Community > Posts By > Ky_Racer_111

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:31 PM
rate me? My Profile?
Be honest please.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:56 PM
Love takes time.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:13 PM
Aww. I told you you'd fit in here, come to me and i'll cuddle you. You wont be lonely no more.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:15 PM
Well, I'm not sure..I guess maybe i did over step with the baby thing. But due to health issue's that have already over taken me, I dont think i'll ever have kids and i love kids more then anything in the entire world. She has asked me to be his god-mother so maybe i did overstep there.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:04 PM

and never shall u believe that you arent beautiful.. for you are ,just the way you are!drinker drinker

Thank you so much. You'll never know how much it means to me to hear someone say that.
awesome!!!!! that made my day! making someone feel good, being blunt! lmao!!! if u got one thing outta what i said to you tonight thats all that matters to me!!! and hey you didnt use me to get it! lol!! it didnt cost me a penny.. just one minute outta my time... not 10 months or more outta my life lol!!! now that's what life is about!!! free meaning no cost <monitarily, or losing anything at all> hint hintlaugh :wink:

Haha. I got more then just that out of what you said tonight. You gave me some great advice and made me think about alot. Now i just got to choose how i want to live my life. I need to live my life for me and no one else. Thank you guys so much. For real.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:46 PM

and never shall u believe that you arent beautiful.. for you are ,just the way you are!drinker drinker

Thank you so much. You'll never know how much it means to me to hear someone say that.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:28 PM
Thank you Joe, Thank you buttons.
I was posting this in hopes that maybe i could get the courage to take a stand, and i think, maybe i can now. Maybe i just needed the shove. I'm not sure. I love making others happy but i realize, i gotta make myself happy too.

Thank you all for the advice you've given me.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:19 PM
I think so. Your lookin' good :wink:
'Cept you look sad in the one as your main.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:13 PM

I've given up my life to my 16 year "Best Friend" Who thought by getting herself pregnant she'd be able to get out from under her parents thumb but quickly realized she didn't love the father of her child.

1.Best friends don't talk that way about each other... In fact "best friends" realize that no one is perfect especially their"best friend" makes mistakes.

I left my home, my family to spend every day of the week at her house, since the day she got pregnant. But i'm quickly learning, that they are only using me.

2. Sounds like a choice to be giving, a choice made by ones own self< nothing wrong with giving> but regretting it is a different story all together.

She has had her baby now, I know a baby is alot of hard work but she does NOTHING.

3. I'm quite sure you don't know till it has happened to you. Other than the fact that that you see it as she does nothing... don't know.. I'm not there to judge that....

Her parents come home and look at me and ask why i haven't cleaned their house?

4. Again not enough information.. are you living there or eating there all the time? who knows...

They are always making jokes about my weight, about how i look.

5. That is definately bs!!! on their part! Ridiculing or name calling whichever or both is never called for!

But being me i just laugh them off but they hurt.

6.Why? I ask? communication is key! Why be phoney and laugh it off when in fact it is hurting your feelings?

Recently, i've started to come back home and become close to my parents again, My mom and I have become close and she was talking about computers and things, wanting to get my something special, so of course i go to my best friend and tell her this, with saying "Only if she has the extra money" So what does my friend do? She goes out and does what i WANT to do, what i DESERVE to do. She goes and finds the computer that i was going to ask for

7.So what if your friend wanted the same thing as you wanted.... why waste your time being jealous? most friends do have things in common and have the same wants.. just because she "WANTED" the same thing you "DESERVED" doe's that give you the right to complain about it? I hate to tell you... but reality is most people don't get what they "DESERVE" Realiing this is a sign of growing up...

gets it and rubs it in my face

8. A part of imaturity... ever think she may be jealous of you? Afterall... your not stuck with the "mistake" as you put it ... that she has made..

they've become bossy and b!tchy to me lately. Being the person i am, i've never stood up for myself. What should i do?

9. guess you have just answered your own question... maybe it's time to do so?

Am i just over reacting? Being babish? I dont know....

