Community > Posts By > Andre2003s

Andre2003s's photo
Thu 01/01/09 10:38 PM
Maybe they were "just not into you" but emotionally available for another person.

Andre2003s's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:03 PM
Also - maybe your profile picture attracts the wrong crowd?

If people mistake your kissing mouth roughly for "free blowj*bs" you will get plenty of responses from people that will try no longer than 3 times to see results. If you leave a blood trail do not be surprised about sharks.

If your profile picture would instead scream "marry me" the few people responding will probably be stalkers and crazy people.

A woman in a pretty dress with some lip gloss leaves a more positive impression with me than just skin and cleavage, but I may not be representative.

Just ideas.

Andre2003s's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:25 PM
I think talking to a guy when going out is BETTER screening than internet dating. Looks and hobbies can be faked easily on the internet, but less so person-to-person. You may be in no better position meeting a internet date than a random stranger in a bar except for spending more time upfront in potentially meaningless facts about that person.

If they disappear after 3 times that is a good thing. Do you REALLY want to know if they can't wait any more for intimacy or if there is something about you making them disappear? Women do that all the time calling that "I do not want to hurt his feelings".

It is not always players that giving up on woman. I was serious about some women and also decided that it is not going anywhere - after only 8 emails both ways: she was basically married to her favorite music band and anyone not being a fan also does not love her enough - just the impression I got.

I would guess that guys would bed 50 out of 100 woman and only marry 1 out of 100, i.e. chances are 50:1 against you or you need to date at least 50 of them to even find 1 serious one.

Andre2003s's photo
Sun 12/28/08 03:52 AM
My guess is "mid life crisis", but I hope I am wrong.
This is when a man starts being worried that his woman is getting too old, e.g. approaching menopause. Men start to look around for younger women causing the mentioned attention deficits as side effect. Intentionally I worded it that way: some studies found out that mid life man married to much younger woman do not get this problem because it is not his own age causing the crisis.

Andre2003s's photo
Sat 12/27/08 03:48 PM
Edited by Andre2003s on Sat 12/27/08 03:56 PM
First there are 3 different kinds of love: lust, attachment and companionship. Most likely you refer to the lust one also known and depicted in movies as the perfect "romantic love".

When a person visually matches your idea of perfect mate it releases body chemicals to get you all gaga and blind to any faults of that person. The body chemicals are similar to hard drugs and also cause similar withdrawal symptoms. This is natures trick to propagate humans without consideration if the couple actually lasts forever. Key phrases: "love at first sight", "crazy about a person", "love blind", "can't live without person x".

Feeling your heart getting ripped out is just a subjective perception. Nobody rips your heart out, but when an person you are not attracted to person rejects you, you could not care less. When a romantic interest does the same to you, you feel like dying. It is all in your head and after 18-36 months romantic love typically fades away. Without other kinds of love creating a bond replacing the initial romance it will not work any more.

Some people become addicted to romance and have to start new relationships continuously to get their fix. Hollywood shows romantic movies to get money out of romance addicts - if reality these movies would be called documentaries. Consider: if it was real and happening all the time, would one have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for actors? Rather you would see happy couples nonstop willing to share their happiness with the rest of the world until we get sick of "I love you so much".

Enjoy that good feeling "being in love" like recreational drugs: be aware of the side effects and expect reality to catch up with you some time.