Community > Posts By > jboy1on1

jboy1on1's photo
Sun 08/02/09 02:34 PM
I know what you guys are saying, and yeah i've sucked it up i've been in crappier situations before. I guess this post was more focused on how normal being stood up was, because believe you me i dont go alone every night, always livin life to the fullest lol. But also its like why do people do that? I know it doesnt make me less of a person to be the victim, it makes her the lesser one, but why go through all the trouble of talking to someone for a week just to stand them up? Kind of like a pointless path in your life if you already know your not gonna live up to your word. Lieing is the number one most easiest route out of things huh? lol. Just like most of the replies said suck it up and move on "soldier".

jboy1on1's photo
Sun 08/02/09 02:08 PM
So get this right, yesterday I thought I had a date planned with a pretty girl who seemed to be really cool, I had to work yesterday, but once i got off work at 2 I went home, cleaned my truck took a shower and tried to call her, no answer. Yet we were talking by text earlier, so I decided to text her, no answer. So I waited till about 6 and tried to text her one more time, still nothing. We've been talking for like a week now so I thought everything was cool. Finally around 7 I just decided that I was stood up so I went out. And I still havent heard from her.
Why do girls do this? Dont they understand that its so much easier on the guys part that if you dont want to go out with him, then just tell him so... If he's not a big boy and cant take it like an adult then thats his fault and he needs to grow up, but me i'd rather her just say hey I cant make it tonight it doesnt feel right.

Anyone been here before?

jboy1on1's photo
Thu 07/30/09 08:45 PM

Exactly, thats where im trying to come from here, because i've met girls before outside of the mingle world, and its seemed to go alot slower, sometimes in a good fashion but other times too slow. But here online, you actually get the chance to get to know someone a little, mainly just their thoughts though you dont get much personality out of their typing, although sarcasm is a sure show with a simple lol, but does that really tell you who a person is? Would it be better to see the actual laugh over dinner? I dunno I guess im just lost in the whole dating scene, maybe I just need to let things come to me instead of trying so hard.

You can tell someone's personality from their typing.

Yeah I guess you can somewhat, but then sometimes getting to know someone online you might have a view in your mind on how the person will be when you meet them, and come to find out its not the person you thought it was even though it still might be a good thing ya know?

jboy1on1's photo
Thu 07/30/09 08:41 PM
Lol well excuse me, Emu. How do you go about gettin one of those bad boys? That would be so awesome. Just reminds me of dude wheres my car hah.

jboy1on1's photo
Thu 07/30/09 08:32 PM
Exactly, thats where im trying to come from here, because i've met girls before outside of the mingle world, and its seemed to go alot slower, sometimes in a good fashion but other times too slow. But here online, you actually get the chance to get to know someone a little, mainly just their thoughts though you dont get much personality out of their typing, although sarcasm is a sure show with a simple lol, but does that really tell you who a person is? Would it be better to see the actual laugh over dinner? I dunno I guess im just lost in the whole dating scene, maybe I just need to let things come to me instead of trying so hard.

jboy1on1's photo
Thu 07/30/09 08:25 PM
Wow great feedback thank you, this is my first day of experimenting with the forums, and I kinda dig it. Especially the ostrich =)

jboy1on1's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:59 PM
Does online dating really work? I am a firm believer in getting to know someone before dating them and it seems this online dating is... I dont know the word for it but im thinking of like "Rushy", maybe hasty? Does it work for anyone like this? And also answer me this, are you single? Care to chat? Lol =P jk

jboy1on1's photo
Thu 07/30/09 04:39 PM
Edited by jboy1on1 on Thu 07/30/09 04:40 PM
I've been back in the dating scene for a few months now from a 4 year relationship with a girl I believe I wasted 4 years on, but nevermind with that. I've been trying to get into a relationship with a girl thats down to earth, pretty(but doesnt have to be like a gorgeous top 10 model or whatever), has goals in her life, sort of independent, by that meaning shes independent but not to the point that she doesnt accept help, and has some sarcasm, when you really think about it thats not that much to ask for, and yet I keep getting either turned down, or just ignored by people on here and people in every day life, and its not like im going up to the girls saying hey will you be my wife, or will you have sex with me? I mean I just dont understand how this works... Why is it that when a nice guys asks a girl how she is doing, the girl takes it offensively...? I just dont get it, am I doing anything wrong here? Is it that im trying too hard? Is it that im too caring of a person? Or is it my looks? I know my pictures show im not exactly the most attractive with the hairy chest but thats why I put that picture there to make sure that its known before something happens where I go on a date and the girls like "oh, your hairy, nasty" (which has happened before.) I know it takes time, but nowhere in my profile does it say i have patience lol jk. Sometimes I just get so down that I think I should just become a manwhore and screw all the girls over but thats just not me. I just wanna meet a girl, someone to help me feel like im cared about is all =\. Anyone got any ideas? Or even just care to chat?