10. Only you could answer this question

Any helpful advice or alittle cheer up for the night would be greatly appericated.

11. Time to take a look at yourself and your actions , for only you can cheer yourself up .. since all this is and has been in your hands < only YOU have control over this , and this is something that "YOU" can easily have control of...

Best of luck... I wish you well.... Deb

Ok, so i think you misunderstood the entire point of even posting this. Until you know these people you can not understand how i feel. Thank you for the advice you have given, me and my friend are very much alike. I do not know what it is like to have a baby, but i'm up with him and her every 3 hours, i help feed during the day, i wash his clothes and let her sleep in the mornings. this was asked as a favor to them. They asked me to do this for them, so all i wanted was alittle respect. Which i thought i deserved since they are the one's asking me to do this. I do get reality is hard. Don't think i live in a small little world, i do get out and i know how it is. The baby is in no way a mistake, it's a miracle, all children are, but when you change a poopy diaper and leave it lay, as you lay your baby down and go eat, are you telling me that isn't doing anything? She could at least pick it up, throw it away, but she doesn't. These people have to have better then everyone. If they don't have something better then you, they aren't happy. It's how they are.
I didn't post this to be judged, or made feel worse. I asked for advice. Thank you for your opinion of my situation.

good response... now there is more information lol! ok so perhaps you know how it is to be a mother more than your friend does!... that is so unfortunate!sad maybe you are seeing reality! that not all people are good parents?... just take this with you.... and it will better you as a parent when you become one...... and for cripes sakes again... leave!! lol its like a drug addict dont feed it<your "friend"> for you are enabling her to be a crappy parent... and that is not good for the child...!as far as them having to be better than everyone ... are they really? or they just people with "problems"? think about it... and i'm not judging you.... for that is up to you to do... I just say do what makes you feel good and be the best you can be thats all you can do... in the longrun you will get farther in life yourself, feel good about yourself and remember there is a time sometimes to "only go so far" to making others feel good and feel important.... never forget yourself!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thank you. I'm sorry for getting 'snappy' It's just been a long day, and im at my wits end with everything. I was up with the baby til midnight and then got up at 2 then at 5 with him so his mother could sleep. I guess i just try to make everyone happy before myself. I've had alot of problems in the past, Everyone before myself. It's how i've been, but i can't do it no more. I've never been a person to just say 'F*ck it' and go on. I'm tryin...I really am. It's just hard, i guess.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:02 PM
Edited by Ky_Racer_111 on Fri 01/23/09 06:05 PM

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:00 PM

Get out of that situation immediately. They're taking advantage of you and you're letting them. They are taking you for granted and not even bothering to hide the fact. Don't let them use you. They aren't paying you right? Yr not their employee, right? Slavery has been abolished right? You have free will. Use it
ummmm if she is staying there and not paying them dont u suppose she should be doing something?...... there is not enough information here
From what I gathered she lives at home but spends days at her friends house taking care of her friends baby and being ordered around by her friends parents who also insult her.
awwww but doesnt say that does it?laugh :wink: flowerforyou

Even if it doesn't say that... or even if it's not that way, i would say it's time she invested time into her own life. Time to make a path in life for herself and figure out what makes "her" happy.

Seems she has spent enough of her life looking out for others and what makes them happy.

Thank you. you understand. That's what my parents have said. but i just hate being kind hearted and not just coming out to say it.

As for, should i be paying them to live there? No. Because they called me when she got pregnant, to come stay with her while they was at work, all this i have done is a favor to them. I have no problem staying home, i dont wish to live there. and i pay for my things, when i want things. They have a older person, my friends father's dad, living with them and it's hard to take care of and old person and a baby so it's basically a favor to them, that i come do this. I dont HAVE too, and im not imposing myself on these people. I've known these people all my life so when they asked this as a favor, i said ok. And i do love them but they've made it clear, they are only using me, as of lately.
yes it sounds as if they are but with communication... i guess this would of been clear that this was expected of them for you to live there... and communication goes both ways.. you shoud of clearly found out what they expected of you to do this for them.... time to move i say for no one is happyflowerforyou

