Community > Posts By > kds66

kds66's photo
Sat 09/26/09 08:58 AM
explode 8 times..finally found a way out- not that I don't want to do my dutie--But to miss work for 2 week's-my company hired me to be there, not try to find a way out. I just wrote a letter and told them that i could not afford to take what they want to pay! Got bill's? Got Out of the last one that easy.

kds66's photo
Tue 08/11/09 07:45 PM
frustrated Don't hold back!! Tell it the way it is.. "O" you did that already.

kds66's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:26 PM

Hockey Fan?? you do know we have a decent team in Michagan?

kds66's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:20 PM
ok not like that!!frustrated

kds66's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:18 PM
Have you just ever just said what is up with the oppsite sex???

kds66's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:21 PM
drinker now that is sooooo deep.

kds66's photo
Tue 05/05/09 06:53 PM
got a ton of money...want someone to spend it all and leave me with a pair of cheap shoe's and not pant's...."O" and a half a bottle of cheap wine!!drinker explode

kds66's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:54 AM

flowerforyou They will get him soon.flowerforyou I predict that they will get him within a weekflowerforyou

i took that as a positive, hopeful statement mysel/quote] I did too but mirrormirror as no clue.

kds66's photo
Sun 04/19/09 08:46 AM
Edited by kds66 on Sun 04/19/09 08:47 AM
get a can't predict your day, let alone the way the crimanal mind work's and how the law defind's it. Mirror-Mirror

kds66's photo
Sat 04/18/09 09:05 AM
you need help!!!!!explode

kds66's photo
Sat 04/04/09 03:24 AM

I find it is funny that a man who thinks about his answers before he speaks instead of speaking the practiced rhetoric is considered ingenuine at some level. well I can see we are dealing with a bush fan..(that would be goerge).. sure hope your happy with the way geogre spoke in public. look back...does not look like he spoke well or did anything to stop the mess we are in.

I guess we are so used to the smooth easiness of false rhetoric that we can't appreciate a real thought spoken in earnest, huh?

I think we humans can some times be so suspicious of someone we don't particularly like we can't recognize when someone is being genuine. It's often not easy to let go of that to allow ourselves to hear.

I agree.

It's not thinking about the answer though - it's thinking about the wording. Any topic that he gives a real answer to is normally quick. When he does his stumbling "uh, uh" thing, the answer that follows normally is not direct and it is very thought out as to not tie himself down to anything of controversy.

That is not what I see. Usually a coverup is well planned out and the answers are robotic.

I never said coverup - I said tying himself down. Case in point: my thread. He went on and on about the 95% tax cut all through the campaign. He went on about it as the stimulus was written. Now, when confronted in a media conference whether or not he'll sign the budget if it lacks the cornerstone of his economic policy, he stumbles and goes on about the other items in the budget he pushed for, effectively dodging the question. The reporter calls him on it and he stumbles again.

he's a great public speaker so long as his tele is with him or it's his robotic talking points. once he's on the spot, he loses all composure and stumbles just as bad as bush.

That is not true. I have watched for the deception and it is not there. Now Bush had all his stuff planned and robotic. He messed up a few times and they fixed him real quick because he was going to be in jail if he talked on his own.

so you think the fact he never answered the actual question being completely open and honest? There's no deception in the fact that he is leaving a loophole for his own tax cuts that he campaigned on for 20 months to be repealed? Ironically, I'm sure the other things he listed in his "answer" are likely the reason he cannot keep the tax cuts. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

He answered the best he could. Not all answers are going to make everyone happy.

you didn't answer the question. Is it right for him to campaign for so long on these tax breaks and when asked if he'd sign a bill that did not include them (twice) not answer no? one word is all i need unless you say yes... then I'd like a logical reason.

I was satisfied with his answers. He is going to do just fine.

you still didn't answer it.

Yes I did.

you stated that you were satisfied with his answer, not whether it is right or wrong. am i to assume that you are ok with him going back on his economic cornerstone? if so, why is it ok?

When did he say he was going back on it?

allow me to re-word that he would not stand 100% behind his economic cornerstone.

kds66's photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:52 AM

Tell us more about you as a man

Why hide your eyes

Their the windows to your soul

Have fun and how come you joined in 07
And this is your 1st post ?
not a rate police....but the block of your eye's say's it all. Are ya hiding from someone.

kds66's photo
Mon 03/30/09 08:43 PM

i live check to check as well. as soon as I earn's spent.

Then you have nothing to worry about. In other words, you barely give back to the society what you require for your own survival. There is nothing wrong with it. A majority of people would fall in this category. There is no presumed right or wrong about it.

