Community > Posts By > B_Root

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:55 PM
oo i know Burn it to the ground by nickel back right?

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:52 PM

Im playing the bottle like a flute now......guess what song Im playing????laugh drinker

100 beers on the wall? laugh drinks

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:49 PM
haha. im not really one who drinks often but i gotta say its a hell of alotta fun when you got beer pong tournaments

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:46 PM
how much did every one drink new years?

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:42 PM
cheers drinker drinks ill haha

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:36 PM

You are making changes. Life is a series of changes. Things turn around when you least expect it. Get busy with your music amd job. And try sending out pics with your emails. That helps too. flowerforyou

send pic with emails? on the site you mean? i hate to sound dumb but how do i do that im not very good at stuff on the internet.

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:30 PM
nothing wrong with a good party now and then but ive never seen a girl get prettier by drinking my self to blindness, guess i need something stronger haha. what are you drinking man?

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:19 PM

ive been on here for alil while now and im not getting anything from any one im just curiose to know why. i know im not the greatest looking dude on this site but still am i missing something or do i need to corect something about my self?

The only real thing missing is time. You're 20. You have plenty of that, kid. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: One question to think about though. By profession, you're a fork lift driver. What are you doing to hopefully own that house and make a good living for yourself? It doesn't just happen.

this is just a temporary job. the manager is sending me to truck school this summer and im working for fed ex freight and most drivers i know there are making a very good living. they own their homes and have things i want to get in my life.

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:11 PM
wow, i honestly didnt think that every one would have almost the same opinion on this. i have graduated high school right now im looking to go to truck school and work as a driver for my company. my foot is in the door with them i just have to wait until im 21. but i agree that college is a very good way to go but ok would any one agree with me if i said that a guy with, lets say 20 years experience no schooling with a job that needs a college degree, would get that job over some one who just graduated college?

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 09:07 PM
my title got cut off sorry to those who are confused this was my question. if you go to college before holding a full time job do you think youll be better off in the long run or do you think its best to start working a job when u graduate high school so that you can start saving while getting feild expeirence and promotions?

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:54 PM
yeah thats a better idea than taking pic of myself half naked. what are the best places to find people?

B_Root's photo
Mon 01/12/09 01:23 PM
waving whats up? whats every one think here?

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 05:35 PM
hahaha! yeah then id be kicked off the site for nudity. besides thats not something id want be proud of.

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 02:09 PM
whats going on every one? im curiouse whats your thoughts on metalica, best song? best album?

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 02:03 PM
yeah true.

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:06 PM
i just saw the dark knight last night and danm! bad ass haha. the joker is one messed up dude haha.

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:01 PM
thanks every one :wink: ive made some changes do you think maybe i need better or more pics. im a performer like a band member but i dont have any pics right now i guess i should get some?

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:59 PM
waving hiwaving

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:44 PM
thanks T I apreciate that. :smile:

B_Root's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:38 PM
i dont think they should cut ties unless theres a problem like if she is trying to lour him back, then yeah they should cut ties. but if they're just talking like casual then its probly fine.