Community > Posts By > Melaschasm

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Sun 12/21/08 06:10 PM
I have dated several people that I loved, but only once have I had that "one true love".

Hopefully I will get a second one true love someday.

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:00 PM
If there is a reason why the relationship can not survive a lifetime, end it early and save both people considerable heartache.

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 05:40 PM
Stop by, drop off a gift, but keep it short.

Or talk to your neighbor before hand.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:05 PM

At Nuremberg, the prosecution defined crimes against the peace as the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, or a war in violation of existing treaties, agreements, and assurances. In other words, to be legal a war must be waged only in self-defense or in the defense of others, as greed to by international treaty. If it is true that the Bush administration did invade Iraq without any credible threat to the security of the United States or any other country, that this was neither a case of self-defense, nor one of defending another country in accordance with international treaty obligations, then the United States violated the very international treaties to which it is signatory, treaties that prohibit wars of aggression that are, by definition, crimes against the peace.

It is well known that Saddam was paying terrorists to attack Israel, an ally of the USA. That provides a legal excuse to go to war to defend others. Also the Kurds were being persecuted by Saddam's government, and so we can come to their defense. Additionally as previously mentioned Iraq violated many different UN resolutions, in addition to the terms of Iraq's surrender in the Persian Gulf War, both of which provide a legal basis for war.

The war in Iraq may or may not have been the right thing to do, but it was legal.
Isaw alot of propaganda about Iraq in the run up to the war most of it turned out to be garbage and fables. Please provide a bit of proof about this Iraq thing paying terrorists to attack isreal. Oh just an FYI the main lawyer from Nuremburg, yes he is still alive, says the Iraq war violated the terms of Nurenburg, he should know he wrote it. Again I remind you these men are not foolish they knew they had to build some kind of case for the invasion. The problem is that most of the reasons turned out to be false after the fact

While it is possible that Bush, Clinton, CNN, a wide assortment of world leaders, many different members of the intelligence community, and an assortment of other international experts and media people were all lying about Saddam and Iraq, if the conspiracy is that big, there is no point in trying to fight it.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:00 PM

There are a variety of ways the US can leave Iraq.

From what I understand the US has recently made an agreement that will result in troop reductions over the next couple years, and perhaps all the troops will be out of Iraq before the next presidential election.

In a more general sense, there are several ways to exit a war.

We can leave victoriously. We can leave in defeat. We can leave after installing a friendly government. Or we can follow the Vietnam precedent and leave with a peace agreement signed, but not enforce the agreement.

It appears that the US will be leaving Iraq with a democratic government capable of defending itself.

Aganist Iran?laugh OK Let Iran contol how much of the oil supply plus the Straight of Hormus. The gate way to how much oil? Do you plan on taking them out too" Iraq could beat them back fully armed with our support! The Iran Iraq war!!!!

If I were cynical, I might suspect that Bush agreed to pull the troops out of Iraq so that we would have an excuse to attack Iran, if Iran were to attack Iraq.

As far as my previous statement regarding our exit strategy I did not think you were referring to our overall middle east strategy. I think such a discussion should probably be an entirely different thread, and I do not have time to discuss that tonight.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:55 PM

At Nuremberg, the prosecution defined crimes against the peace as the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, or a war in violation of existing treaties, agreements, and assurances. In other words, to be legal a war must be waged only in self-defense or in the defense of others, as greed to by international treaty. If it is true that the Bush administration did invade Iraq without any credible threat to the security of the United States or any other country, that this was neither a case of self-defense, nor one of defending another country in accordance with international treaty obligations, then the United States violated the very international treaties to which it is signatory, treaties that prohibit wars of aggression that are, by definition, crimes against the peace.

It is well known that Saddam was paying terrorists to attack Israel, an ally of the USA. That provides a legal excuse to go to war to defend others. Also the Kurds were being persecuted by Saddam's government, and so we can come to their defense. Additionally as previously mentioned Iraq violated many different UN resolutions, in addition to the terms of Iraq's surrender in the Persian Gulf War, both of which provide a legal basis for war.

The war in Iraq may or may not have been the right thing to do, but it was legal.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:48 PM
There are a variety of ways the US can leave Iraq.

From what I understand the US has recently made an agreement that will result in troop reductions over the next couple years, and perhaps all the troops will be out of Iraq before the next presidential election.

In a more general sense, there are several ways to exit a war.

