Ok, so I was listening to this song by Whitney Houston & Deborah Cox, which is the same title as the title of this thread. It got me thinking.
Basically, what the song is about is two women arguing over a man. One of the women (Whitney) is the ex & the other woman (Deborah) is the current girlfriend. In the song, Whitney is trying to warn Deborah about the guy she is dating, Whitney's ex. Whitney goes on to tell her about all the bad things that this guy does (eg. "When you love him, he becomes unattracted to you", etc) & concludes by saying, "I wish the one before me would have warned me too". So, just for fun, if you were to meet your recent ex's currently boyfriend/ girlfriend, what is that ONE thing you'd warn him or her about your ex? Does she break all the man's house windows when she's mad? Does he give a woman black eye? Whatever it is. Just that one thing that stands out about your ex. |
This is for Those who are most SelfCentered when it comes to Relationships..
To be LOVED; is to Love!. To be CARED for; is to Care!. To be RESPECTED; is to Respect!. To be UNDERSTOOD; is to Understand!. To be HONEST to; is to be Honest!. To be ATTENTIVE to; is to be Attentive!. To be COMPLIMENTED; is to Compliment!.. To be GIVEN gifts, is to Give!.. &So on.. These are great FaCts most People fail to understand, that whatever you want from a Person, is to also be Reciprocated by you.. You dont expect to be Loved while you dont Love!, You dont expect to be treated like a King/Queen without treating them d same way!, You dont expect to be Given d World when you cant even give them a State. lol!.. Just know this today that If you are a Self Centered Person, You'd be soo far from Love!, for Anyone who comes close to you & finds this in you, will Flee instantly.. So; Be who &How you want to be Treated in Relationships. |
thanks ![]() You are welcome. |
I came close to meeting a Mingler while in Holland,but she didn't see my post on here before i left England,so it didn't happen ![]() ![]() Ouch. Hope you are still in communicado with each other . |
I like your profile ![]() ![]() Thanks a bunch.Dearest. I guess you profile is cool as well. |
Thanks as you do so.
There is no such thing as a dream guy or gal, people Dont just come to you in a dream. You much get up n go look for them. ![]() lolz |
I'm divorced. No children or grandchildren. Last date was 3 months ago. Looking to date for an exclusive relationship, but there is no man that I have an interest in currently. Need I say more. Better Days lies ahead of you Dear. |
how long after a divorce can you be classed as divorced? i have been divorced 13 years now so am i single or divorced? For clarity sake, i guess Divorced will be far better. So,after 13years and still counting, what are your plans. |
It's a dating site so most are single and available, hopefully. lolz. Your opinion. |
So I was bored outta my head and since I lost a special lady in my life I just wanna help myself to be ok.. and I decided to create this thread.. well its easy, tell us your status Single? Married? Dating? Divorced? Single parenthood? Widowed? Dating but not serious? Married but wanna divorce?.. and more Who knows? Dream guy or girl might be viewing lets make it fun. doesn't the profiles kind of cover this The profiles never cover the last 4 on that list . |
Why yes, I have ... They were the greatest gentlemen and had a wonderful time. I don't name names nor will I give details.. I will say I have never had a bad date off this site..Whether we were a long term match or not is no ones business but mine. Thumbs up Dear. |
Ever Had A Date With A Mingle2 buddy or lady ?? ( Share Your Experience)..
Edited by
Tue 07/28/15 02:52 PM
So I was bored outta my head and since I lost a special lady in
my life I just wanna help myself to be ok.. and I decided to create this thread.. well its easy, tell us your status Single? Married? Dating? Divorced? Single parenthood? Widowed? Dating but not serious? Married but wanna divorce?.. and more Who knows? Dream guy or girl might be viewing lets make it fun. |
...Ladies...be honest, do you believe in love at first sight or Would you simply prefer i walk by again?... Mature advise please!
Imagine you need to Make a Decision and you were given this 2 Conditions where you have to choose one and turn the other one down.
3 Months without Internet or 3 Months without Sex, Which do you think you will Choose? Drop your Comment. |
African Woman And Feminism.
