Community > Posts By > mrld_ii

mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 07:12 PM

In all honesty, OP, I'm really *sorry* if I'm not attracted to a man who gets paid to be a "big, fat, hairy, *****, redneck sum *****" <---YOUR words, NOT mine.

I'm A-OK with the *fact* that that makes me - in your eyes - one of those "self centered, conceited, stuck up *******" <---YOUR words, NOT mine.

Best of luck to you on ANother site, since - according to you - you're done with THIS one.


WOW you said RED NECK like its a bad thing ,easy now,,,,,,:-)

No, I didn't. OP did. Hence, the quotation well as the included "YOUR words, NOT mine" part of my post.

Which you *oddly* overlooked.


mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 07:10 PM

In order for "chivalry" TO exist, it requires that men see women as "lesser than" creatures TO themselves.

Documentation to validate the above philosophy please. Under chivalry women were recognized as different not less. In fact, to some degree women were put on a pedestal.


...Medieval England was not a comfortable place for most women... A few women lived comfortable lives but Medieval society was completely dominated by men and women had to know 'their place' in such a society...

...Women had little or no role to play within the country at large...

...Within a village, women would have done many of the tasks men did on the land. However, they were paid less for doing the same job...In a male dominated society, no woman would openly complain about this disparity...

...In medieval towns, women would have found it difficult to advance into a trade as medieval guilds frequently barred women from joining them. Therefore, a skilled job as recognised by a guild was usually out of reach for any woman living in a town. Within towns, women were usually allowed to do work that involved some form of clothes making but little else...

...For many women, a life as a servant for the rich was all they could hope for. Such work was demanding and poorly rewarded...

The law, set by men, also greatly limited the freedom of women. Women were

* not allowed to marry without their parents' consent

* could own no business with special permission

* not allowed to divorce their husbands

* could not own property of any kind unless they were widows

* could not inherit land from their parents' if they had any surviving brothers...

...Girls had no choice over who they married and many girls from rich families were usually married to someone as a political gesture or because it was an advantage to the girl's family itself - as opposed to what the girl herself wanted. Once married, the young lady came under the control of her husband....

...Producing a male heir within a rich family was considered vital. So many women spent a great deal of their married life pregnant. However, childbirth was dangerous as medical care was so poor. It is thought that as many as 20% of all women died in childbirth and it was the most common cause of death among young women.

"Lesser than".

You're welcome. drinks

mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 06:19 PM

...3. California

California has one of the highest number of homeless children in the country; 526, 708. At 8 dollars per hour, California's minimum wage is higher than in the South. But tenants must make a whopping $25.78 per hour to afford a two-bedroom apartment there.


The fact that I know for a fact that this *conclusion* is simply erroneous makes the whole report's findings suspect.

California is made up of many, many, many more cities than just Los Angeles, San Jose, and San Francisco.


mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 05:58 PM

He understands perfectly.

Yup, yup. "Deliberately obtuse."


huh He coming at this from an angle of more than 90�?'s not mathematical jargon; it's an English idiom.

Mathematically-speaking, he keeps adding 2 + 2 together and coming up with a different answer each time.


mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 05:35 PM

He understands perfectly.

Yup, yup. "Deliberately obtuse."


mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 05:00 PM

I am going to repeat what I said on page 1 of this thread.

There is nothing wrong with a single woman walking away from a man who is still married.

I have not claimed that, have I?

You most certainly inferred it; I've bolded your own words for your own ease of reference:

Hi to all wonderful females out there! Well ok, if males are reading also, we’re pretty awesome also, huh?

Now first some history:
I'��m a sort of an overdue male of 51 year. I'��ve been through three +4 year long relationships and one marriage of seven years. Not a great deal of points in the "��game" of life, huh? But anyway, now I want to know something from you females.

During the years before getting married, there were no questions asked if there were any papers confirming end of relationship. Now when wife and I separated 2010, I"��ve been meeting women who had interest in me until question of marriage and divorce papers to prove the end of relationship occurred.

When replying there is no divorce yet, most women walked away. Speaking with my female friends, they have the same opinion. Now most of these were/is highly educated women with scientific education and brilliant minds.

