Community > Posts By > Taurusman54

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 05/26/19 08:21 PM
Edited by Taurusman54 on Sun 05/26/19 08:23 PM
No, I marinade it in barbecue sauce, puncturing the meat with a fork, and let it set over night.

Taurusman54's photo
Sat 12/29/18 07:53 AM
$200. on the nightstand and a tip.

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 10/01/17 12:24 PM
That money will run out very quickly. Why don't you just move to a different town? Or use the money to go to a school, like a 8 weekend or so dental hygienist course? Then you will have a good skill, and if you really want to, then you can move out to another State. If you invest in yourself, now, it will pay dividends for the rest of your life.

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 08/20/17 11:37 AM
How many deaths? Are they all in the same lake? What are the chances of a fresh water octopus? drowning different swimmers in a variety of lakes, all in the same time period? I bet alcohol was involved, more than a non existent fresh water octopus. So is there only one octopus that travels from lake to lake, or are there many octopi all drowning people in an independent manner?
How many drownings do real, salt water octopi do each year? Living in a cold water lake, they would not grow very fast either, so it is highly unlikely. It sounds more like a bad '50's drive in horror movie.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 08/07/17 08:30 PM
Edited by Taurusman54 on Mon 08/07/17 08:31 PM
The computer was slow, I hit the button twice.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 08/07/17 08:29 PM
Most of the women have " no answer" to their questions. Not much to go on. I don't expect much from this site, so I am not disappointed.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 08/07/17 08:25 PM
Not scared just wise to the situation. If a mother leaves the Father of the children, she will leave anyone. So why invest the time and money raising someone else's kids? That is not the biological thing to do. Most male lions kill the young cubs from another male, then start their own lineage. So nope. The young mothers are looking for a meal ticket. You should be concentrating on raising your kids, not bringing home a series of strange men into the kids lives.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 07/24/17 05:18 AM
Women want a guy with money, over a guy good in bed. Haven't you seen the wedding photo's of some young, hot babe, with a rich old man? I am sure she is with him because he is good in bed. LOL. There was a show on Netflix, a documentary about how men and women view each other, and why. They showed a photo of a guy, all the details, that he made $30,000 a year. The women rated him at 4-5 out of 10. Then they showed the same photo, but they changed it so he made $130,000 a year. His rating went up 7-8. The only change was in his money. Women will in essence, sell sex. Buy them this, take them out to do that. They will hold out as long as possible to get every possible Dollar from you. Women need us, more than we need them. There are more women than men in the world. Women live longer, so they will be alone longer. Plus if you really " need" a woman, there are some "very friendly" women who need some money, in exchange for their time. Cheaper than a couple dates, that you may not get any at the end, after spending hundreds, and a lot of time. Just make as much money as you can, and the women will find out, and come hunting for you. It don't matter how " good you are in bed", the women will fake it, just to make you think you are Fantastic, to build up your Ego, as you build up your bank account. If you want a woman, make more money. All women just want to be taken care of financially. They love the increase in their status. Why do you think they go for Rock Stars, or anyone else on stage? It increases their status. They will come into money too. Do you see guys, throwing themselves at a woman rock star, like the women do? Make more money to get more women, or just find a woman, and " rent" her by the hour. The internet has more women who "Rent" themselves, than there are those who are actually wanting to date a guy and marry him.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 07/03/17 07:07 AM
Hi mookey 420. Keep in mind this is from another guy's perspective. Your profile name, with the " 420" on it signify s marijuana. That narrows down the girls who would be interested. Generally, if a person focus's pot, in their profile, then it is a big thing that they want to do all the time. That may not make the best partner. Along with your long hair....Don't get me wrong, I do not mean to say anything to cause you any pain, but with your reference to pot, and the long hair, you look like a " pot head". I could be wrong. But as a matter of fact, I don't smoke pot, and I have short hair, and I ain't getting any either, so what do I know?. If you expect anything to come from this site, you will be disappointed. With your kid, take him out to the zoo, or park, or other places where single women go with their kids. They will see you with yours, and you can strike up a conversation then. Women like to see a man with their kids. You would have a better chance doing that, then hoping for something from here. And smile in your photo. Take Care.

