Divorce papers:o)
You mean his wife doesn't know he thinks he is not married? B-bu-but he's NOT married. His wife is. *gigglesnort* |
Divorce papers:o)
...For all of you that do not understand or do not want to understand, the price to pay is my acceptance of opinion/belief of the better half!!... Ummmm...perhaps you are correct: we are NOT understanding. According to your OP, you are too logical and practical to understand why this time when you're *single* (i.e., no longer living with your wife), women run when they find out you're simply separated from your wife, but not yet divorced and asked for help IN being able to understand it. So far, pretty much 100% of the women responding (and even the men) have explained to you why [the] women run when you announce that you're still married to your wife, even though you call her your "ex-wife" (which she's NOT). And, you don't like it. Since we've misunderstood you, perhaps you should have worded your opening post differently, to better reflect what it is you're truly looking for: "I will divorce my wife when I feel like it, and until that time you wimmens had best better get over your discomfort of dating a still legally-married man." Best of luck to you AND with that, in the future. |
<--- A-OK being deemed "of nothing"
Divorce papers:o)
...As I was saying, when I was just living with women, not married. No one was asking of papers to prove it! What's the difference?...
But, this time you ARE married ['on paper, only']; that ['on paper, only'] marriage is "unfinished business". When one has "unfinished business", they shouldn't be looking to start another business, even if it IS *just* 'monkey business' they're after. |
Divorce papers:o)
While it's true that people - with or without marriage certificates or divorce decrees - frequently cheat with others,
the fact that one still isn't divorced, is indicative that there is still unfinished business, no matter how much one insists "'s over!!!" No, it's not...not YET. You're welcome. |
hi im new. from Glasgow
Welcome, newbie!!! I was going to congratulate you on coming up with such a clever screen name, but apparently, 68 "pantyman"s thought of it, before you. Best of luck on this site!!! Oh...68..I never But where are they now? Because of their nifty, difty screen names, they all hooked up within moments of arriving here. I'm feeling badly for the next (#70) "pantyman"...he was going to be oh so close to having a really awesome name. |
New to mingle
Sounds good...
...but, I can't commit to it. Best of luck in your search!!! |
hi im new. from Glasgow
Welcome, newbie!!!
I was going to congratulate you on coming up with such a clever screen name, but apparently, 68 "pantyman"s thought of it, before you. Best of luck on this site!!! |
toxic relationships
Edited by
Thu 11/13/14 01:22 PM
Folks, when it comes to toxic relationships, it isn't always the male who is toxic. Who wrote that it was? One would assume that *normal*, healthy, well-adjusted adults who are also heterosexual would find that the other party is the cause of its toxicity, otherwise THEY wouldn't be normal, healthy, and well-adjusted. One would also assume that those same heterosexuals would put an end to their involvement within the toxic relationship, if they'd like to hold on to the labels. ETA: Displays of passive-aggressive behavior is an excellent indicator that the relationship is going to be "toxic". |
toxic relationships
OMG, journey!!!
I hope all that information was put in the very first email/correspondence between the two of you; with all THOSE red flags a-wavin', there's no way I'd continue talking to him after the first 2 or 3 got revealed. Oh. Wait. Why do I not doubt that all of that was put in an 'initial' introductory email?!? So many people operate from a space of waaaaay TMI, thanks to the 'anonymity' of online. Yeah...that was a really good example of someone who thinks they've moved on, but they're still firmly entrenched in the BS [that caused their last relationship to *end*]. |
toxic relationships
Personally, I have never knowingly entered into a toxic relationship...and I have most assuredly never remained in one once it revealed itself TO be toxic.
