Community > Posts By > shygirl39

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/28/09 06:55 PM
There is this well known porn star and some of you probably heard of him and he is marry and I am like how can his wife marry him and he is sleep with these different women. In his BIO it stated that a week for they suppose to get marry, she went to an video store and found out he was doing pornand she went home and watch the video and cry and left him. Then she decide to stay with him and down years in their marry he have given her two STDs. She was mad and she should have known this was going to happen. I said to myself I could not marry an porn star and then I was like you never know what you will do in the name of love. If I was going to marry an porn star, I tell you one thing it would not have last. This guy have two dauthers and he said he was not slowing down anytime soon. I would think he would stop at less for his dauthers. I sorry I just can't see myself staying marry to him and I know his wife is not okay with this. Can you see yourself in an relationsip or marriage with an porn star? You know he is having sex with different women when he is not working on the set. I just had to get this out. I kind of feel bad for the wife and his two dauthers.sad sad sad

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/28/09 06:37 PM

If I am not doing my part in the relationship then why wouldn't he go and get his needs filled some place else

So make sure you are doing your part in the relationship

You still can do your part in the relationship and they will still cheat. Just like some guy have stated in this post, that some women think if they give a man good sex, they think the man is going to stop cheating and he said that is not true.

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/28/09 06:32 PM
I believe you can not keep someone from cheating. I don't care how good of an person you are. I do believe a person can change if they want to and when he do change he better not come back to me, because in my book it is a little to late.ohwell

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/28/09 01:08 PM
Noway, I might have to raise mine also. Like I said before I had a lot of bums coming on to me. I deserve better. I believe he is out there, but right now I am going to focus on my edcation. I need a break right now anyway. I already have two kids and I am not looking to have anymore(immature men). Trust me there are a lot out there and the ones I deal with was in their 40's and one in their 50's. That is a shame, grown azz men walking around with their pants hanging below their azz.

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:48 PM
I say never too. I had guys ask me for my e-mail and you can chat up here for free. They have not even talk to me, but only said HI. What is that. I believe some of these guys have someone in their life.

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:34 PM
Dark skin
dress nice
smell good
For some reason I aways look at a man's shoes
Barry White voice
but I am open

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:19 PM

I think you're thinking about it too much.. Changing your number seems quite extreme... Next time she calls why don't you be honest and tell her how you feel about her calling and that you know she heard you don't want to and you believe she's playing games... What's good for the goose ya know...
You are right I am thinking about it too much and getting my phone number change is too much. I will say something, but I want to make sure I am right about she heard what I have said about her. She knows I am not interested in these guys. What I am talking about early is she told me one guy ask about me and I was interested in him and I thought she was cool and told her somethings ( You know how some female are ) and the guy is good friends with her boyfriend and she went back and told the her boyfriend what I have said and he went back and told the guy. To make along story short the guy was mad. This girl and I go way back, because we use to hang out along time ago. I just believe she is jealous. Little do she know I have caught her boyfriend looking at me.

shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:05 PM

by his........................



shygirl39's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:01 PM
This girl I know ask me sometime( well, two times )to go out wth her and her boyfriend along with another guy I am not attractive to. One time I went and I was not feeling this guy at all. So, not too long ago, she ask me do I want to go out and this guy was going to go and I am not feeling him either. I told her I will be looking at other men, because noone is not going to stand in my way of meeting someone else. I decide the next time she ask, I will say no, because I don't want to feel like I am disrespecting anyone or make the guy feel bad. Like I said in another post that a lot of guys( well, bums )try to talk to me. I do have my standard. I like a man that take care of his hygiene, dress nice, keep his hair cut or looking nice, have a job( or have an good reason for not having one ), know what you want in life, the list goes on. And another thing, I don't want a drug dealer or want a be, I don't want someone that do drugs period, I don't want an alcoholic( if you drink occasionally, that is fine ). For one I believe the girl calls to be funny, because she heard what I said about her. My thing is if you have a problem with someone, say something about it. Don't go around playing little children games, because we are adults. I feel like what she heard have gotten to her, because she will not be calling me playing games. How I know what she heard, because she repeat it, but in a joking way. I feel like you are still an coward when you do something like that. The way you get something off your chest is by confronting the person about it or leave them along all together. I'm just thinking about getting my phone number change. Do you all think that I am being too picky and what do you think is too picky?

shygirl39's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:31 PM

It's hard to see what you NEED when your blinded by what you WANT!!!frustrated

Interesting...I think I am generally attracted by some mis-guided "need" - you know, that "someone to complete" me stuff.

I think when you just choose because you WANT someone, it can be healthier and you stay in control of your emotions more. Maybe it's must semantics.

I don't know, seems like when people know you care, they start

acting like fools, lol.
That is so true. When you get tried of their mess and kick their azz to the curb then that is when they wish they treat you better and I am like Too little Too late.

shygirl39's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:26 PM
I have an habit of liking the wrong person and I guess when the right person come along, I don't like them. I just don't know what to think anymore. I guess the more time I spend loving myself then that right person will come along.

shygirl39's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:14 PM
I am not attractive to younger guys. I am more interested in older guys, but not to old. I like someone around my age(39-47). I have met some older guys trying to be young and there is nothing wrong with that, but when you walk around with your pants hanging pass your azz then something is wrong with you.

shygirl39's photo
Fri 03/20/09 08:02 PM
Play too many games(some them anyway).

shygirl39's photo
Fri 03/20/09 08:02 PM
Edited by shygirl39 on Fri 03/20/09 08:04 PM
Play too many games(some of them anyway).

shygirl39's photo
Thu 03/19/09 07:48 PM
I hope i'm not being too picky, but some of the guys I have met are bums. To be honest with sometime I miss having someone in my life, but what I see what other people are going through in their relationship then I'm like I am happy I am single. I am happy right now being single until the right person comes along. I won't mind just having an good friend to chill with from time to time, but I don't want any and everybody in my house and around my kids.

shygirl39's photo
Thu 03/19/09 07:36 PM
I hope not and I don't love them. I feel like if someone really love you, they will not do anything to hurt you. That is my opinion.

shygirl39's photo
Tue 03/17/09 04:15 PM

Cook a gourmet meal then dessert, Draw a hot bath with oils and candles and rose petals then candles in the bedroom with wine and strawberries

That actually sounds lovely. I've never dated someone who really liked to cook. Or liked baths.
damn what kind of men you been dating, if they don't like baths.

shygirl39's photo
Tue 03/17/09 03:50 PM
I also believe it is about having confident in yourself. I would love to make the first move. Let me clear something up, I don't believe every guy in Raleigh are bums, but that was the kind of guys that try to talk to me. Some of the guys I was interested in think they are all that and you are not on their level. I'm like your lost. Down the road I will be thinking God they did not want me, because they are probably full of **** anyway. The bums probably know how to treat a woman better then them, but I just like a man that have something going for hisself.

shygirl39's photo
Tue 03/17/09 03:33 PM
I guess it depend on how the woman make the first move, But I never did it before unless I had a couple of drinks. I don't want to go up to a guy with some corny line. When I do have conversation with the guy and it seen like both of us want to say something, but we don't.Then you be like I wish I had said something.

shygirl39's photo
Tue 03/17/09 03:25 PM

Couldn't tell you, never tried to meet a guy in Raleigh. Or anywhere else for that matter.
Well, how do you feel when a woman make the first move? Do that sound better.