Community > Posts By > Aries151

Aries151's photo
Tue 01/25/11 09:42 AM

When I hear the word cougar, it makes me think of much older women. I prefer guys a bit younger, but I'm certainly not a cougar or a milf. laugh

No actually the much older ones are called sabre tooths laugh

Aries151's photo
Tue 01/25/11 09:35 AM

Aries151's photo
Tue 01/25/11 09:25 AM
He held me firmly but gently just above my elbow and guided me into a
room. I had never been there but I knew this was his room. I knew
what he was going to do to me, and I knew I was going to let him. The
door closed quietly and we were alone. He approached silently from
behind and spoke in a low, reassuring voice close to my ear. "Just
relax." Without warning, he reached down and I felt his strong,
calloused hands start at my ankles, gently probing, and caressing
upward along my tender calves slowly and steadily. My breath caught
in my throat. I knew I should be afraid, but somehow I didn't care.
His touch was so experienced, so sure. When his hands moved under my
skirt to my thighs I gave a slight shudder and partly closed my eyes.
My pulse was pounding. His knowing fingers continued upward across my
abdomen, my ribcage. And then, as he cupped my firm, full breasts in
his hands, I inhaled sharply. Probing, searching, knowing what he
wanted, his teasing hands quickly moved to my shoulders and slid down
my tingling spine. By entire body was throbbing when he discovered my
pink, lace thong. Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt
oddly trusting and expectant. "This is a man," I thought. A man used
to taking charge. A man not used to taking "No" for an answer. A man
who would tell me what he wanted. A man who would look into my soul
and say...

"Okay all done. Here's your purse, ma'am. Have a nice flight."
TSA Security

Aries151's photo
Wed 11/10/10 06:42 PM
I work for Blizzard Entertainment as my day job, do acting / stuntwork for friends who make indie films on the side but have recently moved into directing.

Aries151's photo
Mon 11/08/10 09:21 PM
Nah not really, but I am a little bummed.

Aries151's photo
Mon 11/08/10 09:14 PM
This girl I was dating just told me she wants to just be friends. :/

We haven't gone out very much, just like 4 dates (two of them were with her group of friends though). She's a little timid about dating, she's only had 3 guys in her life (two married / divorced and one live in bf) all of whom caused her major grief. As a result I didn't really get her phone number until after the second date, even then she preferred I give her mine instead of giving me hers. She didn't want to tell me where she lived either because she didn't know me that well so of course we had to meet everywhere we went (I couldn't pick her up).

She was really nice and I liked her a lot, so I didn't want to scare her off by moving too fast considering the way she felt, nor did I want to mess it up. So I took things slow, but maybe too slow. I thought about kissing her at the end of the night of the second date but she said "Well give me a HUG" before I could so I figured she wasn't ready. But after this last outing (the 4th one) she gave me the old "let's be friends" bit. She mentioned she liked how one of the guys she was with was so passionate, and I think I screwed up by not being a little more aggressive. It sucks because I really liked her.


Aries151's photo
Thu 10/14/10 07:25 PM
Last girl I dated was bi-polarity :P

Aries151's photo
Sat 10/09/10 05:11 PM
I was like, damn, she already knows this place.....

Aries151's photo
Fri 10/08/10 07:07 PM
Everything I posted is true

Aries151's photo
Fri 10/08/10 07:06 PM
I have a couple fantasy replica swords, doh

Aries151's photo
Fri 10/08/10 07:03 PM
I dunno, I think you look pretty young. You have that whole "pink teenager bedroom" thing going on....I was half expecting to see a Justin Bieber poster on the wall laugh

Aries151's photo
Fri 10/08/10 06:56 PM
You must do this:

Aries151's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:22 PM
Ooo, she's Scotch. We could use a little more diversity on the forums. Hi!

Aries151's photo
Wed 10/06/10 06:19 PM

Let us face two facts here...

One: the universe is HUGE. The sheer number of stars and the mechanics of the universe would mean that if life sprang up here it could and would spring up in other places. Life is an innate characteristic of this universe. Earth isn't the only place in this universe to harbor life and possibly life that had a chance to enjoy a long history of evolution and also evolving to be smart enough to not risk annihilating themselves over some stupid BS like the power games we play among our selves!

Two: if aliens REALLY REALLY wanted to take over all they would have to do is nudge a couple of big asteroids onto a collision course with the earth and wait five years to take over so the damage has a chance to settle down and the smell of all the death to go away after they wipe everything out with the resulting dust cloud blacking out the planet. All it would take is two full weeks of planetary darkness to kill EVERYTHING on earth. No need for nukes.

If anything the reason they are so keen on our Nukes is the fact that they can pollute this planet so badly! If I did meet a real alien I would apologize to them for the rest of my species being such idiots and thank them for their patience with us! I am very certain they are watching us and have been for a very long time.

Our society at large may still not be able to grapple with the reality of not being the only ones in the universe. Until we arise from our homocentralism we will never be ready to go into the stars!

I agree. "Threat to national security"? Like if the governments disclosed any information on them that would pretty much do jack squat. Being that have mastered space travel could pretty much kick the crap out of us whenever they wanted. I'm just hoping the aliens turn out to be sex starved amazon space women like in the movies! :banana:

Aries151's photo
Tue 10/05/10 05:39 PM
I go for looks first, it's what grabs my (or anyone's attention). I am attracted to smart girls but have dated a few not-so-bright ones let's say. I have a thing for a girl in glasses of course (makes her look smarter, I know it's dumb but I can't help it)

Bottom line, if she's an idiot but hot, heck yeah I'll date her. Marry her? No. I know everyone keeps posting "They have to have everything / all three / yadda yadda" but let's face it.....everyone here has dated people in the past and if any of them were "all of the above" then you wouldn't be here on this site and single. Even though we WANT the other person to be gorgeous / smart / funny / romantic / great in bed / have a nice physique / responsible / kind hearted / faithful / compassionate / etc /etc / etc, you have to decide what trait you PREFER over the others.

Aries151's photo
Tue 10/05/10 05:28 PM

Something else I've done, when spotting a large brested woman wearing a low cut top is to cover her with a napkin and say "that's just not fair! How can I be expected to have a conversation with those distracting me!"

I usually blame the gravity in the room and how it's affecting my eyeballs.

Aries151's photo
Tue 10/05/10 05:25 PM

I'm a yoga practitioner and I can twist like a pretzel...

That's how you should start your conversations I think....

Aries151's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:22 PM
Let's post some to help out the peeps on this site who might need a good conversation starter the next time they see someone they want to talk to. Post what you use or what might be good, what to avoid, and you ladies can comment on what you like / don't like when a guy approaches you.


"I bet I can make you smile in five seconds." (wait for her to agree) "Want to hear a really bad pickup line?"


"So, can you chew through duct tape?"

Aries151's photo
Mon 10/04/10 05:58 PM
Yeah, I'll go with that

Aries151's photo
Mon 10/04/10 05:54 PM
So....are you hot? spock

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