The message is for those who have earned the credit for their contributions, that they haven't spent yet. This credit is going to be taken by force, unless it is out of reach of communist Obama, but the time window is closing as Obama is closing the borders.
You go hitler!!! what is wrong with you...,and you are the one to say people point finger' that was not you that was your twin brother....leave with your 10.00 dollars in hand..that's probably all your worried about.. CHANGE IS COMING..I truley hope you can afford internet in a year.. we shall chat.

kds66's photo
Mon 03/30/09 04:23 AM

NoGames39, you best take that red pill and accept socialism, cuz obviously capitalism ain't workin'... or you can take your money and bail out...

As for me, I ain't got no money to put in a foreign bank account. I live paycheck to paycheck..!

So I'm gonna stick it out, you bail out if you want...

I'm about to make breakfast... would you like some eggs benedict, Arnold?
I wonder if people look @ what they have..not picking on you. But NoGames39 I do beleive is talking while walking on his hand's. Have to be careful here not to call people names like dirt, trader's..dang I did it!!! I'll get a message from a monitor. But I happen to love this country. And SOME PEOPLE want to blame the current president.. THINK ABOUT IT?? how long has he been in office? Give the man a chance. His plan may not work. But either did the previous president's plan. Was there a plan?? So keep talking trash about america. This is the problem... I do beleive the republican's are upset. Let's see what happen's.

kds66's photo
Mon 03/30/09 02:27 AM

This is a quotation of an article from those who knew and warned about this unfolding crisis. Do not underestimate the warning.

We are patriots. We have proudly served in our country's military, have extended a helping hand to its public sector, and have plowed our entrepreneurial enterprise into its once fertile soil. We love America, but these days, America does not love us back. It takes without giving and squelches free enterprise. These days, America is no longer the land of the free, especially when it comes to the market.

Just look at the headlines, seemingly ripped from the pages of Atlas Shrugged: Unconscionably large bank bailouts. Punishing regulations and tax requirements. An arctic business climate. Government money bombs. Riots and protests. Slowing trade. Protectionist rhetoric. Demonized corporate executives. Even pirates hijacking cargo ships. One can guess what will happen next.

We predict the next several years will usher in larger, more obtrusive governments, resulting in a decline of personal liberty and financial privacy. The world will become increasingly polarized between two groups: those who consider government intervention a great idea, and the rest of us who happen to be sane.

As such, you can bet your last falling dollar on some absolute certainties: bank nationalization is a given, at least de facto if not de jure; taxes are going up on those of us with any money left; the Fed’s money blitzkriegs will spark a blaze of inflation; and financial privacy will be a thing of the past in the United States.

The obvious and necessary solution is to position one’s finances outside of the United States, and to do so now, while the narrow and finite window of opportunity is still open.

To be clear, evading (or even avoiding) taxes at this point is not a wise move, given the size and scope of the ever-growing IRS. But there are significant advantages to expatriating your capital now:

For starters, you will actually have control of your own money. Yes, in certain instances you’ll be obliged to tell the IRS exactly where it is and what you’re doing with it, but no government agency will have the authority to reach into your overseas pocket and freeze or expropriate (read: steal) on a whim just so Team Obama can give it away to pay for someone else’s McMansion. Plus, when exchange controls are implemented and Americans are forbidden from wiring money overseas, your capital will already be secured in another jurisdiction, where you will be free to do what you want with it.

Secondly, you will no longer have to assume the risk of insolvent banks or go through the hassle of petitioning the government to get your FDIC insurance bailout. Many overseas banks are far better capitalized than those in the United States, and some of them are in jurisdictions with constitutionally protected banking privacy.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, moving money overseas gives you a last chance at diversifying out of the dollar, which, in a very short period of time, will barely be worth the paper on which it's printed.

Bank and Brokerage Accounts

Opening a foreign bank or brokerage account is easier said than done; the United States government severely restricts where and under what terms you can open a bank account, invest in a fund, or engage in other economic activities that facilitate the protection of and access to your assets. As the signatory on an overseas account, you are required by law to inform the federal government on Treasury form TDF 90.22 by the end of June each year. Ostensibly, this has been done in the name of fighting money laundering, but it has the effect of severely restricting your freedom of financial movement.

Many foreign banks simply won’t work with you… don’t worry, it’s nothing personal. Uncle Sam has been beating them down since the Reagan years, and between Qualified Intermediary rules, tax treaties, and the USA PATRIOT Act, Sammy gives himself a lot of regulation to bury the opposition with.

There are some jurisdictions that are still excellent banking centers; Switzerland may have rolled over, but Panama, Uruguay, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates have thus far ignored the call for “greater transparency” (read: government access to private finance).

Some individual banks, like Credicorp and Global Bank in Panama, or Banco Itau in Uruguay will not work with U.S. citizens anymore, but there is still opportunity with the hundreds of remaining banks in these jurisdictions.

