Community > Posts By > Slimme

Slimme's photo
Tue 01/23/24 11:10 AM
Yeah but aren't those fifteen dollars robots made for kids? The one shown above is for adults, the domestic version of the military kind. The price dropping to a few hundreds in a couple of years, will see a demand for them. Great for those who want a robot dog without feeding it and taking it to the vet but imagine a world surrounded by robotic animals and humans!

Slimme's photo
Sun 01/21/24 05:53 PM
Edited by Slimme on Sun 01/21/24 05:55 PM
"The US was taken off the gold standard back in the 1970s and the dollar is backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States."

I respectfully disagree with you. Once upon a time? Yes. Now? No. For the last couple of years countries holding America debt have been rapidly selling off US treasuries. America debt have become unstainable and expensive. The wings of change have shifted. America printing money like crazy,a debt ridden economy and a weakening dollar, central banks around the world are buying up gold to cushion the fallout for when the dollar will cash. America is following the path of former empires. As for China, fiat back by some gold is still better than fiat back by no gold.

Slimme's photo
Sun 01/21/24 05:22 PM
NATO is readying it's troops for world war 3. The question is are we as citizens ready for it? Have anyone stockpile or are in the process of doing so. Any preppers/survivalists in the house?

Slimme's photo
Sun 01/21/24 11:01 AM
To be or not to be....

Robot dogs can now be brought as digital toys <cough cough> I mean pets for nearly 3000.00. Humanoids humans in the making, robot dogs...what next? Do we really want to live in a future world of cold hard steel all around us devoid of flesh and beautiful nature?

Slimme's photo
Sat 01/20/24 04:26 PM
Many who can are fleeing the States and Canada. Many who migrated (legally) want out. Folks are just not liking the direction their countries are heading by their governments.:thinking:

Slimme's photo
Sat 01/20/24 04:16 PM
"The dollar doesn't depend on other countries using it. The dollar's strength is in the country that issues it--not what other countries trade."

The pound was once the international reserve currency but that dominance ended after WW 2 with the decline of the British Empire but the pound is still issued by Britain today. The strength of a currency depend on both internal and external factors not just in the country that issues it.

Slimme's photo
Sat 01/20/24 03:38 PM
Absolutely :100:. The West is dying and America is leading the way. The article link is just of one many that those in the know understand the true picture of the precarious nature of America financial stability while the powers to be smile and say all is well.

Slimme's photo
Sat 01/20/24 12:07 PM
I post the question Mortman from Texas U S A based on this article.

Slimme's photo
Fri 01/19/24 12:27 PM
The earth heats up and cools down as it was intended by it's Creator during its various cycles. Also since the Industrial Revolution, industrial gases would have affected the atmosphere and the earth around us but not to that great extent. Global warming/climate change is more natural than man made when nature takes it course. However there is money to be made in fear mongering and the properganda in man made global warming. Were we not hearing for the longest time the ice caps will melt by year so and so? If weather modification systems are use criminally then sadly, humans will be fooled to believe that man made global warming is a significant threat and action must be taken now. Like culling cows worldwide and introducing insects to man's diet.

Slimme's photo
Fri 01/19/24 11:54 AM
With a weakening US dollar and nations frustrated holding America debt, countries are seeking alternatives. Is BRICS and it's currency a threat to America financial stability?

Slimme's photo
Fri 01/19/24 11:43 AM
As the dollar continues to weaken and countries are tired holding America debt, nations are looking at other alternatives. Is BRICS and it's currency a threat to America financial stability?

Slimme's photo
Fri 01/19/24 11:31 AM
Hello, seeking genuine friendship with Christian white males. No hooks up. No fetish.

Slimme's photo
Thu 01/18/24 06:08 PM
Seriously? Are u aware that America was respected around the the world under 45th? Are you aware that America is a laughing stock under 46th?Are u aware that under Trump, America was not involved in wars? Are you aware that under 45th, bilateral agreements between Israel and other Arabs states occur, the last such agreement was in 1994 between Israel and Jordan. Everyone is shouting peace, peace in the Middle East and now that progress was made in that area, SILENCE. Just go to show talk is cheap and war is a business. Are you aware that Russia and N. Korea and Arab states respected Trump and there was less conflict in the world? Are you aware that Trump visited North Korea and the Middle East and was given the royal treatment by the Arabs while Biden got a fist bump? Russia and China disdain the Dems and make use of the opportunity when they are in government. Get a well balanced perspective on current events and don't be myopic. Those who can are leaving America and Canada in droves. The Liberals have wreck both countries.

Slimme's photo
Thu 01/18/24 05:33 PM
Yes. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the beginning of the end. World War 3 is sometimes refer to as the Battle of Armageddon mention in the Bible (Revelations). All over the net, the rich are building and buying underground bunkers, preparing for the worse while the uninformed are distracted by entertainment.

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