Topic: 10 Irresistible Things Women Do..
shegdad's photo
Sun 05/31/15 08:00 AM
Everywhere you look -- on every channel, on every Robin Thicke video, on every music video of the last five years -- there are scantily clad women. So you could be forgiven for thinking that female beauty is relegated to large boobs and a tiny waist. But the truth about women -- and those who love them -- is infinitely more complex.
In fact, when men on Reddit were asked what are things women do that are irresistible, the answers were generally more innocent than overtly sexual.
Here are 10 of the answers that really rang true to us. All of these things somehow seem to get us every time. These things are�
#10)The Putting-On-Tight-Jeans Dance
This is a special reward not for the majority of men -- unless, of course, you break out a pair of binoculars and camp out in a tree. (Note: Really, really do not do this.) In the early morning, when you're both preparing for the day ahead, sit back and watch her wriggle into a pair tight jeans. This is what she does every day of her life, something she takes totally for granted, but to you, it'll be like watching the sun rise. Guaranteed to make cold hearts melt.
#9)Stretching In Front Of You
There's a theme alert, here: most of what men find so irresistible about women involves the small, involuntary gestures they do every day, probably without even realising. And stretching, arms up in the air, should be pretty high on that list. Just ask the slightly creepy men who go to yoga classes too often. They know!!!
# Flipping Their Hair
This is probably the most seductive gesture on this list. Almost every romantic comedy makes light of how some women have a patented way of flipping their hair to get a man's attention, and for good reason: It works. It works very, very well.
#7)Adjusting Your Tie
This one is more for those married, or in long-term relationships. But if that doesn't describe you, you're missing out on a great experience: Having a woman adjust your tie (or bow tie, if you're particularly dapper/ridiculous). There's something about this simple, utilitarian gesture that's nicely intimate. And pretty helpful.
In general, we men are rough, callous, dirty, unkempt, hairy and lumbering. So it should come as no surprise that much of what we find so attractive in the opposite sex is, well, their opposite attributes: their grace, tenderness and smoothness. And nowhere is that contrast more apparent than when they sneeze. Men tend to sneeze loudly and powerfully, like miniature volcanoes bursting; women, on the other hand, tend to have endearing, oddly sexy sneezes that wouldn't disturb a sleeping infant.
#5)Biting Their Lips
Many a heart has been melted, songs written and duels fought over this small, un-self-conscious gesture.
#4)Moving Their Hips
We love to watch girls move. Perhaps it's something to do with the ungainly shuffling that takes us from place to place. The take-home message: Girls, we love even something as simple as the way you walk. As you were.
#3)Touching Us Gently
Think back to the first time your wife or girlfriend touched you. Not an accidental brushing of arms, but something deliberate, infused with sexual tension and romantic potential. How do they do that? It matters not, because it drives us crazy every time.
#2)Putting Her Hair In A Ponytail
Maybe it's because we're so used to hairstyles that took hours prep (and that's just us), or maybe we just like to see girls dressing and acting casually, but there's something natural and endearing about the ponytail.
#1)Wearing Your Shirts
There's something about chest hair and bulging shoulders that just makes women's clothes unappealing on men (depending on your proclivities), but few sights make us go weak in the knees quite like that of a woman disappearing into one of our shirts.
Guys which do you like most?