Ironically, not buying into the whole "online dating" phenomenon is a great first-step in avoiding toxic relationships. People who reveal while online that they're not quite over That Last A**h*le/That Last Biatch are half-baked and not REALLY relationship-ready, yet. |
I don't understand how this seal can even be released to speak about this. I had a friend who is close by, he was elite ARMY and NAVY and a seal, and Black OPS. Not very many men can rise to that. He can not speak about anything he did, or assassinations they did. It was his job, being govt military property. Every mission was a suicide mission. They all understand this. This seems odd that this will be released. He hasn't been cleared to discuss it. He - and others - were specifically directed NOT to; they were reminded of the duty-to-silence, again. Top officials are quite upset about it. He, himself, fears for his personal safety. While he alludes to them all, he doesn't specifically say if he fears angry ex-military teammates, his ex-top brass, or the angry insurgents whose leader he killed. |
To those who matter,
I'd like to be remembered as someone who mattered. |
Sorry to get side tracked, but, SEAL Team 6 is not a real thing. It's called DEVGRU or Naval Special Warfare Development Group. It was nicknamed SEAL Team 6 as a way to trick enemies into thinking we had more SEAL teams than we do. Also, yes many joked about getting Obama reelected. And yes it was a political ploy as the team who tracked down Bin Laden (which was started right after 9/11) just wanted to bomb the compound (this would have been much safer). I believe republicans would have been just as quick to mark this under their "achievements" as politics is all about winning popularity contests. Endless credit is due to the team performing the operation, and very little (note: i did not say "none") should be given to those sitting behind a desk just giving the "ok". Unfortunately this is how our military works. Seen several operations blown by people trying to take credit for it. This includes going after the man who beheaded one of our marines (and I believe a civilian contractor) back in the 2004 time-frame. Politicians have no place on the battlefield. You'll want to take it up with the creators and defenders (past and present) of the Constitution, then; it states that the POTUS is the Commander-in-Chief of ALL the Armed Forces...including each team's elite players. Also, I believe by mere definition of the term, any POTUS - whether red or blue - IS "a politician"; ergo, Constitutionally-speaking, politicians (including those in Congress) WILL have a "place on the battlefield" "whether we like it or not". |
SEALS are not panty wastes , they sign on for these risks, just like secret service the job got done and they were proud to be a part of it,, so why again does it become a way to disparage OBAMA?....smh This^^^. All of our elite teams are trained for what could very well be "suicide missions"; when executed perfectly, they aren't. So, this guy's a hero, but the Commander-in-Chief who gave the red light to the plan is a bum? Oh. Wait. Wasn't the previous spin that bin Laden had never been trapped/killed and it was all a big ruse on the part of our POTUS to garner favor with the American public? NOW, all of a sudden, bin Laden really WAS killed?!? |
~sigh~ Hotlinked to More Debunking of Just About Every Single Wild Accusation Ever Made About Obama, Complete with Hotlinks Contained Within ~double sigh~ Just how incompetent and ineffective ARE the Republicans/Conservatives who have now had over 6 years to provide the proof-positive for ANY of these wild claims which WOULD be grounds for stripping President Obama from office? THAT, right there - in and of itself - should be ALL the proof necessary for ANYone with at least two working brain cells which ARE still on speaking terms with one another that these are simply wild claims, made from wild minds, who are wildly screaming until - and because - they're red in the face. You seem to have lost sight of the claim, millions spent on lawsuits to keep records sealed. And while sealed would be an incorrect use of terms, the lawsuits aren't. Why your very source verifies this: BIRTHER SCORECARD And looking at this long list and the courts actions, there could be billions involved. Factually-speaking, factually-speaking eludes you in factual discussions. Ergo, you will have no more attempts at factually-speaking with me. |
Actually it is true. It's been on EVERY news channel. Fact check is funded by Liberal groups. Nahhhh, it wasn't "on EVERY news channel". Assuming for one minute that it HAD been, is THAT how some of you decide what's true or not - whether or not something's been reported "on EVERY news channel"? So, you DO agree, then, that the lunar landing was staged, that Ebola IS now running rampant in the U.S., and the most important one: that George W. Bush did, in fact, steal the Presidency from Al Gore with a little help from his brother in Florida. Yanno, since "EVERY news channel" has covered those stories, too. So is this your admission that you have trouble telling what a news story means on the different sources? And yes it was on "every" news channel. Name one that has not covered the issue? Even CNN and NBC covered it, especially when Odumbo's lawyers blocked any disclosure. Staged lunar landing, just what makes you think it was? Or wasn't? And Ebola is running rampant and will continue to do so. Just enough to keep the scare at high levels. Vaccine soon to follow, big pharma will make a killing. But to you I guess these stories mean nothing. And steal, from Al Gore, the master thief. Why that would imply that old GW was much more intelligent than he could ever muster. And Jeb, he is supposedly the smart Bush, but really not that smart at all. So what is your point? I already made it; the fact that it *eludes* you is simply proof that I made it well. |
The only Presidential candidate in history to spend millions and millions in legal fees to hide their past from the public. Citation to a legitimate source for this "presented-as-fact" entry? good luck with that I have literally posted REFERENCES debunking some of the media rhetoric that gets repeated here and then its just dismissed because of what FACT CHECK source it is,,,lol Same old tired crap, but the facts are the facts. There have been a lot of lawsuits and all are blocked by some powerful money. Supposedly 49 suits alone just on the birth certificate. Bolded and enlarged for you as you apparently missed its significance as it rolled off your own fingertips. Speaking of "facts", what's the scoop on this *factual* entity known as "Odumbocare"? Google, Bing, and Yahoo have never heard of it. |
The only Presidential candidate in history to spend millions and millions in legal fees to hide their past from the public. Citation to a legitimate source for this "presented-as-fact" entry? Your google doesn't work, then maybe you should try Bing or Yahoo. Google's working just fine; it couldn't find a single legitimate source; neither could Bing or Yahoo. Perhaps I should try "goggle", as you'd previously suggested I use to find a citation to a legitimate source for information on "Odumbocare"? By the way, I haven't been back to that thread, yet; how's your little project coming along? |