Community > Posts By > CaliChickCassie
I'm Confused.
let me first start out by saying, if you cooked, he should've put the food away. but then again if he doesn't live there he might not feel the need to do chores in your house.... he might be lazy, you might just be nitpicking stupid crap to find a reason to dislike him. and secondly, people of all ages should always wear helemts. sorry but i've watched a few people become seriously injured from not wearing a helemt. although that was on a dirt bike. still a good habit to get into. Those weren't chores. It's about common courtesy. if it's not his house it's not his responsibilty to clean it. he was already watching your kids, which also is not his responsibilty. i wouldn't expect someone who was already helping me by watching my son to clean stuff. how long have you 2 been together cause if you're already b*tching in a public forum about how useless he is, maybe it's time to move. im sure he'd be pleased to know you put him on blast in front of a million people. |
I'm Confused.
let me first start out by saying, if you cooked, he should've put the food away. but then again if he doesn't live there he might not feel the need to do chores in your house.... he might be lazy, you might just be nitpicking stupid crap to find a reason to dislike him. and secondly, people of all ages should always wear helemts. sorry but i've watched a few people become seriously injured from not wearing a helemt. although that was on a dirt bike. still a good habit to get into.
not everyone gets perks. my soon to ex husband doesn't even give me any money. the only "perks" i have are my truck which he bought for me in the first place, and military insurance. im not asking for anything. he already gave me the living room set and the TV and the truck. im good to go! no everyone who gets s divorce tries to take them for everything.
yeah i am separated and there is no effing way in HELL we will ever work it out. he's engaged to someone else already. the only reason we haven't divorced yet is cause he was overseas in iraq and you can't do anything till they get back stateside. military divorces are freakin complicated. lucky for him i don't want **** but my truck and he already gave that to me. so im just waitin on the papers, sign that ****, and it's done! i can't wait!
My Favorite Quotes 1-16-09
"don't be afraid of a little pain, pleasure is on the other side" - John Legend
The Truth
wtf? who gives a sh*t about school! lol.... high school is the lamest thing to base life off of! seriously, when i was in high school i didn't give a f--- what people thought of me. i had many many many friends, i knew everyone, you could say i was popular i guess. half of the people i knew in school were faaaaaaaaake and they still are! a lot of them went nowhere in life cause having a sh*tty attitude and being fake as f*ck gets you nowhere. i have always kept true to myself, even as a mom (and when i was a wife) and it's gotten me lots of places. DO NOT base anything on school. and if you feel like you can't be yourself in school then you will feel that way for the rest of your life. maybe you should reevaluate your self esteem and never change who you are for anyone, ever!
The Truth
telling the truth is always the way to go. cause then you never have to remember your lie. that's my grandma always told me! i've never had an issue handling the truth.... hurtful or not, its better than being lie to to spare your feelings. how pointless is that cause then when the truth eventually comes out (and it always does!) it hurts even worse then the trust is lost!
"so addictive" between the sheets :)
In The Twilight
I long to be wrapped in your arms so tight
As we dream together in the twilight Our bodies pressed together as lovers do In this time, I feel closest to you I feel like i've known you before all of this I felt it inside me the first time we kissed The way your lips felt, pressed upon mine Where had you been, all of this time? Wanting to invest all my heart Wondering if it's too soon for that to start Hoping I don't scare you away I'll hold a lot in, for fear that I may I have a lot to give, for love is a game, i've often lost Everytime i've given my heart, it's always cost A broken heart here, some tears shed there But that's never going to be enough not to let my love be shared I hope you listen to me with both ears When I say I really think we have something here Good times or bad, easy or tough I'll always be here, no matter how rough So take into consideration these words of mine And always remember, I'm one of a kind! My love is vast and my heart is large And it's yours for the taking.... No matter how many scars. -Cassandra L. McGowan |
thank you. it's all good, my writing has helped me to better deal with and help other people deal with these types of situations.... i love writing. one of my best releases.
Colors of Love
very very good. :)
Walking aimlessly through this life
Filled with so much heartache, so much strife Im so lost within myself now Theres no other way but down Already been to my highest point I guess now it's all low So many tears stream down my face You really put me in my place Took me to my highest peak Now i just can't seem to get back on my feet I miss you so much its tearing my soul My heart is so completely broke Never thought you would leave Makes me sick, your promises i believed Now i sit here and wonder why You goodbye was so dry I had no idea you could be so cold The past few years have caused me to fold Yet all of my dreams are still of you And still when i look to the future you're there too.......... (i wrote that awhile back) |
ricer or musscle car ???
muscle cars. but i like my truck. and intend on keeping it around for awhile.
well... it's basic info. you could use more pix of you... im confused by the two pix you have of yourself, the one of you with your nieces, you look much younger in than the one of you in the hawaiian shirt. what's up with that?
well i got married. once. and actually liked it. that was out of character for me. as for someone else.... the guy i married, left me for another woman after months and months of "don't cheat on me while im overseas" lectures..... so i kinda thought him cheating was out of character..... i reacted like a blubbering mess.... now i will probably have a hard time trusting the next man im with..... but who knows, maybe i won't.
expressing yourself and going out on a limb doesn't mean being a condescending jerk. you and your cronies are getting the two confused.
why would i be offended by that? i know a smart ass when i see it. lol but yeah im glad someone understand where im coming from with that. being a parent changes your outlook on a lot of stuff. espeically dating and relationships. Some people heh, you never know. You pegged me nicely as a smartass.. ![]() lol. glad you started this thread, it's been interesting to see some of the kind of people that post in here. although, there does seem to be a few people that just want to start arguements.... every forum has those people. you should see the website i usually blog on. my god people are CRAZY on there. it's all politics and religion on there, lots and lots of heated debates and personal bashes. makes for an interesting read tho. |
thank god. someone to agrees with me that the saying "it's what's inside that counts" is kinda lame.... yes what's inside counts, but who cares what's inside if i can't stand to look at you on the outside! lol
FYI, I started this post thinking of you Cassie... lol. hellkitten or whatever, i wasn't taking the beach thing personally, i was just explaining that not everyone who says things like what lex and mr. music listed in his list of peeves are taken from someone else's profile. now the thing with the kid, yes i do take that personally, because i have a 2 year old and he is absolutely everything to me. and i want any guy who is interested in me to know that i'm a mom first, until the end of time. someone with no children could NEVER understand that feeling. that's all. I'm glad you got the joke, I was kinda iffy on saying that. As far as kids go, I know how you feel. I'm a dad to the end and I love my son more than anything. Nobody could ever come between me and my son or whatever children I might have at the time and its good for whoever I might be seeing to know that, so they don't waste their time trying. why would i be offended by that? i know a smart ass when i see it. lol but yeah im glad someone understand where im coming from with that. being a parent changes your outlook on a lot of stuff. espeically dating and relationships. |
FYI, I started this post thinking of you Cassie... lol. hellkitten or whatever, i wasn't taking the beach thing personally, i was just explaining that not everyone who says things like what lex and mr. music listed in his list of peeves are taken from someone else's profile. now the thing with the kid, yes i do take that personally, because i have a 2 year old and he is absolutely everything to me. and i want any guy who is interested in me to know that i'm a mom first, until the end of time. someone with no children could NEVER understand that feeling. that's all. |