Similarly, opening a foreign brokerage account is a shrewd move, not only to move your money overseas but also to have greater access to financial markets. Remember when world markets tanked on Martin Luther King Day 2008? If you were a U.S.-based investor and wanted to sell, sell, sell, you had to wait a full 24 hours until the markets opened after the holiday on Tuesday morning. If you had been invested with global depository shares through a foreign brokerage, you could have saved yourself several points and gotten out in time.

We would suggest looking at Verdmont Capital and PanaAmerican Capital in Panama, and Saxo Bank in Denmark.

Bullion Storage

If you have gold, it would be highly beneficial to get it out of the U.S. – stat. If you do keep it in the U.S., your only truly reliable and private option is to store it yourself in a safe that you bury in your backyard. Otherwise, move it out of the U.S. now before Team Obama pulls an FDR and takes your gold from you.

At the moment, gold is not considered a monetary instrument by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, so there is no legal requirement to declare your bullion upon leaving the United States. Some countries, like Taiwan and Uruguay, require you to declare gold in excess of a certain value to customs officials upon entry.

We recommend Panama, Austria, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates as locations to store bullion; one particular favorite is a location called Das Safe ( in Vienna where anonymous safes start at 400 euro/year.

Real Estate

It might sound counterintuitive after the subprime debacle, but real estate is a sound option for moving money outside of the United States; there are zero reporting requirements. It's your business where you own property, and (so far) no one else's. You can purchase property in a private way by setting up a corporate structure to hold the assets so that they're not in your name (Panama is an excellent jurisdiction to set this up), and although there are many places with depressed real estate markets, there are also many with good growth potential: in Latin America, we would recommend Panama, Colombia, Uruguay, and Chile. In Europe: Slovakia, Albania, and Poland. In the rest of the world: Lebanon, Hainan Island (China), the Philippines, Cambodia, and New Zealand.

Time is of the essence – start looking for your safe haven now.
If you want a foreign bank account move!!!! Then you can open one. And as the saying goes's if you don't like it leave it..boat's and or airplane's leave all the america a favor be on one!!!

kds66's photo
Wed 03/25/09 04:36 PM

I find it is funny that a man who thinks about his answers before he speaks instead of speaking the practiced rhetoric is considered ingenuine at some level.

I guess we are so used to the smooth easiness of false rhetoric that we can't appreciate a real thought spoken in earnest, huh?

I think we humans can some times be so suspicious of someone we don't particularly like we can't recognize when someone is being genuine. It's often not easy to let go of that to allow ourselves to hear.

I agree.

It's not thinking about the answer though - it's thinking about the wording. Any topic that he gives a real answer to is normally quick. When he does his stumbling "uh, uh" thing, the answer that follows normally is not direct and it is very thought out as to not tie himself down to anything of controversy.
stunbiling??? geezzzzzzz george. that man could not talk if he was on someone's hand!!!!

kds66's photo
Tue 03/24/09 09:01 PM

It was kind of funny.
He talked about mortgages being more affordable. The homeowner who lost his house because of losing his job couldn't afford to buy back his house even if the home was free.

There was nothing funny about it. He was talking very seriously.
He talked about making jobs.

Yep, for the Illegal.
What, is he a Magician and can pull jobs out of thin air?

The stimulus money is already planned for St. Louis. Jobs are coming.bigsmile A.I.G. got money way before jan 21 st

AIG will handle the disbursal.

kds66's photo
Tue 03/24/09 09:00 PM

It was kind of funny.
He talked about mortgages being more affordable. The homeowner who lost his house because of losing his job couldn't afford to buy back his house even if the home was free.

There was nothing funny about it. He was talking very seriously.
He talked about making jobs.

Yep, for the Illegal.
What, is he a Magician and can pull jobs out of thin air?
No and he never said he could. Does anyone expect this man to change this in 60 day's. There are job's out there. Don't say there are not. you may not make 30.00 an hour. but you will be working and paying your way..get 2 job's if you need to.
I think I'll hAVE A BUSH LIGHT. did i spell that wrong??

kds66's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:54 PM

It was kind of funny.
He talked about mortgages being more affordable. The homeowner who lost his house because of losing his job couldn't afford to buy back his house even if the home was free.

There was nothing funny about it. He was talking very seriously.
He talked about making jobs.

Yep, for the Illegal.
What, is he a Magician and can pull jobs out of thin air?
No and he never said he could. Does anyone expect this man to change this in 60 day's. There are job's out there. Don't say there are not. you may not make 30.00 an hour. but you will be working and paying your way..get 2 job's if you need to.

kds66's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:47 PM

I find it is funny that a man who thinks about his answers before he speaks instead of speaking the practiced rhetoric is considered ingenuine at some level.

I guess we are so used to the smooth easiness of false rhetoric that we can't appreciate a real thought spoken in earnest, huh?
@ least the man can speak.

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