We can leave victoriously. We can leave in defeat. We can leave after installing a friendly government. Or we can follow the Vietnam precedent and leave with a peace agreement signed, but not enforce the agreement.

It appears that the US will be leaving Iraq with a democratic government capable of defending itself.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:34 PM
Edited by Melaschasm on Sat 12/20/08 08:34 PM
I know there has been a couple cases of soldiers being prosecuted for crimes.

I thought your comment about the Nurenburg Laws being violated referred to Cheney and/or the US government.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:18 PM

Its verry simple despite the wanderings of this thread america is guilty of war crimes under the Nurenburg Laws, the laws that america helped write by the way. How did we sink so low in 8 short years?

What violation of the Nurenburg Laws has occurred?

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:10 PM

While this might not be the perfect final solution, I think it is a useful compromise.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:36 PM
Who compared Germany to Iraq?

There was a statement of strategy. That being a question about attacking Iraq before Afghanistan was completely done.

I stated that there have been precedents for such strategies which are considered successful. Thus it is possible that attacking Iraq before the war in Afghanistan was 100% done might not have been a bad strategy.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:23 PM

but why do some men lie so much???

Because women often reward men for telling lies.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:10 PM

What happened to Afganistan. I just saw something of 30,000 troops to be deployed. Did we run these wars backwards and put our own men and woman in undue risks? Think about it! Lets start something then pull resourse out and stsart something else and then go back and finish what we started first? Does this make sence?

Not necessarily. I think most people would agree that the US was right to focus on Germany after Japan attacked us in WW2.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:53 PM
Scientific advance seems to be accelerating, not growing slower.

This would seem to indicate that there remains many new discoveries to be made.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:41 PM
Anything by Isaac Asimov or RA Salvator.

Dragon Lance Chronicles

For fans of recent hard Sci Fi, Ben Bova's tour of the galaxy series.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:27 PM

Science as a religion....I would have a hard time buying that one. As of yet I have not seen anyone building temples to Issac Newton, Einstein or anything else associated to the scientific method.
However do people place more faith in what science reveals rather than religious texts, this is true. It does not mean however that Science in some way has become a diety or God to them.

Just to be difficult, since I do not actually believe this to be true, one could make a claim that our museums are shrines to science.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:20 PM
It is an interesting question. Generally religion involves some sort of worship, and I don't expect there are people who claim to worship science.

Then again the same could be said of money. Generally speaking people do not claim to worship money.

However, if you consider the concept of worshiping false idols, it is not uncommon for people to say that excessive greed makes money a false idol. This creates an opportunity to make a logical claim that people worship money, and thus that some people believe in the religion of money.

The same logic can also be used regarding science.

Based upon this thought process I propose that it is possible that there exists a religion of science.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 05:55 PM
I am not a professional, but from what I have learned over the years, you should probably add a little protein to your diet, and reduce the carbohydrates (don't stop eating fruits and veggies though).

To get a quick increase in muscle size, you should probably focus on a routine with "high weight, low repetitions".

If you do not want to join a gym (and many have advisors that can help show you a routine), doing a variety of different crunches, push ups and pull ups is a decent way to improve strength and definition.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 05:35 PM
After yet another round of debates regarding gay marriage, I can't help but wonder why prop 8 was not a bill to legalize gay civil unions.

For those who don't know, a gay civil union would be a contract giving a gay couple various legal rights that are given to a heterosexual couple when they marry. These rights would include things like the ability to file a joint tax return. The power to approve or deny medical treatment for significant other, and a few other such legal rights.

In fact it would likely be a good idea to also allow heterosexual couples who do not want to get married to enter into such a civil union as well.

If this issue was really about treating gay people in a fair and equal way, then this would be an acceptable solution. The fact that the term marriage (a religious term) must be used gives people a reason to fear that freedom of religion could be infringed upon.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 05:25 PM

I like how some christians seems to have the idea that christianity was always around......nope it wasn't, just like every mythology out there it had a start and will have an end at some point

Biggest difference between christianity and the other mythologies/religions is that its one of the first to force others to follow its teachings before that the other religions were too busy warring with themselves to worry about other nations.

Ancient Egypt was sometimes led by religious leaders who went to war with other nations. During the time of Greek mythology, the Greeks occasionally united by their religion went to war with enemy nations. And this is just two of many examples of religious wars.

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