Now here'��s my 10 000 EURO question. (I will not pay until satisfactory answer occurs and I'll judge it;o)

What is it with the idea of a person that has a paper that says he is married is not trusted when saying relationship is over, when at the same time, there are so many married couples that go over the domestic borders all the time. No matter he, she or it;o)

It doesn't make any sense to me as I try to be rational and look at things in a logical way. Of course I can understand the betrayal of a trusted friend and companion turns the other way suddenly, but seriously!! I have been abandoned and betrayed also but have never got any idea of a paper making a difference of trust!!!

Please be patient with me and ask if you don'��t understand my ramblings!!


Again, you're welcome. drinks

mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 12:58 PM
<--- NOT married, NOT a lady; safe on BOTH fronts.

Best of luck to you, OP!!! drinks

mrld_ii's photo
Mon 11/17/14 11:31 AM
In all honesty, OP, I'm really *sorry* if I'm not attracted to a man who gets paid to be a "big, fat, hairy, *****, redneck sum *****" <---YOUR words, NOT mine.

I'm A-OK with the *fact* that that makes me - in your eyes - one of those "self centered, conceited, stuck up *******" <---YOUR words, NOT mine.

Best of luck to you on ANother site, since - according to you - you're done with THIS one.


mrld_ii's photo
Sun 11/16/14 09:44 AM

I m man....i m of 19. Its the perfect age for making gf .

Nahhhh...according to weird science, you're about 4 years too late for "making gf".

Nice pic.....
By the way......u wanna say that 15 yrs boys should only have gf. Then what about males of 19.....??

That's NOT what I *said*; men of all ages are welcome - and able - to "have gf".

I was addressing YOUR earlier point of "making gf".

Best of luck to you in your quest. drinks

mrld_ii's photo
Sun 11/16/14 06:22 AM
Edited by mrld_ii on Sun 11/16/14 06:23 AM

Maybe the men I've been with enjoy having a *normal*, healthy *peeniss* permanently attached to their body.


Such hostility...tsk tsk

Hostility? For preferring men who enjoy having a *normal*, healthy *peeniss* permanently attached to their body?!?

OK, then...color me "extremely hostile", 'cuz I really prefer 'em that way!


mrld_ii's photo
Sun 11/16/14 06:21 AM
Edited by mrld_ii on Sun 11/16/14 06:25 AM

Maybe the men I've been with enjoy having a *normal*, healthy *peeniss* permanently attached to their body.


Such hostility...tsk tsk

I dont think she was talkin about Bobbit-ing. More like disease free.

Yup, yup.

Tho' I suppose if we women have to *worry* about stranger-danger,

men do, too.


mrld_ii's photo
Sun 11/16/14 05:56 AM
It's your made-up scenario with your made-up set-up.

So, what's the punchline to the joke?

Every man I've ever been with in a serious relationship, is equally capable of saying "No" to a stranger who walks up and says, "Let's go have sex."

Maybe the men I've been with enjoy having a *normal*, healthy penis permanently attached to their body.


mrld_ii's photo
Sun 11/16/14 05:38 AM

I m man....i m of 19. Its the perfect age for making gf .

Nahhhh...according to weird science, you're about 4 years too late for "making gf".

mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 08:28 PM

If girls propose boys then 100% chances that boy except it. But when boys propose girls ,....sometimes girls used to refuse, some lies said by girls :- I already have bf, I m not interested, busy with studies, u r not of my kind, mind your own business, .....etc.

Then, we're even.

According to you and your scientific studies, *girls* "except" boys' proposals 100% of the time, too.


mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 04:45 PM
Edited by mrld_ii on Sat 11/15/14 04:46 PM
Acquiesce quieter, then.

Oh, and elsewhere.

This is now how - and where - I (go to) impress men and other potential position-holders.


mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 04:38 PM

You're already taken. It's MY turn to impress the men.

Or, potential employers.

mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 04:28 PM

I can impress folks with my typing and smileys?slaphead

Information I can - and will - be using, from now on!!!

The line forms on the left, men...

mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 04:00 PM
Online is just an avenue to more exposure.

Eventually, you've still got to get dressed, show up, AND impress them in person and face-to-face,

regardless of the position you're trying out for.

If one's looking to land a job or a date/mate strictly online, one's probably going to be rejected a LOT.


mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 03:57 PM
Iamfinethankyouforasking! waving

mrld_ii's photo
Sat 11/15/14 03:53 PM

Well, I'm happy that you are in agreement with each other! Have a nice life in cyberspace:o))


We will.

We're not the ones suffering from members of the opposite sex running from us *for some unfathomable reason*.


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