Community > Posts By > Stephycats

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 09:53 PM
First thought was, Thanks for fighting for our country.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 09:40 PM
Wow your from Belfast? Excellent, I havent met anyone who was from Maine on here! How are you doing? Its great to meet another mainer lol

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 09:35 PM
I live in a small town in Maine and they dont have any support groups for what I have. They have some downstate but I would have to travel like 8 hours.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 09:28 PM
Ps to fingerpaintbynumber I know someone who has MS and I wish you luck and good health.

To JohnCenaWLife I like to be straight forward, I have tried telling them after we get to know eachother but some of them feel like I was keeping it from them, so now I just tell them straight out. Its a part of who I am.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 09:25 PM
Well thank you for the compliment. I guess it just bothers me how guys judge me because of an illness I had no control over getting. Its not like I asked to be sick. Its just something that happened.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 09:19 PM
I mean I am 22, and I think I am a nice enough person. But as soon as a guy learns about my illness, he runs for the hills. Why wont anyone give me a chance and get to know me for who I am as a whole not just my illness.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 05:01 PM
Thats good to know. Im alright to, suffering from a cold but other than that I am fine.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 04:43 PM
Hi sincereman51, my name is Stephanie. How are you doing today.

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 04:33 PM
Well, hi, my name is Stephanie, I am 22, and I am from Maine. Well what can I say about me? I love to read and write, and I am actually working on a few stories that I hope to get published sometime in the not to far away future.

I do have a liver/blood disease, but that isnt all there is to know about me. Thats only part of who I am as a whole person. I am hoping to find that special someone, and I am looking for more than just a fling. I really want to find something meaningful with someone. Anyways, thats all I really know what to say, if anyone wants to know more, then feel free to ask me!

Stephycats's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:10 AM
Your Name :Stephanie
1. Famous singer/band:Smashmouth
2. 4 letter word:Solo
3. Street name:State Street
4. Color: Sky Blue
5. Gifts/presents: Skirt
6. Vehicle:Saturn
7. Items on a menu: Soda
8. Girl Name:Sarah
9. Boy Name:Steven
10. Movie Title: Sound of Music
11. Drink: Sierra Mist
12. Occupation:? Singer
13. Flower: Salvia Elegans (looked it up online)
14. Celebrity: Stephen King
15. Magazine: Seventeen
16. US City: Salem Mass.
17. Pro Sports Teams: Sanfransisco 49ers
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Stopped by cops
19. Something U Throw: Steak knife or salt on ice
20. Things You Shout:Shut Up!
21. Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo

Stephycats's photo
Wed 07/18/07 06:44 PM
I sure hope so! But thanks for all the advice and comments your all on JSH are the best friends a gal could have!

Stephycats's photo
Wed 07/18/07 06:33 PM
I get that. But it feels like he was playing with my emotions. But hey what can ya do bout it? Ill be alright, who knows maybe ill find the person im ment to be with on here.

Stephycats's photo
Wed 07/18/07 06:25 PM
Alright I am confused beyond belief. This guy asked me to be his GF on the fourth of July. I said yes. Well today he was at his mothers and he told her we werent dating. So naturally his mother and I asked what was going on. He said that I was his friend and he loved me like a sister. I dont understand why if he didnt want to date me why he didnt say anything when I introduced him as my bf? And the way he was talking and acting we seemed to be dating. Am I in the right by feeling hurt?

Stephycats's photo
Mon 07/16/07 02:45 AM
I wanna win please please i wanna win lol

Stephycats's photo
Sat 07/14/07 04:10 PM
That corvette will look good in my driveway

Stephycats's photo
Tue 07/10/07 04:24 PM
Thank you so much for your condolences.

Stephycats's photo
Tue 07/10/07 08:47 AM
Thank you all for your prayers and condolences, July has never been a good month for my family. My real dad died on my Uncles Bday, my grams brother died on my cousins Bday, My step dads mom died the 27th, and Miranda and Grampy died two days after my Birthday. Thats only some of the losses, but I know that they are no longer in pain anymore, and that means alot to me.

Stephycats's photo
Tue 07/10/07 08:22 AM
Well I wouldnt base the whole realationship on the myspace fact but sure I guess its a good sign just see what happens.

Stephycats's photo
Tue 07/10/07 08:16 AM
Well I thought you all would want to know, we lost my Grandfather at 6:15pm last night, and we lost my god daughter Miranda Lynne at 6'oclock pm last night. Grampa went into a coma sunday night and just stopped breathing, I guess the cancer finally won out. And Miranda Lynne who you all know was born a premie had surgery on the 4th of July to remove some intestines because she had an infection. As of yesterday the infection spread threw her whole body, she died in her mothers arms.

Im not sure what to say in an instance like this. My heart feels like its hollow and broken. I really dont know what to say or what to do...

Stephycats's photo
Sun 07/08/07 03:18 PM
Prayers to you katertots

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