Taurusman54's photo
Thu 06/22/17 06:40 PM
In Milwaukee a few months ago, Syville Smith was pursued, he ran out of the car, holding a gun, he came to a fence, and threw the gun down, and tried to jump the fence, couldn't do it, picked up the gun, and was shot and killed. Which touched off 2 nights of burning and rioting, looting. The Jury found the black Police officer, not guilty. From the time the Police officer got out of the car,and chased Syville, until he shot, was 12 seconds. The entire shooting time, lasted 1.6 seconds. Syville had a long arrest record. The Officer had a camera on him. If the perp, drops the gun, and obey's the Police officer, as Syville did before when he was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, he would be alive. The problem is when the person, does not do what the officer says, to control the situation. I am not familiar with the Philly shooting. I have a CCW permit. I keep my hands on the steering wheel, and ask the Officer " what can I do to comply". And I leave my hands on the wheel, and do what he says, veeeeeerrrrryyyyyy slowly. While the officer comes up , I already have my wallet on the dash. Then he can see what I am reaching for, with whatever hand he tells me to grab it with. I am not obligated to tell the officer that I am carrying though.
" Eyeamyourhost" I welcome this dialogue that you are having. From my point of view, the worst crime is in the black areas. The cops go where the crime is so they come into more contact with criminals, or situations where crime is.

Taurusman54's photo
Thu 06/22/17 06:19 PM
Texts are nice through out the day. Sometimes a phone call is too much at work. But a text, can be looked at, and send the thought that you are on their mind.

Taurusman54's photo
Tue 06/20/17 09:49 PM
I was not describing "lust". But the urge to reproduce. Two Bull elephants, or Bison, do battle with each other to win the female, to mate with.Some fight to the death, for what? Love? Love is a human concept. Love is a chemical reaction. Love can be induced, by certain chemicals or drugs. MDMA, or commonly called " ecstasy" was originally used in couples therapy to induce "Love", and empathy. You can by increasing the amount of testosterone, in either the Male, or the Female, to increase the sex drive. Sex forms a bonding in a relationship, especially the male. The urge to reproduce, is independent to Love. But it is the more powerful drive in the World. The raising of the offspring that results from the coupling, is mainly the responsibility of the female. Elephants, for example, while the male then roams around searching for more females. Love is many things to many people. It must be nice to have the time to go over what I say, line by line, by line, by line.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 06/19/17 05:24 AM
Sir Isaac Newtons' Conservation of Energy Law says;
In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another....So, the energy that we have, cannot be destroyed, What happens, is another thing. Reincarnation can't be it, since there are more people living now, than all the people who lived before. So where did the "New" people come from?

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 06/19/17 05:20 AM
Sir Isaac Newtons' Conservation of Energy Law says;
In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another....So, the energy that we have, cannot be destroyed, What happens, is another thing. Reincarnation can't be it, since there are more people living now, than all the people who lived before. So where did the "New" people come from?

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 06/18/17 01:07 PM
That is a great line! did you learn it from watching "Borat"

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 06/18/17 01:06 PM
I can't help you honey. I am a hetero. But I suppose since you are not you have to put in your profile that you are stubborn and short tempered with men, to show you are bonafide? So I will keep this short, since you have a short temper for men.