At my building stage of boyhood, in one of processes of trying to build me, I was privileged to have my dad take my to one of the umunna meeting. Like a first timer in such a marvellous gathering, you can imagine what the feeling was like. Like an uneasy pretender who wouldn't allow people notice the feeling running through his mind, my eyes was just hovering about in order to see if people around are noticing this feeling through my composure. What marvelled me the more was seeing one lady amongst that gathering of men, she wasn't just there in a passive manner rather she was being active in critical issues being raised there. Why I felt the way I felt was that prior to that meeting I've always had this feeling that women are always not allow the privilege of sharing the same ground with men. After, the meeting my inquisitive self lured me into engaging my dad into a discussion on why the woman was allowed to enjoy the privilege of appearing in meeting of umunna, my dad responded with an analytic question; he asked what makes a man? Which he responded by saying 'responsibility'. So from there he told me that the woman has done so many responsibilities more than a man could do that's why she was regarded as fit to enjoy the privilege of man. The woman has taken the responsibility of staying back at home to see that the father's lineage is not vanished through the 'iha nwanyi' culture, she does work to sustain and cater for her children etc. Like they say if a child washes his hand he joins elders in eating, so the woman has done something which a man does before he could be regarded as a man. After all this from my dad, a new knowledge and perception was added in my world. The above anecdote is meant to amend some half baked beliefs have of Africa especially when it relates to feminism. In the clime which we found ourselves, it is a well known fact that not every male that can impregnate women are regarded as man. To be a man is always a virtue which stems from the responsibilities which you've been able to overcome. Just like in things fall apart there's a place where someone said something in the gathering of umunna and okonkwo sharply rebuked that person with a sweeping statement that the meeting is for men. It is quite bad though that some male figures have been mistakenly called a man when they've not conquered any responsibility,that's part of the values which we've traded in the name of civilisation. So, for women to get to that level of being seen with that eye which is used to see a man in the African sense, then, they must be ready to face and clear responsibilities. Feminism is what every reasonable human on Africa should work towards achieving because when we arrive at that stage where everyone is seen with equal eye, then, responsibility becomes shared and balanced. There won't be a world where the men will always be toiling day and night just to be seen as real men and there won't be a world where they women will only be the 'oriakus' of the world. All hands must be on deck this time around. It baffles to see a man maintaining his #200 while the woman who virtually does nothing maintains her with #10000. So, in Africa we've always had the stage open for everyone to be what he/she wants to be but we don't push people into the stage |
Everywhere you look -- on every channel, on every Robin Thicke video, on every music video of the last five years -- there are scantily clad women. So you could be forgiven for thinking that female beauty is relegated to large boobs and a tiny waist. But the truth about women -- and those who love them -- is infinitely more complex.
In fact, when men on Reddit were asked what are things women do that are irresistible, the answers were generally more innocent than overtly sexual. Here are 10 of the answers that really rang true to us. All of these things somehow seem to get us every time. These things are� #10)The Putting-On-Tight-Jeans Dance This is a special reward not for the majority of men -- unless, of course, you break out a pair of binoculars and camp out in a tree. (Note: Really, really do not do this.) In the early morning, when you're both preparing for the day ahead, sit back and watch her wriggle into a pair tight jeans. This is what she does every day of her life, something she takes totally for granted, but to you, it'll be like watching the sun rise. Guaranteed to make cold hearts melt. #9)Stretching In Front Of You There's a theme alert, here: most of what men find so irresistible about women involves the small, involuntary gestures they do every day, probably without even realising. And stretching, arms up in the air, should be pretty high on that list. Just ask the slightly creepy men who go to yoga classes too often. They know!!! # Flipping Their Hair This is probably the most seductive gesture on this list. Almost every romantic comedy makes light of how some women have a patented way of flipping their hair to get a man's attention, and for good reason: It works. It works very, very well. #7)Adjusting Your Tie This one is more for those married, or in long-term relationships. But if that doesn't describe you, you're missing out on a great experience: Having a woman adjust your tie (or bow tie, if you're particularly dapper/ridiculous). There's something about this simple, utilitarian gesture that's nicely intimate. And pretty helpful. #6)Sneezing In general, we men are rough, callous, dirty, unkempt, hairy and lumbering. So it should come as no surprise that much of what we find so attractive in the opposite sex is, well, their opposite attributes: their grace, tenderness and smoothness. And nowhere is that contrast more apparent than when they sneeze. Men tend to sneeze loudly and powerfully, like miniature volcanoes bursting; women, on the other hand, tend to have endearing, oddly sexy sneezes that wouldn't disturb a sleeping infant. #5)Biting Their Lips Many a heart has been melted, songs written and duels fought over this small, un-self-conscious gesture. #4)Moving Their Hips We love to watch girls move. Perhaps it's something to do with the ungainly shuffling that takes us from place to place. The take-home message: Girls, we love even something as simple as the way you walk. As you were. #3)Touching Us Gently Think back to the first time your wife or girlfriend touched you. Not an accidental brushing of arms, but something deliberate, infused with sexual tension and romantic potential. How do they do that? It matters not, because it drives us crazy every time. #2)Putting Her Hair In A Ponytail Maybe it's because we're so used to hairstyles that took hours prep (and that's just us), or maybe we just like to see girls dressing and acting casually, but there's something natural and endearing about the ponytail. #1)Wearing Your Shirts There's something about chest hair and bulging shoulders that just makes women's clothes unappealing on men (depending on your proclivities), but few sights make us go weak in the knees quite like that of a woman disappearing into one of our shirts. Guys which do you like most? |
On a scale of 1-10..where 10 is extremely
happy.. How happy are you in your current relationship? Because happiness is paramount in every relationship. Though sometimes one might have to sacrifice your happiness a little for the greater good (happiness of your partner), that should be a mutual thing. Both should be willing to contribute to the happiness of the other. No matter what the differences may be.. A common ground can always be reached (most of the time). Because truth is relationships will always have difficult times.. Just the way rain is inevitable.. Buh one can always get a better umbrella. Wish you all the best in your endeavors |
You are on point