Updated profile
So... I'm just curious, is my "about me" section to much? I notice people seem to write like, 1 or 2 sentences in the ones that I've seen and that's about it. Then they say, "whatever you want to know, just ask :)" It's a little frustrating. I thought I would try to explain myself and some of my interests in-depth, but I'm worried it might be to much or worded strangely. I dunno, any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. *grins*
I have super high standards when it comes to rating people. Most people get offended by my ratings, so I shall refrain.
My friends used to make fun of me for how much I played video games or knew about video games, but I was proud of it. Then, I dated a girl who knew a bajillion times more than me and I felt like less of a man.
On another note, why is it "hot" when a girl plays video games, but dorky/nerdy/geeky/whateverthehellyouwanttocallit when a guy does? I don't understand. |
Woohoo! Ice, yes, totally. :)
Devil's Night
Yes. It's called Christmas. That's when all the little boys and girls get to open their brand new "G.I. Orator" figures.
| I have to pick between two guys and one girl? Not fair. Definately Babygirl.
Did you follow the recipe? Ya know, sugar and cut it with water and all that? If not, it probably wasn't all that great for you.
There really isn't anything special about it any more, all the good stuff has been taken out, hence it's legalization in the U.S. Still, good stuff when done right. |
I confess, I read this thread against my better judgment. What does that mean? I don't know yet...
Devil's Night
Devil's night originated in Michigan. BURN DETROIT, BURN! Well, that was the idea. Um...horrible stuff, that Devil's night business.