Terrible two's
Some parents refuse to spank at all. I have no problem with minor spankings whatsoever. I have three nephews and a niece I have babysat for. I also have no problem with slaps on the back of the wrists. Time outs can be very effective with toddlers. Usually a spank is just going to set them off crying. Time outs cause them to focus and use their brains. Its asks for introspection which a toddler is capable of. I'm one not to spank. My stepkids...well my exes kids were not spanked. I don't believe in that either. I was raised that way though. When I heard the belt buckle I tensed up. I stopped getting spanked when I laughed that my Mom broke the yardstick on my rear. |
Terrible two's
Actually as frusterateing as it might be this is an excellent developemental marker. The concept of "No" is starting to catch on to her. A great improvement over demand your needs and letting parents guess which one. She is testing it out to see how it applies to her. Is it something she gets to express and if so where and how. As a parent you have to decide when it does and does not apply to her. Since her further deveopement depends on her external saftey system (following "No" when she hears it) it is a very important concept for her to internalize. It is also important that she learns how it works. Actually it can be a fun game to play together. Children learn thru play best. Try Freeze tag. Simone Says. Mother May I? When she gets the idea lots of hugs and praise. Letting her have turns at telling you "no" in appropriate situations will teach her where it applys to her. If she is useing "no" a lot it may be fatigue during a developemental stage. Terrible two's doesn't just apply with the people who live through it but also the two year old. Excellent. I think I get that. Also, she didn't feel good yesterday and she said it a lot yesterday. Everybody has had such good ideas and suggestions! Thank you! Sometimes I am on a short fuse as well. I have to be careful. This is my one chance I have to do this right. Well...You never know but I think it's my one chance. Thank you everyone |
Terrible two's
You've got to hold your ground. You simply don't give in when she talks to you like that. In what context is she telling you the "NO NO" sassy talk? Is it when you tell her to do something? Well yes, but it seems like her favorite word. |
How strong are your instincts when it comes to relationships? Do you trust them? How often are they right? My gut tells me a lot. (especially when im hungry) I trust them if I'm in my right mind 75% of the time. |
Terrible two's
Although I have seen much much worse in 2 year olds. My dauhgter has been giving me the sassy "NO!" "NO!" You know the tone. I'm a first time father and want and strive to do right by her. At times I have difficulty psychologicly giving the right response back to her as to not be negative about my comment. I keep her on a schedule and give her naps regularly. So it helps the attitude. In search of a few suggestions. Hi. Thank you Beauty for bringing me back down to earth. Ahh the obvious. |
Terrible two's
Although I have seen much much worse in 2 year olds. My dauhgter has been giving me the sassy "NO!" "NO!" You know the tone. I'm a first time father and want and strive to do right by her. At times I have difficulty psychologicly giving the right response back to her as to not be negative about my comment. I keep her on a schedule and give her naps regularly. So it helps the attitude. In search of a few suggestions.
What are the chances?
What are the chances of a rebound blossoming into a strong relationship? Man I think rebound can last for years. I also believe it can fail years later if they haven't healed from who they were rebounding from. |
How do you get someone who's lost trust in you because of a "he said, she said" trust you again? Time and don't do it again. |
Do you?
Do you make time for yourself during the day? What do you do? Park my work vehicle with a good view of the snow-capped peaks, or other viewpoint, and be thankful in my heart for my life. Then, nap. great idea |
what is wrong with people???
People don't start out bad. They become that way by their upbringing. Yes some may be genes. *We fall from grace.* IMO
Do you?
Why is it difficult to put the Mingle down? Should be a post. I get it but don't do it. I have things to do .
Do you?
Do you make time for yourself during the day? What do you do?
What do you do?
What do you do when your friend's girlfriend tells you she's falling for you,and you are falling for her,but for some reason she doesn't break up with him, even though she doesn't like him very much anymore? I don't know what I would do if I had that situation. I do know what I should do. What I would do and should do are 2 different things. I know there are more to fall for than my friends girlfriend and that would be wrong. Should probably walk away for time and keep my distance. |
for the guys
when you're hanging out at a public place with some friends... how do you like to be approached by a female? what are some tips for females that like to take the first step and approach males, instead of waiting to be approached? Just be real, friendly and come up and introduce yourself. Be yourself. |
I ran out of coffee!
Just tell him you want the whole *bucks bag of Sumatra. The good stuff.
I ran out of coffee!
yea, actually he is kinda pervy and he LOVES to talk. He always wants to start a huge conversation about what's going on in the neighborhood. When I first moved in though, I had to be very careful to not be half-clothed anywhere near the windows too. He'd be out watering his lawn, just looking in my window. Creepy old fart! ;) You deserve a cup or wait a pot of coffee for that. (peepn pervy neighbor) |
I ran out of coffee!
I know! It's like I gotta work out, but I gotta go get whole morning's outta wack! ;) Its not that bad. OOO maybe I'll go ask my really old ass neighbor for some. Yeah smile on your face and look pretty and you got yourself a cup o java |
I ran out of coffee!
So i'm annoyed today. Boo! and its a holiday! I hate when I run out of coffee. Especially since I drink it like water. mmm |
Have you ever
My ex was a hard core violent alcoholic, it was his demise, three times through treatment didn't help. He died at the ripe old age of 45 due to alcoholic cardiomyopathy. No one could make him stop. I divorced him when his daughter was 5 so at least she didn't have to watch it first hand. So sad when people won't accept the help that is given them. He missed out on two beautiful grandchildren. Sometimes there is a positive to something like that, to the those who even read that. They realize how grateful they are for taking the help, for not dying, for finally being able to help others, to give a message of recovery, Unfortunately people die in that disease but it helps others to keep them clean and sober. Your in my prayers tonight. For the innocent kids that don't have a say so in the matter. |
Someone to depend on
Why do people love the idea of being independant, but feel better when they have someone to depend on and love? I think it's human nature to want to be with someone. I believe that the times and todays world has made us to want to be more dependant though. |