This was made clear what i was to do for them. I was to help with the grandfather, seeing as he can't hear or see. I wait on him hand and foot, no complaints. They asked me to keep an eye on victoria *the friend* to make sure if she had any problems during pregnancy, that i could call for help, which i did. And when the baby was born, i was asked to help with papaw, and help so victoria gets sleep and is rested, picking up the living room and such. Which i do, in return, i get treated like Sh!t

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 05:57 PM

I've given up my life to my 16 year "Best Friend" Who thought by getting herself pregnant she'd be able to get out from under her parents thumb but quickly realized she didn't love the father of her child.

1.Best friends don't talk that way about each other... In fact "best friends" realize that no one is perfect especially their"best friend" makes mistakes.

I left my home, my family to spend every day of the week at her house, since the day she got pregnant. But i'm quickly learning, that they are only using me.

2. Sounds like a choice to be giving, a choice made by ones own self< nothing wrong with giving> but regretting it is a different story all together.

She has had her baby now, I know a baby is alot of hard work but she does NOTHING.

3. I'm quite sure you don't know till it has happened to you. Other than the fact that that you see it as she does nothing... don't know.. I'm not there to judge that....

Her parents come home and look at me and ask why i haven't cleaned their house?

4. Again not enough information.. are you living there or eating there all the time? who knows...

They are always making jokes about my weight, about how i look.

5. That is definately bs!!! on their part! Ridiculing or name calling whichever or both is never called for!

But being me i just laugh them off but they hurt.

6.Why? I ask? communication is key! Why be phoney and laugh it off when in fact it is hurting your feelings?

Recently, i've started to come back home and become close to my parents again, My mom and I have become close and she was talking about computers and things, wanting to get my something special, so of course i go to my best friend and tell her this, with saying "Only if she has the extra money" So what does my friend do? She goes out and does what i WANT to do, what i DESERVE to do. She goes and finds the computer that i was going to ask for

7.So what if your friend wanted the same thing as you wanted.... why waste your time being jealous? most friends do have things in common and have the same wants.. just because she "WANTED" the same thing you "DESERVED" doe's that give you the right to complain about it? I hate to tell you... but reality is most people don't get what they "DESERVE" Realiing this is a sign of growing up...

gets it and rubs it in my face

8. A part of imaturity... ever think she may be jealous of you? Afterall... your not stuck with the "mistake" as you put it ... that she has made..

they've become bossy and b!tchy to me lately. Being the person i am, i've never stood up for myself. What should i do?

9. guess you have just answered your own question... maybe it's time to do so?

Am i just over reacting? Being babish? I dont know....

10. Only you could answer this question

Any helpful advice or alittle cheer up for the night would be greatly appericated.

11. Time to take a look at yourself and your actions , for only you can cheer yourself up .. since all this is and has been in your hands < only YOU have control over this , and this is something that "YOU" can easily have control of...

Best of luck... I wish you well.... Deb

Ok, so i think you misunderstood the entire point of even posting this. Until you know these people you can not understand how i feel. Thank you for the advice you have given, me and my friend are very much alike. I do not know what it is like to have a baby, but i'm up with him and her every 3 hours, i help feed during the day, i wash his clothes and let her sleep in the mornings. this was asked as a favor to them. They asked me to do this for them, so all i wanted was alittle respect. Which i thought i deserved since they are the one's asking me to do this. I do get reality is hard. Don't think i live in a small little world, i do get out and i know how it is. The baby is in no way a mistake, it's a miracle, all children are, but when you change a poopy diaper and leave it lay, as you lay your baby down and go eat, are you telling me that isn't doing anything? She could at least pick it up, throw it away, but she doesn't. These people have to have better then everyone. If they don't have something better then you, they aren't happy. It's how they are.
I didn't post this to be judged, or made feel worse. I asked for advice. Thank you for your opinion of my situation.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 05:41 PM

