I n A country graves yard
Midnight to first morning light, Scared feeling censations, Perhaps mind imaginations From fright fear, As grave side shadows did come to appear. Whistling wind low flying bats, Graves running over in horrible rats, There standing in a man made statue stone Stirred me through wind strong gale Eyes blood red all so living real, Ghost like reflections in the burial park Then disappearing leaving me in the dark, it seems i was not welcome By this other so hidden world, At least that was my very word, No sooner those words i spoken Morning light come broken, And all going on in the grave yard park, Disappeared when leaving the dark, Whistling wind did cease, As grave yard fell to resting peace, The statue stone again just a monumental piece, Early bird out singing I glad to hear our happy living, But for my own disbelief Of spirits there abouts, My thoughts still with in my doubts. |
only a dream
Riding i on a snow white pony, Riding us high both snowy and i, The world only fun laughing our smiles Riding the country riding for miles, When in blew a breeze snowy out blew a sneeze, I buckled knees holding on hair Snow and i took riding in air, To welcome us there Tree's gave wave, Clouds broke smile, We looked down below through fallen snow, Down to be seen over all land green, Horses and cows clapping their hoofs, Chimney's blew us signals from house top roofs, people on ground waved around their caps Mountains down bowed us their tops, Riding us high all over the hills Riding us high fantasy thrills. When from the hall shouts mum with a call, To open my eye just wanting to cry, For all i just seen only a dream For snowy and i. |
I wish i was a dog To bark my way around, Id never have to work, or repay a borrowed pound, Id never feel in sadness, Id never feel alone, For id just sit all day And chew a great big bone. And when the postman brings the bills, Id sure have me a laugh, For id go woof woof And run him down the path. Oh i wish i was a dog Every day and night, For those who tried to harm me Id sink my teeth and bite. |
Come sit here my dear,
Your tired you need to rest, I know you give your heart And always do your best, Sometimes past we quarreled I know you cried sad tears, But childish quarrels little matter soon the heartache disappears, I often put you in tight spots Those spots was often rough, And you would see me through you always did enough. Im to glad to have your hand, One who cares and understand, Yet when down and can not cope, Im not one to give you hope, I dont know reason why, I know upstairs alone, Tears run down your eye, And i dont turn to you To show to you i care, Yet inside my heart Im with you in dispair And with you to the end, You always to me Be my best friend |
A Trout
Ty for ur coment,
I been looking at ur good poetry to, As well as others. we all have our own styles lol and fans for that matter, You just keep writing i like your verses im still trying to work out if comedy or love poems go best here lol good luck Gee |
A Trout
Ur so nice and thank u xx babe
costly fling
I Warned you from the start, Not to fall in love with me Id only break your heart. We sat together talking And wondered what to do, I told you i was married And could'nt see it through. My wife was back at home And she i love so true. you knew that i was married You knew i had a ring, You said she'l never know It's only just a fling, I heard your point of views, That sure was welcome news Your way with words was good after what you said, A fool i bought your words, And went with you to bed. I told you that it's over One night with you was it. Now you say your pregenant And put me in the ****. lol |
Diet Poem
yes indeed irish,
nice to know u have our connection. Forget diets i tried them all and nothing worked for me so im going to try help u as i did myself, That is if u want to loss wieght quickly without going hungry. Forget low fat this and that forget calories, forget powders and pills these dont work. what im going to tell u there was a lot of hype about this programme supose to be bad for u, Yet my very own doctor lost 6 stone in 4 months after failing for years on other so called diets, And he will tell u the big deal made out of it is rubbish because the media was jelous of the man who made it rich from selling the weight loss programme, As the awnser was always there in front of them and they could not except the fact they got it wrong This diet is a eating diet eat all u want and loose weight fast. you will loose from 1 to 2 stone in 15 days by eating and eating well, no starving no fruit or veg, or grapefruit diet just good filling food. Doctor atkins brought us the idea how to do it and jelous world condemed him for it wrongly, We do not count calories so forget calories, we dont eat carberybrates which is sugar, Sugar is what makes us fat as its stored in the body, I have lost 5 stone in 5 months eating Steak, chops, bacon, sausages, pork, eggs, fish, prawns, ham, cheese, nuts, cream, example i went to bed one night with 2 chops and i egg 4 sausages in me and sleeping im still loosing weight, As the body gets no energy from these foods as theres no sugar, So the body eat the stored sugar in ur body and quickly u will loose weight and after only 4 days u start to burst with energy every week you'l need new trousers. and if diabetic it will reduce or evan leave after 4 weeks. excerise is not needed but will speed it up, take water or no sugar drinks, you can have 20 carbs a day. try it and good luck, Gee |
Diet Poem
All you peple young or old, All who,s fat and always told, You think for you there is no hope, Depressed with weight you can not cope. To-Days the day to make new start, Healthy food a brand new heart, Biscut, Buns and fancy cake, No more for us we do not take, Apple orange plum or pear, More for us we like to care, Goodbye burgers greasy fries, From now on a smaller size, Happy days goodbye junk food, Happy days our future good, Coffee drinks, Or cups of tea, Better bitter sugar free. Excerise is what we need, Not a plate to fill our greed, Take a jog or long good walk, Dont just sit all day and talk, Go the pool and have a swim, Burn those calories nice and slim, Oh it's great control our taste, Every week a smaller waist, Dont give in you'l win the toss Over food you are the boss. |
