Community > Posts By > walrus

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 09:18 PM
Mistake, Dane. Gamble on this: buy defense contractor stocks. General
Dynamics, for one. Or Boeing.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:11 PM
Thank you.

By the way, I was looking for LuckyLove, whom I just found out elsewhere
was a "faker" because she-he-it had more than one profile.

I have a comment about that, too, under the multiple profile topic.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:08 PM
I genuinely don't see what your issue is with the concept of multiple

It's one thing for, say, the GOVERNMENT to want to make sure that one
social security number is issued to one one person, because knowing who
you are makes it that much easier to ruin your life.

But a dating site? So far I've only got one profile on this puppy, and
it's not getting much interest. Sure, it reflects my personality
accurately (gee, you think maybe that's why?), but so would a different
one where I'm wearing a nice jacket while sipping some merlot, or
something. I might want that second profile to skip over my depression,
anger, and sexual deviancy. After all, not every gal wants a Bad
Daddy/Good Daddy, rough sex trip, and I shouldn't be impeded from using
an altogether different profile for trying to score with one of the
future Blue-Haired Church Ladies of America.

Different strokes for different folks, people! That's why GM, Ford, and
other car makers sell what is essentially the same car using two
different brand names! Heeeeeelllloooooo!

If you can't get over this, then I'm afraid I'll soon be over you. A
site has to ADD VALUE to my life in order for me to keep contributing to

Thanks for listening.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:54 PM

SO THAT EXPLAINS why Lucky's e-mails to me simply disappeared from my
Inbox and Sent folder!

(I had reported this as a bug earlier today. It's STILL a bug, though:
You shouldn't throw away innocent users' email messages. Rather, you
should inform them that the link is no longer valid when you try to
reply. I mean, can you IMAGINE if Yahoo did that with peoples' emails?)

So, what was the deal with LuckyLove? The mail she had sent me was
polite, and noted some things about my profile that didn't seem like
they were cut-and-pasted by some bot. What made her "fake," besides
maybe her boobs?


no photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:48 PM
Say I know someone's handle, and want to read their profile, without
having to find some forum where s/he's posted and click on the picture.

Can't see how to do that. If it's truly not possible, then that's a
MAJOR bummer.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:38 PM
Thanks for the reply, but I'd consider not being able to delete sent
messages a major flaw.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:34 PM
You sure are taking a long time being done with me, Mom.

Take a tip from the poet: She sent me straight to hell with a single
sentence. And what's with all the exclamation marks? Isn't one enough?

Buh-bye. Just remember that we'll always have Paris.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:21 PM
Anything you might do to accelerate that process, feel free.

It's okay: Being banned from a community of people who can't accept
constructive, dispassionate literary criticism isn't that big a
punishment. I'll live.

Take it eassssss...

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:14 PM
One more:

I've gotten replies to e-mails I've sent to some users where my original
response was included in a section titled, "Previously You Wrote..."

However, I have not seen this in a "reply to my reply" sent by another
user (who had e-mailed me first).

This is inconsistent.

Thank you.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:09 PM
1. Unlike with my inbox, I cannot see a way to check off and delete
items from the Sent mail page.

2. I'm missing my most recent sent emails, from less than 30 hours ago.

Thank you.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 03:05 PM
Thank you.

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 02:58 PM
Thanks for sharing, Mom.

Say, have I told you that you remind me of my own mother?

Like I said, I'm DONE with offering feedback to this poet. It's not
wanted; I got that.

I'm also done with READING this poet's work. She has you for an
audience; I'll leave you to your symbiotic relationship.

Once again, goodbye. Live long, be well.

no photo
Tue 01/23/07 11:36 PM
Hey, you're welcome!

Adios, then.

no photo
Tue 01/23/07 11:25 PM

Can I pretend to be your editor and make a few suggestions?

1. Add the word 'seen' to the line "You have never seen what I have."

2. Add the word 'things' to the line "I have seen all of these."

3. Lose the "I'll never understand" in the second and third lines; it'll
make them more powerful.

4. Similarly, the trailing words "for the first time" are repeated too
many times. Find another way.

5. Contemplate the incongruity of stating that your son IS (as opposed
to maybe someday will be) a man of worth and compassion, and a man of
his word, when you've stated TWICE that's he's only JUST becoming a man.
Boys can't be understood to to possess these qualities, at least not to
a degree that matters.

Try this: Consider fast forwarding until the son is well in adulthood,
preparing to be a father himself, and work the poem to suggest the
contrast he will make as a dad to the man you're addressing this to.

6. Finally, the last two lines are just two vindictive. Soften it,
girl. Make him regret HIS LOSS, not YOUR ANGER. Besides, "you no
longer have a son" is technically impossible, unless the kid is dead.

For example:

"I hope you sit and ponder what became of him
The joyous sights you've missed, and those yet to be missed
Because you walked away."

Good luck.

no photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:42 PM

Hmmm. Lemme see...











no photo
Mon 01/22/07 10:30 PM
1. BUG: Each time you reply, an extra "RE:" gets prepended to the
subject line, as in: "RE:re:RE: Hello." A better way to handle that
would be with a count, as in: "RE(3): Hello."

2. ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: The ability to delete messages.

3. ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: The ability to sort by columns.

4. ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: The ability to disable new mail notifications
from being sent to the e-mail address you signed up with.

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:00 AM
There you go again, Lily, with the "need for recognition" theme of

You said it about me in some other forum, too.

(In my case, of course, you're right.)

Wanting or pathologically needing recognition isn't bad, PER SE.

The issue I have with the Shepherd man/boy there is that, at least I
make AN EFFORT to be witty, whereas he lacks the creativity to at least
be entertaining.

Still, I wish him well. I have no reason not to wish anyone well, given
that I'm nobody to judge anyone.

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 07:53 AM
In a skirt hemmed at least slightly above the knee, please. Any style,
but I beg you, no pants.

no photo
Mon 01/22/07 07:51 AM
A very well-rounded collection of quips. Thank you.

no photo
Sun 01/21/07 04:41 PM
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


Artificial Intelligence (the half that WASN'T destroyed by Spielberg)

Pelle the Conqueror



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