Community > Posts By > IMXenia

IMXenia's photo
Tue 10/14/14 03:09 PM

IMXenia's photo
Sat 09/06/14 02:20 AM
Thank you, fleta for the second timeflowerforyou

IMXenia's photo
Fri 09/05/14 05:39 PM

Hi, arlingtonnelswander, I`ve been living in Japan for 17 years now and don`t read Russian press much. I just know the two countries well.
Thanks for welcoming.

So, the government-controlled Russian media have been saying false negative things about the USA and false positive things about Russia. Tell us something that we did not already know. :tongue:

No, that was my opinion. Let`s agree to disagree. Don`t be such a pig.:tongue: :tongue:

IMXenia's photo
Fri 09/05/14 09:11 AM
Edited by IMXenia on Fri 09/05/14 09:36 AM
Hi, arlingtonnelswander, I`ve been living in Japan for 17 years now and don`t read Russian press much. I just know the two countries well.
Thanks for welcoming.

IMXenia's photo
Fri 09/05/14 08:45 AM
Edited by IMXenia on Fri 09/05/14 08:48 AM
Besides, Russia couldn`t possibly let America have it, could it? Crimea is a good point for more American military bases, NATO control over the Black sea.
Do you really think it is Russia vs Ukraine not America vs Russia?

IMXenia's photo
Fri 09/05/14 04:23 AM
You know, Ukraine and Russia were in one country called the USSR once? And the Crimea was Russian all along, then they just divided the borders for the convenience sake just as you would divide state borders in America. Then when the nationalist government came to power in Ukraine and started killing Russians living there, Russia took it back. Every action causes counteraction.

IMXenia's photo
Thu 09/04/14 06:34 PM
You are clearly under influence of American propaganda. Try to think for yourself.

IMXenia's photo
Thu 09/04/14 06:30 PM
One thing to know it, quite another to tell the world about it. Kudos to John Swinton.

IMXenia's photo
Thu 09/04/14 04:57 PM
Oh, no... :cry: I liked her very much. She was the only one who made me laugh by everything she said.
She was hilariously funny. I`ll miss her.

IMXenia's photo
Thu 09/04/14 04:39 PM
Nobody seems to understand that America is behind this war: it started it , supports it by promising money. Meanwhile innocent people die there everyday, thousands flee to Russia. And how the Ukrainian government could do this to its own country just to please America?!

IMXenia's photo
Thu 09/04/14 04:26 PM
I am from Russia and I am disgusted by the smear campaign against Russia conducted by media in America and Europe for the sake of American political goals.

IMXenia's photo
Wed 09/03/14 03:59 AM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

IMXenia's photo
Wed 09/03/14 03:48 AM
It took me some time to get it. May be because I am not a guy.

IMXenia's photo
Wed 09/03/14 03:47 AM
It took me some time to get it. May be because I am not a guy.

IMXenia's photo
Wed 09/03/14 03:39 AM

IMXenia's photo
Wed 08/27/14 05:03 AM
I`ve made two friends on this site: one in Japan and another in the country I had used to live in.
I`ve met with the one from Japan and though it is still early I hope we`ll be good friends. We have so much in common.smile2 Other than that it was mostly disappointment.frustrated

IMXenia's photo
Thu 08/14/14 05:29 AM
:laughing: So true

IMXenia's photo
Tue 08/12/14 05:37 PM

IMXenia's photo
Tue 08/12/14 05:27 PM

IMXenia's photo
Tue 08/12/14 07:17 AM
flowerforyou for making me laugh so many times today

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