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 06/18/17 12:58 PM
"Love" is a chemical bond between people. It is well studied on the chemical change that a brain goes under when in "love". It is designed to keep, in most cases, a Man and a Woman dependent on each other to keep dopamine,oxytocin, vasopressin and others. Which are released by the men and women's brains under different circumstances. You know that first rush, when you meet someone? That is Dopamine. Love goes through different stages, as the endorphines are released. Love is designed into a Man and a Woman from the Creator. The urge, desire to reproduce, is the driving force in Nature. It drives fish to swim to the same river that they hatched in, years earlier. One that they have never been to after that. It causes birds to fly from one end of the Earth to the other. Of beasts fighting, or challenging other potential rivals, for the privilege to mate. It has unusual bright colors or display features in animals to attract mates. Not only the physical colors, but internally in their brains, to follow "mating customs", that are genetic in each generation. In order to receive that hormone burst from out brains, we have sex, the touching, smell of each other, and the orgasm is addictive, like any other drug. Which is why the Earth will always have life on it. Love is part of the Universe itself. The Universe will be here long after we pass away. But as long as you leave some Love behind, from your Spouse, or children, then that part of you lives on. You can't take anything with you when you leave, but Love is what you leave behind.

Taurusman54's photo
Tue 06/06/17 07:50 PM
HI, this is a funny, and interesting thread. I hide my credit cards down the front of my shorts......really I do.....just keep trying to find it.....No I don't hide it down there, but it would be worth it for her if she tried to find it. No, I don't know when a woman is ovulating. Maybe on a psychological basis I can, such that I may find her more attractive. But, I don't think" wait...she is ovulating, let's go shopping". Forking out the credit cards would be a small price to pay to have someone in my life. And yes, I know that if you buy new shoes, a handbag must match.

Taurusman54's photo
Mon 06/05/17 10:10 AM
In order to attack ISIS, it will require a multi front battle plan; for "home grown" terrorists, they need to monitor the mosques that are fan the flames of hatred, and their internet use. For immigrants, they will have to extreme vet them, and if anything negative comes up, bar them from entering. They should look for things to prohibit entry, since immigration is a priviledge not a right. Last year in the US 700,000 people over stayed their visa's, and are roaming in the US. Student Visa's are a loop hole. In which " student's", are allowed in, and then never attend classes. So the Colleges have to be held accountable, and must notify ICE if a student fails to attend. Qatar, is being boycotted by other Arab States, because of their close support of Iran, and support of terrorism. By keeping ground troops in the battles, of Syria, that is a useful way to lure ISIS into an open battle and kill them. Unchecked immigration, in all Western Countries must stop. The US can use the RICO Law against ISIS, and muslim terrorists. In which, it is not necessary to wait until they commit an act of terror, but only necessary to prove that they belong to a terrorist organisation. This was used to break up the Mafia, it is very effective if the Govt has the will to use it. If not, they will keep attacking, we will keep allowing them in, their reproductive rates are higher than ours, and they will be in majority in many Western Countries.

Taurusman54's photo
Sun 11/20/16 03:49 PM
You are beautiful.
Very " girl next door" type. The first thing I look at are your eyes, and your long hair, both are very feminine. I could go on.
I would suggest that you google the guys name, if you advance to that level.
Only go by your first name, until you feel comfortable.
When you get his phone number, you use a " reverse phone number look up".
Look up your own number, to see the kind of information that it says about you.
Don't forget, you are actually in charge.
He needs you more than you need him. If he doesn't realize that, find someone who does. I would suggest that you read " The Male Brain" book by Dr. Louann Brizendine. She also wrote " The Female Brain". I am a guy, and honestly it was like an Owners Manual. There are things in there that a guy, would never tell anyone, myself included. But there it is in print.
It helps to know "how" your, and the opposite sex's brain works. Behavior is so predictable, because it is biological.

So you would only attract the type of guys that YOU allow close to you.
In the book it tells about "woman's intuition", and the factors that make it so. It is hardwired in your brain, since you are a woman. So, trust it. Even if you are not sure why, but if you feel something is off about the guy, trust yourself. If you read the book, you will find out why, you as a woman developed that intuition.

You are beautiful, a Goddess, and a man should treat you as such.
Take care.