware that you were chosen to be killed first? Perhaps the numbering system is completely random. Otherwise, that's a pretty jacked up system. "Hmm, little Billy seems to be a little slow upstairs, and that lisp sure ain't doin' him any favors. Let's make him Number One." Regardless, numbers one to three are now dead, so the story focuses on Number Four. Dialogue is weak, character development is practically non-existent, and the underdeveloped backstory creates too many questions that lead to frustration rather than intrigue. Granted, this is an origin story that's specifically designed to kick-start a franchise, but a little more self-containment would have been appreciated. One of the film's biggest transgressions is the misuse of Timothy Olyphant as Henri. His role is more of a babysitter for Number Four than a warrior/guardian who dispenses valuable training and wisdom. |
my child became an atheist at a very early took a bit for me to follow. i realized that the most closed-minded, bigoted people i knew were christians (and yes, i know some absolutely wonderful people of faith, as well).
my mother said that we need to sit down and have a good, logical debate. she swears she'll win me over. my response? "if we bring logic into this, i've already won, lol." i'm tired of everyone trying to "convert" me. i'm one of the most rigidly honorable and ethical people you will EVER meet...but that comes from within, not from a fairy tale. my lack of belief does NOT make me a horrible person. i started really questioning when i embraced two of my daughters being bisexual (i really think one is out-right gay). when my priest and mother sat me down to let me know that it was okay that she was bi, but not okay if she actually did anything about it...i told them that any god that would make a person be gay/bi and then prevent them from love wasn't a god i would take as my own. my mother hasn't gotten over it. neither have others...i don't know if it has to do with being in the south, or if christianity is this pervasive everywhere, but i'm sure they call it the bible-belt for a reason. |
i have about a two-year range mine might have been in...and even then, i'm not sure. i just don't care. i haven't had a doctor ask me that in ages. ![]() ![]() |
i have about a two-year range mine might have been in...and even then, i'm not sure. i just don't care.
i haven't had a doctor ask me that in ages. |
i think it's different for everyone...some families make a big deal about it, some just let it take it's course.
it wasn't a big deal to me or to mine. |
isn't this the reason that our banks encourage us to use our debit cards as credit instead? i know i get rewards back...
they are processed through as a visa/mastercard and the fees are the same. this is why walmart started having the PIN screen come up automatically, so that people would think they SHOULD use it and save walmart the fee from processing as a credit card. |
Dumb-*** Drivers
there is a thin layer of snow over a layer of ice here in san antonio, and the highways have been shut down. it's good because people in this city when they drive over a patch of ice will slam on the brake, let go of the steering wheel, and scream "sweet mother of jesus save me" |
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