Community > Posts By > ALF98632

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:29 AM
Read the thread about the paralyzed marine who was denied free admission to an amusement park, because "he might be faking it"...

...THAT makes me mad! explode

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:27 AM

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:21 AM
mad as in angry, or mad as in insane? I've got a story for both! rofl

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:17 AM

Use a little Cat String theory on him

lmfaooooooooo just spit out my coffee, but worth it!

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:17 AM
You'll love San Francisco, but take plenty of spending money. It's an expensive city!
As for L.A., I really dislike L.A., but to each their own!
Regardless, have a fabulous vacation!

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:13 AM

Who will put the toilet seat /up/ for men? : D

Well... depending on the circumstances.

If I'm in a man's home and I use the washroom, I'll put the seat back in the position I found it in.

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:09 AM
Edited by ALF98632 on Wed 06/17/09 10:10 AM
It depends on what kind of love you're talking about. I have a brother that I do not like, but I love him despite.

If you are referring to romantic love, then I would have to say no. At least it's a no for me.

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:02 AM


Just face the facts: Dog are better. :banana: :laughing:

I have a dog and a cat... I'm sorry, but the cat rules when it comes to brains. She's really clever!

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:48 AM

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:14 AM

I wonder what this is doing to the ground, the vegitation and water ways from there and around the world?

I wonder if anyone has ever done tests to study that. All nuclear capable countries have done underground testing. The US and Russia have done high altitude testing. Has anyone ever studied the effects of that testing on the atmosphere or climate? what what what spock

And they say cars and hair spray are responsible for the hole in the o-zone layer...

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:10 AM
Last week I saw a similar thing. A hawk carrying off a baby squirrel. I felt so helpless, but there is nothing you can do. :(

ALF98632's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:07 AM

From what I've seen, the "looks don't matter" crowd is essentially just trying to avoid coming across as shallow or superficial.

The reality is that, if looks truly didn't matter, I think we'd be seeing a lot more hooking-up here than what we have been.

There are hundreds of people on this site who would seem to fit very nicely into a lot of other people's "I'm looking for someone who...." descriptions, but very little is being done about it. You can blame distance, you can blame lots of things, but I'm guessing a lot of it is just people being dishonest about what it is they REALLY want.


ALF98632's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:20 AM
Brownies with nuts and those oatmeal/marshmellow sandwich cookies

ALF98632's photo
Tue 06/16/09 06:50 AM
Honestly, I'm a little on the fence about my like or dislike for this site. I've had luck meeting people, but I'm sure that's because I live in a large city. However, after a few dates, the men I've met have turned out to be rude, racist, or mentally unstable (no joke). To be honest, I've had better luck answering ads on Craigslist. Since I like the format here, I stick around and check my inbox from time to time. I have not given up hope and neither should any of you!

ALF98632's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:37 PM
Sounds great, airfare included?? lol

ALF98632's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:34 PM
Oh good, technically she got it before I quit, so I'm not a quitter afterall! lol

ALF98632's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:32 PM
I give up!.... yes. I'm a quitter, and I'm OK with it! shocked

ALF98632's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:20 PM
no ****e! this is the most difficult one yet!

ALF98632's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:15 PM
Penny Lane?

ALF98632's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:47 PM
tough one...