A Trout
LOL ![]() |
A Trout
Down in that water,
Between that waters brim. A trout in search of food On a feeding swim, Lake in river, Wherever that matter, Down living their world Beneath in the water. The trout has no self protection The fishing angler his rod game. The fly of that hook To suffer in pain. It was down at the elbow bend Down near at the rivers end, Stands A fishing rod in his hands, But for the splash to a fly the trout took, Only the crafty angler turned he to look. Quickly tied his fly into fishing loop knot, Then made cast to beyond feeding spot, Casting out to and frow great fishing skill, softly casted fly upon the waters calm still, The huge splash at the coming of the bite, angler striked back smiling with delite, Hooking to the fish when drawing on the strike. And moving himself about a yards pace, Giving more room on the fighting playing space, That trout in panic swim Survival or die, But minutes in hard swim Tiredness give in at the fighting try. Leaving only to reel in Standing all in his glory, But for that trout Just one other told story. |
children christmas
children,s christmas,
Wee love ones so sincere, Happy loving christmas That comes us one per year. Christmas fun starts on the day, When christmas Tree, decorations, Show christmas on the way, And little thoughts just can not wait Come santa on the sleigh. As we adults think us back through time, And well we know our childhood dreams Every coming christmas Filled us in our realms, Christmas eve wee heads sleep pillow wee heads sleep christmas glow, Sweet dreams see father christmas Come reindeer through the snow. Christmas morning church bell chinmes, Ring church bell christmas sounds, And little feet jump out of bed To think santa been the rounds. So quickly run to find their toys, And all through christmas day Wee hearts just fill their joys. Every christmas day the same, Oh look next time and see, Look we darlings in the eye To see all happy full of glee. And here a children christmas Wee ones so sincere, Happy loving christmas That fill them all good cheer |
To love you
Ah thank u
And what a great woman u look for age Gee xx |
I met her there
It was in our local club,
A saturday night in our local pub, I on the pints standing at the bar, She sat the table not very far, Turning my way her looking glance, I Knew straightaway i had a good chance, When she called me over with a smile, I called her back be there in awhile. When drinks got to hit me And feeling more in the groove, Thought now is time go make the first move, Walking over in slow pace, Smiling to her face, She wearing white blouse and blue colour broach, Just as she spoke ive awaited your approach, I bought us drink round costing 6 pound, She on the vodka straight from the glass, I on the pints beer called the bass, After that drink she went toilet sink Walking in tight jean i liked what i seen, I thought well you know what i mean, Since thinking down her pants Why not start a round on the dance Back from the floor my legs feeling sore. The taxi driver asked me a fiver looking his face telling my home place. Next morning spittles in my throat To find a little note, Mr bo,Beep fell into sleep Not knowing to mount his sheep. I |
no one to love me
No one wants to love me,
Not one out there at all, Because im all in freckles, And not so very tall, I dress up all in fashion Put om my lovely style, But girls just walk me past I never get a smile. I see all others hand in hand when walking on the street, And wish there was but one To walk beside my feet. valintines day is one per year, When all valintines be so sincere, I who stands down in the hall To wait the postmans yearly call, I see him go to every home A love card in the hall, Every other get a love card And i stand there gets none. |
To love you
If i could wish one dream come True
Id wish one day with you, To love you all way Through. All day with you id be alone, To me you be my queen, And i before your throne. Id walk the sreet us hand in hand To show of on the street, And id just feel a giant To walk beside your feet, For me no other take your place, each hour id fill your cheeks My kisses on your face. And when we go candle light dinner, You dressed so nice from head to sandal, id strike one match to light My only loving candle. |
Take me (Lesbian)
If i could wish one dream come True,
Id wish one day with you, To love you all day Through, Id not leave you alone To me you be my Queen And I before your Throne. Id take your hand to show you of When we walk up the street, And id just feel a giant To walk beside your feet, For me no other take your place, All day id fill your cheeks My kisses on your face. And when we go for candle light dinner, You dressed so nice from head to sandal, Id stike one match to light my one and only loving candle. lol Geex |
Well good question and i must admire u for that,
This is a question that many others out there would like to hear the awnser to. There is a lot of people who just dont care and would make hell for the sick ones, But there also is alot that do care and im one that likes to talk a friend is a friend and often the sick need a friend evan more, I know what its like for i to once walked that path of loney feet through illness, Mental illness is hard to over come but can be cured I cured myself being in illness for 4 years tablets and injections evan electric shocks did nothing for me, I learned to tap into my own mind resorces and this was the start of recovery. I stopped all medication and used self hypnossis and sure behold after only short time i found getting better to this day i remain good, If your a friend of mine then your a good friend regardless of health problems. Gee x |
One DaY With You
If i could wish one dream
come true, I wish one day with you, To love you all way through. The day would start for you Id not leave you alone. To me you be ny queen And i before your throne, Id take your hand to show you off when we walk up the street, And i just feel a giant to walk beside your feet. For me no other take your place each hour id fill your cheeks, my kisses on your face. And when we go for candle light dinner, You dressed so nice from head to sandal, Id smile to light my one and only loving candle. |