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Topic: Multiple accounts
kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:04 PM
Ever notice that some have them on here. i just did and reported it. At
least use a different picture

mike's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:12 PM
Edited by mike on Wed 01/24/07 05:16 PM
Multiple accounts are not allowed. If you suspect someone of having
multiple accounts, please report them using the Report Abuse feature and
we will investigate.

Please be aware that if we discover that you are using multiple
accounts, your account will be deleted.

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:17 PM
i did

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:46 PM
report that is , no multiple account here

lily38's photo
Wed 01/24/07 05:50 PM
My problem is with multiple personalities......isn't that right, Lily2
and Lil' bro Lou.........

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:07 PM
LIL STFU and come gimme a hug damn it flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:08 PM
I genuinely don't see what your issue is with the concept of multiple

It's one thing for, say, the GOVERNMENT to want to make sure that one
social security number is issued to one one person, because knowing who
you are makes it that much easier to ruin your life.

But a dating site? So far I've only got one profile on this puppy, and
it's not getting much interest. Sure, it reflects my personality
accurately (gee, you think maybe that's why?), but so would a different
one where I'm wearing a nice jacket while sipping some merlot, or
something. I might want that second profile to skip over my depression,
anger, and sexual deviancy. After all, not every gal wants a Bad
Daddy/Good Daddy, rough sex trip, and I shouldn't be impeded from using
an altogether different profile for trying to score with one of the
future Blue-Haired Church Ladies of America.

Different strokes for different folks, people! That's why GM, Ford, and
other car makers sell what is essentially the same car using two
different brand names! Heeeeeelllloooooo!

If you can't get over this, then I'm afraid I'll soon be over you. A
site has to ADD VALUE to my life in order for me to keep contributing to

Thanks for listening.

lily38's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:09 PM
Huggsss to you from me and ALL my "inner" friends, Kojak!!:heart:

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:14 PM
:heart: aww right back at ya doll me lubbers you

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:18 PM
Walrus, one because its against the TOU( terms of use) that you agreed
to and 2 because your only one person with one desire your morals or
values don t phyiscally or mentally change the words typed do.

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:20 PM
I was told that someone was using my pic. Her name is dawnherr. I got
an email telling me this. I havent been able to find her, spay said
he'd check it out, but nothing yet. I've never heard of her. I can
assure you, I'm one of a kind and the woman in this pic is me, lol, and
I'm Chuckee, NOT Dawn, so if anyone runs into that one, please let me
know so that I can let Van know. Thanx

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:30 PM
well don't know who told ya that Chuckee but I have never seen anyone
using your pic besides you who knows. And I'm on here quiet a bit.

As far as having two profiles heck I can barely keep up with the one if
I had two I would confuse myself and I'm alread confused enough lol

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:40 PM
I checked my inbox, his name is ronaldhayes. He asked if I knew her
because my pic was on her account, i just figured she added me to her
friends list, but his email gives the impression that she's using my pic
and then he said she must be friends with my husbandlaugh yeah right,
and so I don't know what to think. Don't know, don't care, but, I'm me
always have been ask Txs incase there's any question if ya'll come
acrossed it.drinker I'll be in the bar, lol.

Morena350's photo
Wed 01/24/07 06:46 PM
you better get her chuckee, I think that no one has the right to use no
one's pic, or name is just not right!! I would not like it!! find her

and those who are using multiple profiles, do because they are to much
of a chicken to say anything with their real profile,
they just plain out ***** ass chickens!!!

escapedlunatic's photo
Wed 01/24/07 07:08 PM
Well I will first say that I have been a member since the site began. I
will confess to having two accounts. I use the other account to sign on
and read in the forums without being bombarded by IM's. I made the
account because this screen name got popular and I wanted to still
participate on the site without being known. I see the piont of why
people should not have two accounts...but I think that for instance in
my case...where tha other account is not being used harmfully and or to
break the rules, I honestly dont see the harm in having two accounts.
Allthoug I am a bit rebellious at I will delete my other
account if needed. I would like to debate this issue... I would like to
hear the reason's why dual accounts are not allowed. Mike or Van...if
you dont mind responding to this , I would love to better understand why
this rule was put into affect. Please explain....?

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 07:59 PM
Alot would be surprised if i told them who the 2 accounts were for.
Shocked me , well not really after reading profiles but c mon don t cry
the blues and not be genuine.

escapedlunatic's photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:05 PM
?Kojack....I am allways my guess is this comment wasn't for

kojack's photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:06 PM
Nope although your going to have to delete one acount. I m sure mikewill
tell you that when he reads this thread

escapedlunatic's photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:08 PM
Why restate the obvious?

Tneal's photo
Wed 01/24/07 09:07 PM
I was wondering where ya went excapedone... *S*

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