Get out of that situation immediately. They're taking advantage of you and you're letting them. They are taking you for granted and not even bothering to hide the fact. Don't let them use you. They aren't paying you right? Yr not their employee, right? Slavery has been abolished right? You have free will. Use it
ummmm if she is staying there and not paying them dont u suppose she should be doing something?...... there is not enough information here
From what I gathered she lives at home but spends days at her friends house taking care of her friends baby and being ordered around by her friends parents who also insult her.
awwww but doesnt say that does it?laugh :wink: flowerforyou

Even if it doesn't say that... or even if it's not that way, i would say it's time she invested time into her own life. Time to make a path in life for herself and figure out what makes "her" happy.

Seems she has spent enough of her life looking out for others and what makes them happy.

Thank you. you understand. That's what my parents have said. but i just hate being kind hearted and not just coming out to say it.

As for, should i be paying them to live there? No. Because they called me when she got pregnant, to come stay with her while they was at work, all this i have done is a favor to them. I have no problem staying home, i dont wish to live there. and i pay for my things, when i want things. They have a older person, my friends father's dad, living with them and it's hard to take care of and old person and a baby so it's basically a favor to them, that i come do this. I dont HAVE too, and im not imposing myself on these people. I've known these people all my life so when they asked this as a favor, i said ok. And i do love them but they've made it clear, they are only using me, as of lately.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 05:01 PM
Thanks for the advice, I guess just being the sweet, kind hearted person I am, it's hard to just say that to people. I dont have many friends because i've been home schooled since the 9th grade and are working crazily to graduate so i can move on to college.

markc48, I know i'm online now. I have a computer, but it was the fact that that's what i was going for and she went and got it to just be a ***** about it.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Fri 01/23/09 04:45 PM
I usually don't do this. I'm normally really shy about stuff like this. But y'all here seem like a great bunch of friends, and very friendly people. Today has been HORRIBLE for me. I know everyone has their bad days. It's normal but I'm the type of person that never opens my mouth, always laughs the hurtful jokes off, and basically let people step over me. I dont know what to do in this situation that i'm in. And it may not seem that important or that big of a deal for anyone but i'm hoping that someone can help, or maybe cheer me up.

I've given up my life to my 16 year "Best Friend" Who thought by getting herself pregnant she'd be able to get out from under her parents thumb but quickly realized she didn't love the father of her child. I left my home, my family to spend every day of the week at her house, since the day she got pregnant. But i'm quickly learning, that they are only using me. She has had her baby now, I know a baby is alot of hard work but she does NOTHING. Her parents come home and look at me and ask why i haven't cleaned their house? They are always making jokes about my weight, about how i look. But being me i just laugh them off but they hurt. Recently, i've started to come back home and become close to my parents again, My mom and I have become close and she was talking about computers and things, wanting to get my something special, so of course i go to my best friend and tell her this, with saying "Only if she has the extra money" So what does my friend do? She goes out and does what i WANT to do, what i DESERVE to do. She goes and finds the computer that i was going to ask for, gets it and rubs it in my face, they've become bossy and b!tchy to me lately. Being the person i am, i've never stood up for myself. What should i do? Am i just over reacting? Being babish? I dont know....
Any helpful advice or alittle cheer up for the night would be greatly appericated.


Ky_Racer_111's photo
Tue 01/20/09 08:25 AM
My life has changed over the past few years, i'm a much better person then i used to be. happy I think my life is finally getting better. I never expected to get better, only worse.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Tue 01/20/09 08:19 AM
I think age is just a number, If two people fall in love or have a connection, it shouldn't matter.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:26 PM
The steelers cheat just like every other team in football, basketball, baseball, nascar, you name. they all do it.

Big Ben && The boys, all the way!

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:54 PM
That hit that left them both laying, was horrible. Prayers go out to both dudes.

However, i think it's gonna be steelers all the way. Go Big Ben && The boys!

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sun 01/18/09 06:43 PM
flowerforyou :heart: :banana: flowers
I hope you get to feelin' better and smiling again soon!
Your a sweet woman! flowers