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franshade's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:44 AM
As I posted earlier, I am playing the old card... so can someone please explain to me what's going on with North Korea? I truly haven't been following this and am sooo lost!!!

read in paper:

MOSCOW – Russia and China expressed serious concern Wednesday about tension on the Korean peninsula and, in the face of North Korea's rhetoric, joined international pressure for it to return to nuclear talks.

The U.S. vowed it would never accept North Korea as an atomic weapons state and, at a board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, urged the country to negotiate with the world's great powers instead of making threats.

Only hours earlier, North Korea warned the United States and its allies of a "thousand-fold" military retaliation if provoked.

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:46 AM

As I posted earlier, I am playing the old card... so can someone please explain to me what's going on with North Korea? I truly haven't been following this and am sooo lost!!!

read in paper:

MOSCOW – Russia and China expressed serious concern Wednesday about tension on the Korean peninsula and, in the face of North Korea's rhetoric, joined international pressure for it to return to nuclear talks.

The U.S. vowed it would never accept North Korea as an atomic weapons state and, at a board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, urged the country to negotiate with the world's great powers instead of making threats.

Only hours earlier, North Korea warned the United States and its allies of a "thousand-fold" military retaliation if provoked.

As I recall. just off the top of my head, they claim to have a nuclear weapon and claimed to have performed underground tests of it. And over the last few years have been testing a long range missile capable of carrying such a payload.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:51 AM
N Korea has been saying they WILL do this and that...

franshade's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:51 AM
Thought the testing was recent.

Also remember hearing that they are/were transporting said weapons via water, and that they 'dared' anyone to get in their way...

franshade's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:52 AM

N Korea has been saying they WILL do this and that...

are they breaking any laws? are they just saying they are doing this/that?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:52 AM are correct

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:53 AM
They are spouting a lot of rhetoric. It is hard to believe a lot of what they say, but at the same time it is hard to believe they wouldn't do something horrible.

franshade's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:54 AM are correct

aww you concede rofl

I am correct about what? or is this meant for someone else?

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:55 AM
The problem with N THEY MIGHT!! It is a very real fear. This leader is mad. Mad I tell you. He doesnt care for life...anyones....after all..he has nothing to lose. He is about to die anyway.
This thing in Korea is a big deal to our military. They are afraid of what this could mean.
They have of course been doing tests underground, and they have the tremors to prove it. Earthquakes after also.

I wonder what this is doing to the ground, the vegitation and water ways from there and around the world?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:55 AM
US says it will not accept N Korea as nuclear state

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:56 AM
Even though we have pretty much agreed, just admiot that you were both wrong and I was right. :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:59 AM

I wonder what this is doing to the ground, the vegitation and water ways from there and around the world?

I wonder if anyone has ever done tests to study that. All nuclear capable countries have done underground testing. The US and Russia have done high altitude testing. Has anyone ever studied the effects of that testing on the atmosphere or climate? what what what spock

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:59 AM
russia nad china are within the range of n korea rockets

as of yet they do not have a rocket to reach the u s

so i would imagine they do not want to do what it takes to stop n korea

but if the u s does they will be the ones shot at with said rockets


seems like tey would go what they need to protect themselves

but no

it is up to the u s again

imagine that

and when the u s does they will be the bad guys again

the u s should have stayed out of ww1

what a different world this would be

franshade's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:00 AM

accept it or not

Pyongyang, which is believed to have enough weaponized plutonium for at least half a dozen atomic bombs, claims they are a deterrence against the United States and accuses Washington of plotting with South Korea to topple its government.

metalwing's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:04 AM
Just from memory, here is my two bit summary.

N. Korea has no energy resources, very little food, little education, and a complete fruitcake for a dictator.

We gave them a nuclear reactor so they could make electricity under the promise not to make bombs (Jimmy Carter as I recall).

They promptly enriched the fuel and started the process to make atomic bombs which was completed and tested recently. They should have enough enriched material to make several more now, maybe as many as twenty. They need cash and it is obvious that they would like to sell some bombs to the middle east.

They instantly started blackmailing the west by threats to bomb South Korea and anyone else (US) who got in the way unless we gave them food, oil, money, and technology, which we promptly did.

Like all blackmailers, the demands never end. We gave them what they asked for but now they want more and are developing long range missiles to carry out their "treats". They are also making "deals" with countries like Iran to sell missile tech.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I got any of this wrong.

franshade's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:06 AM

Just from memory, here is my two bit summary.

N. Korea has no energy resources, very little food, little education, and a complete fruitcake for a dictator.

We gave them a nuclear reactor so they could make electricity under the promise not to make bombs (Jimmy Carter as I recall).

They promptly enriched the fuel and started the process to make atomic bombs which was completed and tested recently. They should have enough enriched material to make several more now, maybe as many as twenty. They need cash and it is obvious that they would like to sell some bombs to the middle east.

They instantly started blackmailing the west by threats to bomb South Korea and anyone else (US) who got in the way unless we gave them food, oil, money, and technology, which we promptly did.

Like all blackmailers, the demands never end. We gave them what they asked for but now they want more and are developing long range missiles to carry out their "treats". They are also making "deals" with countries like Iran to sell missile tech.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I got any of this wrong.

I trust your memory more than my own waving

tanyaann's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:11 AM

I wonder what this is doing to the ground, the vegitation and water ways from there and around the world?

I wonder if anyone has ever done tests to study that. All nuclear capable countries have done underground testing. The US and Russia have done high altitude testing. Has anyone ever studied the effects of that testing on the atmosphere or climate? what what what spock

We know very clearly what US testing has done. I had a great-uncle that died because he was riddled with cancer due to military testing of nuclear bombs.

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:11 AM

Just from memory, here is my two bit summary.

N. Korea has no energy resources, very little food, little education, and a complete fruitcake for a dictator.

We gave them a nuclear reactor so they could make electricity under the promise not to make bombs (Jimmy Carter as I recall).

They promptly enriched the fuel and started the process to make atomic bombs which was completed and tested recently. They should have enough enriched material to make several more now, maybe as many as twenty. They need cash and it is obvious that they would like to sell some bombs to the middle east.

They instantly started blackmailing the west by threats to bomb South Korea and anyone else (US) who got in the way unless we gave them food, oil, money, and technology, which we promptly did.

Like all blackmailers, the demands never end. We gave them what they asked for but now they want more and are developing long range missiles to carry out their "treats". They are also making "deals" with countries like Iran to sell missile tech.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I got any of this wrong.

sounds like something carter would do

pure stupidity

if he wanted to set them up with power he should have built it on the boarder in side s korea and ran the power over high tension wires

kept the plant under american control as we still have american military presence there

if the south did not like the idea then we tell them ok and pull out of the south and let them protect there own border

and that is just my opinion (which we all know does not matter much)

darkowl1's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:12 AM
Edited by darkowl1 on Wed 06/17/09 09:13 AM
my father was Capt. Carleton Voltz and with Ben Stutz, both special intelligence were captured in 63' to 64' as quite famous pow's and traded back for propaganda, N. Korea(in your marine handbook) and his stories of the encarseration were absolutely ruthless. later, my father was on TV to tell how the people of the captured ship "Pueblo", under commander Boucher would be handled.... the story is too long for here, but not much is known even still about the country and it's people, but one thing is for certain, the gov't and soldiers are a very efficient working unit, and their people constantly suffer. nobody for sure could be able to really tell what their next move will be, but whatever it will be, it will be cold, calculated, and malicious toward us. that has never warmed up. when it comes to them, everything is unstable.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:13 AM
lol fran...I'm trying to help you remember about the topic...go take more vitamins laugh

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